MF turnaj vol. 10 - výsledky


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MF turnaj vol. 10 - výsledky

Příspěvek od Dark_Deamon » 25.12.2019, 11:58 hod.

Prosil bych, aby si zde každý založil jeden příspěvěk, ve kterém bude zaznamenávat své nálezy (tabulka každému odeslána přes PM). Nikoho nenutím, aby tabulku den co den aktualizoval, ale třeba 1x týdně by bylo fajn. Jako diskutující téma bude dál sloužit toto vlákno. Sem prosím kromě score příspěvku nic nepiště. Děkuji.

Build: Frost Nova / Energy Shield
Styl hry: HC
RIP: 1x
Lifetime: 41h 4m
Experience: 1.176 M
Album fotek

Kód: Vybrat vše

 # Nickname            Build           SC/HC   Score
 1.RIP             Poison Necromancer   HC     1065
 2.Crec            Lightning Sorceress  HC     1040
 3.Rattus          Cold/Fire Amazon     HC      989
 4.dawemorraless   Trap Assassin        HC      977
 5.Sajs            Bone Necromancer     SC      672
 6.TeS             Wind Druid           HC      579
 7.Dark_Deamon     FN/ES Sorceress      HC      566
 8.Kisuvka         Javazon              HC      560
 9.lukesss         Blizzard Sorceress   SC      545
10.Maarshjaz       Cold/Fire Amazon     HC      490
11.Slw             Javazon              HC      490
12.Abuzus          Sumon Necromancer    HC      203
13.Javurek         Berserk Barbarian    HC      202
14.Tomovous        Trap Assassin        HC      193
15.Pietro          WC Barbarian         HC      102
16.Fraxinus        Frost Nova Sorceress HC       70
17.Dragonius       Hammerdin            SC       63
18.Dubs            Bowazon              SC       56
19.Mia             Javazon              SC       51
20.alesh88         Fury Druid           HC       42
21.Smilee          Berserk Barbarian    HC       15

Kód: Vybrat vše

 #          Team               Score
 1.Dark_Deamon + dawemorraless 1543
 2.RIP + Dubs                  1121
 3.Fraxinus + Rattus           1059
 4.Maarshjaz + Kisuvka         1050
 5.Crec + Obter!vr             1040
 7.Javurek + TeS                781
 6.Sajs + Pietro                774
 8.lukesss + alesh88            587
 9.Slw + Secondface             490
10.Deathmerse + Abuzus          203
11.Neposunuse + Tomovous        193
12.shakyn + Dragonius            63
13.Mia + ...                     51
14.Baaza21 + Smilee              15

Kód: Vybrat vše

 # Nickname           Build            SC/HC Level Experience
 1.RIP            Poison Necromancer    HC     94    2.315
 2.dawemorraless  Trap Assassin         HC     94
 3.Rattus         Cold/Fire Amazon      HC     93    2.266
 4.Slw            Javazon               HC     89    1.600
 5.Sajs           Bone Necromancer      SC     89    1.545
 6.Dark_Deamon    FN/ES Sroceress       HC     86    1.176
 7.TeS            Wind Druid            HC     85
 8.lukesss        Blizzard Sorceress    SC     84      984
 9.Javurek        Berserk Barbarian     HC     84
10.Tomovous       Trap Assassin         HC     74
11.Pietro         WC Barbarian          HC     69      266
12.Dubs           Bowazon               SC     62
15.Mia            Javazon               SC     59
14.Dragonius      Hammerdin             SC     58

Kód: Vybrat vše

Aktualizováno: 9.února 2020
Odehráno dnů: 46/46 (100%)
Unique Items:

The Gnasher - Deathspade - Bladebone - Skull Splitter - Rakescar - Axe of Fechmar - Goreshovel - The Chieftain - Brainhew - Humongous
Coldkill - Butcher's Pupil - Islestrike - Pompeii's Wrath - Guardian Naga - Warlord's Trust - Spellsteel - Stormrider - Boneslayer Blade - The Minotaur
Razor's Edge - Rune Master - Cranebeak - Death Cleaver - Ethereal Edge - Hellslayer - Messerschmidt's Reaver - Executioner's Justice

