Tak jsem konečně dokončil slibovaný převod z tabulkové formy od DD na text zde na forum. Je to upravený excelový soubor který DD všem posílal. Upravený je pouze druhý list tabulky kam se převádí všechny nálezy z listu 1 na takovou formu aby se to na foru zobrazilo jak jsme zvyklý. Pokud jde o barvy, je mi líto ale musí být ty co jsem tam už dal Unikáty jsou zlaté, sety zelené, runy červené. + finálové skóre má ještě barvu.
Mělo by to být vše v pořádku ale je možné že se najdou nějaké chyby tak kdyžtak napište. Buď je možné použít mnou upravenou tabulku a nálezy si tam znovu vypsat(ty body) nebo jen zkopírovat list č. 2 do vaší tabulky. Já to zkoušel a mělo by to tak fungovat. Každopádně si tu vaši původní raději zálohujte.
Pokud tedy budete chtít převést Vaše body do přehledu na forum, postup je následující.
1)Otevřít bodovací tabulku a přejít na list č. 2
4)Na foru ve vašem příspěvku smazat vše původní(opět raději doporučuji text někam zálohovat) kromě toho počátečního koho hrajete atd a na další čistou řádku CTRL+V a mělo by to vypadat viz níže.
5) Všechny názvy jsem ručně přepisoval a každá buňka má vzorec typu "=KDYŽ(List1!K42=1;"[color=#-BF8000]Felloak[/color] -";"Felloak -") " takže se chyby vyskytovat mohou, protože už jsem neměl sílu to vše buňku po buňce kontrolovat ( celá ráce na tom mi trvala tak cca 8 hodin , možná byl nějaký způsob jak to udělat rychleji, ale nejsem žádný excel guru )
6) Tady je odkaz na leteckou poštu ke stažení tabulky http://leteckaposta.cz/230837791
Unique Items:
The Gnasher - Deathspade - Bladebone - Skull Splitter - Rakescar - Axe of Fechmar - Goreshovel - The Chieftain - Brainhew - Humongous
Coldkill - Butcher's Pupil - Islestrike - Pompeii's Wrath - Guardian Naga - Warlord's Trust - Spellsteel - Stormrider- Boneslayer Blade - The Minotaur
Razor's Edge - Rune Master - Cranebeak - Death Cleaver - Ethereal Edge - Hellslayer - Messerschmidt's Reaver - Executioner's Justice
Rixot's Keen - Blood Crescent - Skewer of Krintiz - Gleamscythe - Griswold's Edge - Hellplague - Culwen's Point - Shadowfang - Soulflay - Kinemil's Awl - Blacktongue - Ripsaw - The Patriarch
Bloodletter - Coldsteel Eye - Hexfire - Blade Of Ali Baba - Ginther's Rift - Headstriker - Plague Bearer - The Atlantean - Crainte Vomir - Bing Sz Wang - The Vile Husk - Cloudcrack - Todesfaelle Flamme - Swordguard
Djinn Slayer - Bloodmoon - Lightsabre - Azurewrath - Frostwind - Flamebellow - Doombringer - The Grandfather
Felloak - Stoutnail - Crushflange - Bloodrise - The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Ironstone - Bonesnap - Steeldriver
Dark Clan Crusher - Fleshrender - Sureshrill Frost - Moonfall - Baezil's Vortex - Earthshaker - Bloodtree Stump - The Gavel Of Pain
Nord's Tenderizer - Demon Limb - Baranar's Star - Horizon's Tornado - Stormlash - Stone Crusher - Schaefer's Hammer - Windhammer Earth Shifter - The Cranium Basher -
Pluckeye - Witherstring - Raven Claw - Rogue's Bow - Stormstrike - Wizendraw - Hellclap - Blastbark
Skystrike - Riphook - Kuko Shakaku - Endlesshail - Witchwild String - Cliffkiller - Magewrath - Goldstrike Arch
Eaglehorn - Widowmaker - Windforce
Leadcrow - Ichorsting - Hellcast - Doomslinger
Langer Briser - Pus Spitter - Buriza-Do Kyanon - Demon Machine
Hellrack - Gut Siphon
Dimoak's Hew - Steelgoad - Soul Harvest - The Battlebranch - Woestave - The Grim Reaper
