PTR 2.3 WD
Napsal: 10.07.2015, 11:08 hod.
Je tu Seton s svým PTR okénkem
Zkoušeli jste nové sety? Vaše dojmy a postřehy?
WD jsem na PTR zkoušel opravdu jen chvíly, ale už jsem vytvořil build, který se doufám chytne. Dnes také přišlo info o změnách na Helltoot setu a Arachyr setu, to popíšu pod buildem.
Seton Helltoot Bears (PTR version): ... ooth-bears
Tady je build, psal jsem to anglicky, protože je to na .com stránkách, ale není to těžká angličtina. Kdyby něco, hoďte dotaz, zodpovím .
Chystané změny na setech a nové zbraně:
Spirit of Arachyr
6pc bonus
Creature skills now include Locust Swarm.Damage bonus has been increased from 500% to 800%.
Helltooth Harness
2pc bonus
Grasp of the Dead now also applies Necrosis.Necrosis now increases damage taken from all sources by 15% but the damage over time has been reduced to 1000% per second. This shifts some of the damage off relying on Wall of Death hitting as well as provides some group benefit.6pc bonus
The damage bonus has been moved from requiring Necrosis on the enemy to be a self-buff on you. The bonus currently reads "After casting Wall of Death, you gain 300% increased damage to your primary skills, Acid Cloud, Firebats, Zombie Charger, Grasp of the Dead, Piranhas, and Wall of Death for 10 seconds. This effect stacks up to 3 times." Casting Wall of Death refreshes the duration of all existing stacks of this buff on you.
1H Spear
Reduces the Mana cost of Zombie Charger by 30-40%.
Rolls with +25-30% Zombie Charger damage.
2H Staff
Acid Cloud gains the effect of the Lob Blob Bomb rune.
Rolls with +30-40% Acid Cloud damage.
Tyto změny beru všema deseti , vypadá to dobře
Chtěl bych později něco vytvořit s Chicken buildem (Manajuma set), mohla by to být hodně sranda, třeba na farmu T10
Je tu Seton s svým PTR okénkem
Zkoušeli jste nové sety? Vaše dojmy a postřehy?
WD jsem na PTR zkoušel opravdu jen chvíly, ale už jsem vytvořil build, který se doufám chytne. Dnes také přišlo info o změnách na Helltoot setu a Arachyr setu, to popíšu pod buildem.
Seton Helltoot Bears (PTR version): ... ooth-bears
Tady je build, psal jsem to anglicky, protože je to na .com stránkách, ale není to těžká angličtina. Kdyby něco, hoďte dotaz, zodpovím .
Chystané změny na setech a nové zbraně:
Spirit of Arachyr
6pc bonus
Creature skills now include Locust Swarm.Damage bonus has been increased from 500% to 800%.
Helltooth Harness
2pc bonus
Grasp of the Dead now also applies Necrosis.Necrosis now increases damage taken from all sources by 15% but the damage over time has been reduced to 1000% per second. This shifts some of the damage off relying on Wall of Death hitting as well as provides some group benefit.6pc bonus
The damage bonus has been moved from requiring Necrosis on the enemy to be a self-buff on you. The bonus currently reads "After casting Wall of Death, you gain 300% increased damage to your primary skills, Acid Cloud, Firebats, Zombie Charger, Grasp of the Dead, Piranhas, and Wall of Death for 10 seconds. This effect stacks up to 3 times." Casting Wall of Death refreshes the duration of all existing stacks of this buff on you.
1H Spear
Reduces the Mana cost of Zombie Charger by 30-40%.
Rolls with +25-30% Zombie Charger damage.
2H Staff
Acid Cloud gains the effect of the Lob Blob Bomb rune.
Rolls with +30-40% Acid Cloud damage.
Tyto změny beru všema deseti , vypadá to dobře
Chtěl bych později něco vytvořit s Chicken buildem (Manajuma set), mohla by to být hodně sranda, třeba na farmu T10