Rixot's Keen - Blood Crescent - Skewer of Krintiz - Gleamscythe - Griswold's Edge - Hellplague - Culwen's Point - Shadowfang - Soulflay - Kinemil's Awl - Blacktongue - Ripsaw - The Patriarch
Bloodletter - Coldsteel Eye - Hexfire - Blade Of Ali Baba - Ginther's Rift - Headstriker - Plague Bearer - The Atlantean - Crainte Vomir - Bing Sz Wang - The Vile Husk - Cloudcrack - Todesfaelle Flamme - Swordguard
Djinn Slayer - Bloodmoon - Lightsabre - Azurewrath - Frostwind - Flamebellow - Doombringer - The Grandfather

Felloak - Stoutnail - Crushflange - Bloodrise - The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Ironstone - Bonesnap - Steeldriver
Dark Clan Crusher - Fleshrender - Sureshrill Frost - Moonfall - Baezil's Vortex - Earthshaker - Bloodtree Stump - The Gavel Of Pain
Nord's Tenderizer - Demon Limb - Baranar's Star - Horizon's Tornado - Stormlash - Stone Crusher - Schaefer's Hammer - Windhammer - Earth Shifter - The Cranium Basher

Pluckeye - Witherstring - Raven Claw - Rogue's Bow - Stormstrike - Wizendraw - Hellclap - Blastbark
Skystrike - Riphook - Kuko Shakaku - Endlesshail - Witchwild String - Cliffkiller - Magewrath - Goldstrike Arch
Eaglehorn - Widowmaker - Windforce

Leadcrow - Ichorsting - Hellcast - Doomslinger
Langer Briser - Pus Spitter - Buriza-Do Kyanon - Demon Machine
Hellrack - Gut Siphon

Dimoak's Hew - Steelgoad - Soul Harvest - The Battlebranch - Woestave - The Grim Reaper
The Meat Scraper - Blackleach Blade - Athena's Wrath - Pierre Tombale Couant - Husoldal Evo - Grim's Burning Dead
Bonehew - The Reaper's Toll - Tomb Reaver - Stormspire

The Dragon Chang - Razortine - Bloodthief - Lance of Yaggai - The Tannr Gorerod
The Impaler - Kelpie Snare - Soulfeast Tine - Hone Sundan - Spire of Honor
Arioc's Needle - Viperfork - Steel Pillar

Gull - The Diggler - The Jade Tan Do - Spectral Shard
Spineripper - Heart Carver - Blackbog's Sharp - Stormspike
Wizardspike - Fleshripper - Ghostflame

Knell Striker - Rusthandle - Stormeye
Zakarum's Hand - The Fetid Sprinkler - Hand of Blessed Light
Heaven's Light - The Redeemer - Astreon's Iron Ward

Bane Ash - Serpent Lord - Spire of Lazarus - The Salamander - The Iron Jang Bong
Razorswitch - Ribcracker - Chromatic Ire - Warpspear - Skull Collector
Ondal's Wisdom - Mang Song's Lesson

Torch of Iro - Maelstrom - Gravenspine - Ume's Lament
Suicide Branch - Carin Shard - Arm of King Leoric - Blackhand Key
Boneshade - Death's Web

Throwing Weapons:
Deathbit - The Scalper
Warshrike - Gimmershred - Lacerator

Demon's Arch - Wraith Flight - Gargoyle's Bite

Greyform - Blinkbat's Form - The Centurion - Twitchthroe - Darkglow - Hawkmail - Venom Ward - Sparking Mail - Iceblink - Heavenly Garb - Boneflesh - Rockfleece - Rattlecage - Goldskin - Silks of the Victor
The Spirit Shroud - Skin of the Vipermagi - Skin of the Flayed One - Iron Pelt - Crow Caw - Spirit Forge - Duriel's Shell - Shaftstop - Skullder's Ire - Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Toothrow - Guardian Angel - Atma's Wail - Black Hades - Corpsemourn
Ormus' Robes - The Gladiator's Bane - Arkaine's Valor - Leviathan - Steel Carapace - Templar's Might - Tyrael's Might