The Meat Scraper - Blackleach Blade - Athena's Wrath - Pierre Tombale Couant - Husoldal Evo - Grim's Burning Dead
Bonehew - The Reaper's Toll - Tomb Reaver - Stormspire
The Dragon Chang - Razortine - Bloodthief - Lance of Yaggai - The Tannr Gorerod
The Impaler - Kelpie Snare - Soulfeast Tine - Hone Sundan - Spire of Honor
Arioc's Needle - Viperfork - Steel Pillar
Gull - The Diggler - The Jade Tan Do - Spectral Shard
Spineripper - Heart Carver - Blackbog's Sharp - Stormspike
Wizardspike - Fleshripper - Ghostflame
Knell Striker - Rusthandle - Stormeye
Zakarum's Hand - The Fetid Sprinkler - Hand of Blessed Light
Heaven's Light - The Redeemer - Astreon's Iron Ward
Bane Ash - Serpent Lord - Spire of Lazarus - The Salamander - The Iron Jang Bong
Razorswitch - Ribcracker - Chromatic Ire - Warpspear - Skull Collector
Ondal's Wisdom - Mang Song's Lesson
Torch of Iro - Maelstrom - Gravenspine - Ume's Lament
Suicide Branch - Carin Shard - Arm of King Leoric - Blackhand Key -
Boneshade - Death's Web
Throwing weapons:
Deathbit - The Scalper
Warshrike - Gimmershred - Lacerator
Demon's Arch - Wraith Flight - Gargoyle's Bite
Greyform - Blinkbat's Form - The Centurion - Twitchthroe - Darkglow - Hawkmail - Venom Ward - Sparking Mail - Iceblink - Heavenly Garb - Boneflesh - Rockfleece - Rattlecage - Goldskin - Silks of the Victory
The Spirit Shroud - Skin of the Vipermagi - Skin of the Flayed One - Iron Pelt - Crow Caw - Spirit Forge - Duriel's Shell - Shaftstop - Skullder's Ire - Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Toothrow - Guardian Angel - Atma's Wail - Black Hades - Corpsemourn
Ormus' Robes - The Gladiator's Bane - Arkaine's Valor - Leviathan - Steel Carapace - Templar's Might - Tyrael's Might
Pelta Lunata - Umbral Disk - Stormguild - Steelclash - Swordback Hold - Bverrit Keep - Wall of the Eyeless - The Ward
Visceratuant - Moser's Blessed Circle - Stormchaser - Tiamat's Rebuke - Lance Guard - Gerke's Sanctuary - Lidless Wall - Radament's Sphere
Blackoak Shield - Stormshield - Spike Thorn - Medusa's Gaze - Head Hunter's Glory - Spirit Ward
Biggin's Bonnet - Tarnhelm - Coif of Glory - Duskdeep - Howltusk - The Face of Horror - Undead Crown - Wormskull
Peasant Crown - Rockstopper - Stealskull - Darksight Helm - Valkyrie Wing - Blackhorn's Face - Crown of Thieves - Vampire Gaze
Harlequin Crest - Steel Shade - Veil of Steel - Nightwing's Veil - Andariel's Visage - Crown of Ages - Giant Skull
Lenymo - Snakecord - Nightsmoke - Goldwrap - Bladebuckle
String of Ears - Razortail - Gloom's Trap - Snowclash - Thundergod's Vigor
Arachnid Mesh - Nosferatu's Coil - Verdungo's Hearty Cord
Hotspur - Gorefoot - Treads of Cthon - Goblin Toe - Tearhaunch
Infernostride - Waterwalk - Silkweave - War Traveler - Gore Rider
Sandstorm Trek - Marrowwalk - Shadow Dancer
The Hand of Broc - Bloodfist - Chance Guards - Magefist - Frostburn
Venom Grip - Gravepalm - Ghoulhide - Lava Gout - Hellmouth
Dracul's Grasp - Soul Drainer - Steelrend
Amazon: Stoneraven - Lycander's Flank - Titan's Revenge - Thunderstroke - Lycander's Aim - Blood Raven's Charge
Assassin: Shadow Killer - Bartuc's Cut-Throat - Jade Talon - Firelizard's Talons
Necromancer: Homunculus - Darkforce Spawn - Boneflame
Barbarian: Arreat's Face - Wolfhowl - Demonhorn's Edge - Halaberd's Reign
Sorceress: The Oculus - Eschuta's Temper - Death's Fathom
Druid: Jalal's Mane - Cerebus' Bite - Ravenlore - Spirit Keeper
Paladin: Alma Negra - Herald Of Zakarum - Dragonscale
Nagelring - Manald Heal - Stone of Jordan - Dwarf Star - Raven Frost - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Carrion Wind - Nature's Peace - Wisp Projector
Nokozan Relic - The Eye of Etlich - The Mahim-Oak Curio - Saracen's Chance - The Cat's Eye - Crescent Moon - Atma's Scarab - The Rising Sun - Highlord's Wrath - Mara's Kaleidoscope - Seraph's Hymn - Metalgrid
Kira's Guardian - Griffon's Eye
Rainbow Facet (Blaze) - Rainbow Facet (Frost Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Venom) - Rainbow Facet (Meteor) - Rainbow Facet (Blizzard) - Rainbow Facet (Chain Lightning) - Rainbow Facet (Poison Nova)
Annihilus - Gheed's Fortune - Hellfire Torch
Set Items:
Angelic Mantle - Angelic Sickle - Angelic Halo - Angelic Wings
Arcanna's Head - Arcanna's Flesh - Arcanna's Deathwand - Arcanna's Sign
Arctic Furs - Arctic Binding - Arctic Mitts - Arctic Horn
Berserker's Headgear - Berserker's Hauberk - Berserker's Hatchet
Cathan's Visage - Cathan's Mesh - Cathan's Rule - Cathan's Sigil Cathan's Seal -
Civerb's Cudgel - Civerb's Icon - Civerb's Ward
Cleglaw's Tooth - Cleglaw's Pincers - Cleglaw's Claw
Death's Touch - Death's Hand - Death's Guard
Hsarus' Iron Fist - Hsarus' Iron Stay - Hsarus' Iron Heel
Infernal Cranium - Infernal Sign - Infernal Torch
Iratha's Coil - Iratha's Collar - Iratha's Cord - Iratha's Cuff
Isenhart's Lightbrand - Isenhart's Horns - Isenhart's Case - Isenhart's Parry
Milabrega's Diadem - Milabrega's Robe - Milabrega's Orb - Milabrega's Rod
Sigon's Visor - Sigon's Shelter - Sigon's Sabot - Sigon's Guard - Sigon's Wrap - Sigon's Gage
Tancred's Skull - Tancred's Spine - Tancred's Hobnails - Tancred's Crowbill - Tancred's Weird
Vidala's Barb - Vidala's Ambush - Vidala's Fetlock - Vidala's Snare
Aldur's Stony Gaze - Aldur's Advance - Aldur's Deception - Aldur's Rhythm
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
Cow King's Horns - Cow King's Hide - Cow King's Hooves
Griswold's Heart - Griswold's Valor - Griswold's Redemption - Griswold's Honor
Haemosu's Adamant - Dangoon's Teaching - Taebaek's Glory - Ondal's Almighty
Hwanin's Splendor - Hwanin's Justice - Hwanin's Refuge - Hwanin's Blessing
Immortal King's Will - Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Immortal King's Soul Cage - Immortal King's Detail - Immortal King's Forge - Immortal King's Pillar
M'avina's True Sight - M'avina's Caster - M'avina's Embrace - M'avina's Icy Clutch - M'avina's Tenet
Naj's Circlet - Naj's Light Plate - Naj's Puzzler
Natalya's Totem - Natalya's Mark - Natalya's Shadow - Natalya's Soul
Guillaume's Face - Whitstan's Guard - Magnus' Skin - Wilhelm's Pride
Sander's Paragon - Sander's Superstition - Sander's Taboo - Sander's Riprap
Sazabi's Mental Sheath - Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Tal Rasha's Guardianship - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Telling of Beads - Laying of Hand - Dark Adherent - Rite of Passage - Credendum
Trang-Oul's Guise - Trang-Oul's Scales - Trang-Oul's Wing - Trang-Oul's Girth - Trang-Oul's Claws
El - Eld - Tir - Nef - Eth - Ith - Tal - Ral - Ort - Thul - Amn - Sol - Shael - Dol - Hel - Io - Lum - Ko - Fal - Lem - Pul - Um - Mal - Ist - Gul - Vex - Ohm - Lo - Sur - Ber - Jah - Cham - Zod
Celkový počet bodů: 0
MF turnaj vol.7 - tabulka pro převod na forum
Re: MF turnaj vol.7 - tabulka pro převod na forum
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