Pelta Lunata - Umbral Disk - Stormguild - Steelclash - Swordback Hold - Bverrit Keep - Wall of the Eyeless - The Ward
Visceratuant - Moser's Blessed Circle - Stormchaser - Tiamat's Rebuke - Lance Guard - Gerke's Sanctuary - Lidless Wall - Radament's Sphere
Blackoak Shield - Stormshield - Spike Thorn - Medusa's Gaze - Head Hunter's Glory - Spirit Ward

Biggin's Bonnet - Tarnhelm - Coif of Glory - Duskdeep - Howltusk - The Face of Horror - Undead Crown - Wormskull
Peasant Crown - Rockstopper - Stealskull - Darksight Helm - Valkyrie Wing - Blackhorn's Face - Crown of Thieves - Vampire Gaze
Harlequin Crest - Steel Shade - Veil of Steel - Nightwing's Veil - Andariel's Visage - Crown of Ages - Giant Skull

Lenymo - Snakecord - Nightsmoke - Goldwrap - Bladebuckle
String of Ears - Razortail - Gloom's Trap - Snowclash - Thundergod's Vigor
Arachnid Mesh - Nosferatu's Coil - Verdungo's Hearty Cord

Hotspur - Gorefoot - Treads of Cthon - Goblin Toe - Tearhaunch
Infernostride - Waterwalk - Silkweave - War Traveler - Gore Rider
Sandstorm Trek - Marrowwalk - Shadow Dancer

The Hand of Broc - Bloodfist - Chance Guards - Magefist - Frostburn
Venom Grip - Gravepalm - Ghoulhide - Lava Gout - Hellmouth
Dracul's Grasp - Soul Drainer - Steelrend

Amazon: Stoneraven - Lycander's Flank - Titan's Revenge - Thunderstroke - Lycander's Aim - Blood Raven's Charge
Assassin: Shadow Killer - Bartuc's Cut-Throat - Jade Talon - Firelizard's Talons
Barbarian: Arreat's Face - Wolfhowl - Demonhorn's Edge - Halaberd's Reign
Sorceress: The Oculus - Eschuta's Temper - Death's Fathom
Druid: Jalal's Mane - Cerebus' Bite - Ravenlore - Spirit Keeper
Necromancer: Homunculus - Darkforce Spawn - Boneflame
Paladin: Alma Negra - Herald Of Zakarum - Dragonscale

Nagelring - Manald Heal - Stone of Jordan - Dwarf Star - Raven Frost - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Carrion Wind - Nature's Peace - Wisp Projector

Nokozan Relic - The Eye of Etlich - The Mahim-Oak Curio - Saracen's Chance - The Cat's Eye - Crescent Moon - Atma's Scarab - The Rising Sun - Highlord's Wrath - Mara's Kaleidoscope - Seraph's Hymn - Metalgrid

Kira's Guardian - Griffon's Eye

Rainbow Facet (Bl) - Rainbow Facet (FN) - Rainbow Facet (N) - Rainbow Facet (V) - Rainbow Facet (M) - Rainbow Facet (B) - Rainbow Facet (CL) - Rainbow Facet (PN)

Gheed's Fortune - Annihilus - Hellfire Torch

Set Items:

Angelic Mantle - Angelic Sickle - Angelic Halo - Angelic Wings
Arcanna's Head - Arcanna's Flesh - Arcanna's Deathwand - Arcanna's Sign
Arctic Furs - Arctic Binding - Arctic Mitts - Arctic Horn
Berserker's Headgear - Berserker's Hauberk - Berserker's Hatchet
Cathan's Visage - Cathan's Mesh - Cathan's Rule - Cathan's Sigil - Cathan's Seal
Civerb's Cudgel - Civerb's Icon - Civerb's Ward
Cleglaw's Tooth - Cleglaw's Pincers - Cleglaw's Claw
Death's Touch - Death's Hand - Death's Guard
Hsarus' Iron Fist - Hsarus' Iron Stay - Hsarus' Iron Heel
Infernal Cranium - Infernal Sign - Infernal Torch
Iratha's Coil - Iratha's Collar - Iratha's Cord - Iratha's Cuff
Isenhart's Lightbrand - Isenhart's Horns - Isenhart's Case - Isenhart's Parry
Milabrega's Diadem - Milabrega's Robe - Milabrega's Orb - Milabrega's Rod
Sigon's Visor - Sigon's Shelter - Sigon's Sabot - Sigon's Guard - Sigon's Wrap - Sigon's Gage
Tancred's Skull - Tancred's Spine - Tancred's Hobnails - Tancred's Crowbill - Tancred's Weird
Vidala's Barb - Vidala's Ambush - Vidala's Fetlock - Vidala's Snare

Aldur's Stony Gaze - Aldur's Advance - Aldur's Deception - Aldur's Rhythm
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
Cow King's Horns - Cow King's Hide - Cow King's Hooves
Griswold's Heart - Griswold's Valor - Griswold's Redemption - Griswold's Honor
Haemosu's Adamant - Dangoon's Teaching - Taebaek's Glory - Ondal's Almighty
Hwanin's Splendor - Hwanin's Justice - Hwanin's Refuge - Hwanin's Blessing
Immortal King's Will - Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Immortal King's Soul Cage - Immortal King's Detail - Immortal King's Forge - Immortal King's Pillar
M'avina's True Sight - M'avina's Caster - M'avina's Embrace - M'avina's Icy Clutch - M'avina's Tenet
Naj's Circlet - Naj's Light Plate - Naj's Puzzler
Natalya's Totem - Natalya's Mark - Natalya's Shadow - Natalya's Soul
Guillaume's Face - Whitstan's Guard - Magnus' Skin - Wilhelm's Pride
Sazabi's Mental Sheath - Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Tal Rasha's Guardianship - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Sander's Paragon - Sander's Superstition - Sander's Taboo - Sander's Riprap
Telling of Beads - Laying of Hands - Dark Adherent - Rite of Passage - Credendum
Trang-Oul's Guise - Trang-Oul's Scales - Trang-Oul's Wing - Trang-Oul's Girth - Trang-Oul's Claws


El - Eld - Tir - Nef - Eth - Ith - Tal - Ral - Ort - Thul - Amn - Sol
Shael - Dol - Hel - Io - Lum - Ko - Fal - Lem - Pul - Um
Mal - Ist - Gul - Vex - Ohm - Lo - Sur - Ber - Jah - Cham - Zod

Celkový počet bodů: 566

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Re: MF turnaj vol. 10 - výsledky

Příspěvek od Deathmerse » 25.12.2019, 12:00 hod.

Char: Druid
Build: WindLord
Style: HardCore
Level: 80
Progress: ACT 3. Hell

Magic Find: 171%

*kolikrát jsem měl na mále, nebudu ani počítat....zakempeno v Tunelech na Hell, občas LK/Countessa*

Unique Items:
The Gnasher - Deathspade - Bladebone - Skull Splitter - Rakescar - Axe of Fechmar - Goreshovel - The Chieftain - Brainhew - Humongous
Coldkill - Butcher's Pupil - Islestrike - Pompeii's Wrath - Guardian Naga - Warlord's Trust - Spellsteel - Stormrider- Boneslayer Blade - The Minotaur
Razor's Edge - Rune Master - Cranebeak - Death Cleaver - Ethereal Edge - Hellslayer - Messerschmidt's Reaver - Executioner's Justice

Rixot's Keen - Blood Crescent - Skewer of Krintiz - Gleamscythe - Griswold's Edge - Hellplague - Culwen's Point - Shadowfang - Soulflay - Kinemil's Awl - Blacktongue - Ripsaw - The Patriarch
Bloodletter - Coldsteel Eye - Hexfire - Blade Of Ali Baba - Ginther's Rift - Headstriker - Plague Bearer - The Atlantean - Crainte Vomir - Bing Sz Wang - The Vile Husk - Cloudcrack - Todesfaelle Flamme - Swordguard
Djinn Slayer - Bloodmoon - Lightsabre - Azurewrath - Frostwind - Flamebellow - Doombringer - The Grandfather

Felloak - Stoutnail - Crushflange - Bloodrise - The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Ironstone - Bonesnap - Steeldriver
Dark Clan Crusher - Fleshrender - Sureshrill Frost - Moonfall - Baezil's Vortex - Earthshaker - Bloodtree Stump - The Gavel Of Pain
Nord's Tenderizer - Demon Limb - Baranar's Star - Horizon's Tornado - Stormlash - Stone Crusher - Schaefer's Hammer - Windhammer Earth Shifter - The Cranium Basher -

Pluckeye - Witherstring - Raven Claw - Rogue's Bow - Stormstrike - Wizendraw - Hellclap - Blastbark
Skystrike - Riphook - Kuko Shakaku - Endlesshail - Witchwild String - Cliffkiller - Magewrath - Goldstrike Arch
Eaglehorn - Widowmaker - Windforce

Leadcrow - Ichorsting - Hellcast - Doomslinger
Langer Briser - Pus Spitter - Buriza-Do Kyanon - Demon Machine
Hellrack - Gut Siphon

Dimoak's Hew - Steelgoad - Soul Harvest - The Battlebranch - Woestave - The Grim Reaper
The Meat Scraper - Blackleach Blade - Athena's Wrath - Pierre Tombale Couant - Husoldal Evo - Grim's Burning Dead
Bonehew - The Reaper's Toll - Tomb Reaver - Stormspire

The Dragon Chang - Razortine - Bloodthief - Lance of Yaggai - The Tannr Gorerod
The Impaler - Kelpie Snare - Soulfeast Tine - Hone Sundan - Spire of Honor
Arioc's Needle - Viperfork - Steel Pillar

Gull - The Diggler - The Jade Tan Do - Spectral Shard
Spineripper - Heart Carver - Blackbog's Sharp - Stormspike
Wizardspike - Fleshripper - Ghostflame

Knell Striker - Rusthandle - Stormeye
Zakarum's Hand - The Fetid Sprinkler - Hand of Blessed Light
Heaven's Light - The Redeemer - Astreon's Iron Ward

Bane Ash - Serpent Lord - Spire of Lazarus - The Salamander - The Iron Jang Bong
Razorswitch - Ribcracker - Chromatic Ire - Warpspear - Skull Collector
Ondal's Wisdom - Mang Song's Lesson

Torch of Iro - Maelstrom - Gravenspine - Ume's Lament
Suicide Branch - Carin Shard - Arm of King Leoric - Blackhand Key -
Boneshade - Death's Web

Throwing weapons:
Deathbit - The Scalper
Warshrike - Gimmershred - Lacerator

Demon's Arch - Wraith Flight - Gargoyle's Bite

Greyform - Blinkbat's Form - The Centurion - Twitchthroe - Darkglow - Hawkmail - Venom Ward - Sparking Mail - Iceblink - Heavenly Garb - Boneflesh - Rockfleece - Rattlecage - Goldskin - Silks of the Victory
The Spirit Shroud - Skin of the Vipermagi - Skin of the Flayed One - Iron Pelt - Crow Caw - Spirit Forge - Duriel's Shell - Shaftstop - Skullder's Ire - Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Toothrow - Guardian Angel - Atma's Wail - Black Hades - Corpsemourn
Ormus' Robes - The Gladiator's Bane - Arkaine's Valor - Leviathan - Steel Carapace - Templar's Might - Tyrael's Might

Pelta Lunata - Umbral Disk - Stormguild - Steelclash - Swordback Hold - Bverrit Keep - Wall of the Eyeless - The Ward
Visceratuant - Moser's Blessed Circle - Stormchaser - Tiamat's Rebuke - Lance Guard - Gerke's Sanctuary - Lidless Wall - Radament's Sphere
Blackoak Shield - Stormshield - Spike Thorn - Medusa's Gaze - Head Hunter's Glory - Spirit Ward

Biggin's Bonnet - Tarnhelm - Coif of Glory - Duskdeep - Howltusk - The Face of Horror - Undead Crown - Wormskull
Peasant Crown - Rockstopper - Stealskull - Darksight Helm - Valkyrie Wing - Blackhorn's Face - Crown of Thieves - Vampire Gaze
Harlequin Crest - Steel Shade - Veil of Steel - Nightwing's Veil - Andariel's Visage - Crown of Ages - Giant Skull

Lenymo - Snakecord - Nightsmoke - Goldwrap - Bladebuckle
String of Ears - Razortail - Gloom's Trap - Snowclash - Thundergod's Vigor
Arachnid Mesh - Nosferatu's Coil - Verdungo's Hearty Cord

Hotspur - Gorefoot - Treads of Cthon - Goblin Toe - Tearhaunch
Infernostride - Waterwalk - Silkweave - War Traveler - Gore Rider
Sandstorm Trek - Marrowwalk - Shadow Dancer

The Hand of Broc - Bloodfist - Chance Guards - Magefist - Frostburn
Venom Grip - Gravepalm - Ghoulhide - Lava Gout - Hellmouth
Dracul's Grasp - Soul Drainer - Steelrend

Amazon: Stoneraven - Lycander's Flank - Titan's Revenge - Thunderstroke - Lycander's Aim - Blood Raven's Charge
Assassin: Shadow Killer - Bartuc's Cut-Throat - Jade Talon - Firelizard's Talons
Necromancer: Homunculus - Darkforce Spawn - Boneflame
Barbarian: Arreat's Face - Wolfhowl - Demonhorn's Edge - Halaberd's Reign
Sorceress: The Oculus - Eschuta's Temper - Death's Fathom
Druid: Jalal's Mane - Cerebus' Bite - Ravenlore - Spirit Keeper
Paladin: Alma Negra - Herald Of Zakarum - Dragonscale

Nagelring - Manald Heal - Stone of Jordan - Dwarf Star - Raven Frost - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Carrion Wind - Nature's Peace - Wisp Projector

Nokozan Relic - The Eye of Etlich - The Mahim-Oak Curio - Saracen's Chance - The Cat's Eye - Crescent Moon - Atma's Scarab - The Rising Sun - Highlord's Wrath - Mara's Kaleidoscope - Seraph's Hymn - Metalgrid

Kira's Guardian - Griffon's Eye

Rainbow Facet (Blaze) - Rainbow Facet (Frost Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Venom) - Rainbow Facet (Meteor) - Rainbow Facet (Blizzard) - Rainbow Facet (Chain Lightning) - Rainbow Facet (Poison Nova)

Annihilus - Gheed's Fortune - Hellfire Torch

Set Items:
Angelic Mantle - Angelic Sickle - Angelic Halo - Angelic Wings
Arcanna's Head - Arcanna's Flesh - Arcanna's Deathwand - Arcanna's Sign
Arctic Furs - Arctic Binding - Arctic Mitts - Arctic Horn
Berserker's Headgear - Berserker's Hauberk - Berserker's Hatchet COMPLETE
Cathan's Visage - Cathan's Mesh - Cathan's Rule - Cathan's Sigil Cathan's Seal -
Civerb's Cudgel - Civerb's Icon - Civerb's Ward
Cleglaw's Tooth - Cleglaw's Pincers - Cleglaw's Claw
Death's Touch - Death's Hand - Death's Guard
Hsarus' Iron Fist - Hsarus' Iron Stay - Hsarus' Iron Heel
Infernal Cranium - Infernal Sign - Infernal Torch
Iratha's Coil - Iratha's Collar - Iratha's Cord - Iratha's Cuff COMPLETE
Isenhart's Lightbrand - Isenhart's Horns - Isenhart's Case - Isenhart's Parry COMPLETE
Milabrega's Diadem - Milabrega's Robe - Milabrega's Orb - Milabrega's Rod
Sigon's Visor - Sigon's Shelter - Sigon's Sabot - Sigon's Guard - Sigon's Wrap - Sigon's Gage
Tancred's Skull - Tancred's Spine - Tancred's Hobnails - Tancred's Crowbill - Tancred's Weird
Vidala's Barb - Vidala's Ambush - Vidala's Fetlock - Vidala's Snare

Aldur's Stony Gaze - Aldur's Advance - Aldur's Deception - Aldur's Rhythm
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
Cow King's Horns - Cow King's Hide - Cow King's Hooves
Griswold's Heart - Griswold's Valor - Griswold's Redemption - Griswold's Honor
Haemosu's Adamant - Dangoon's Teaching - Taebaek's Glory - Ondal's Almighty
Hwanin's Splendor - Hwanin's Justice - Hwanin's Refuge - Hwanin's Blessing
Immortal King's Will - Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Immortal King's Soul Cage - Immortal King's Detail - Immortal King's Forge - Immortal King's Pillar
M'avina's True Sight - M'avina's Caster - M'avina's Embrace - M'avina's Icy Clutch - M'avina's Tenet
Naj's Circlet - Naj's Light Plate - Naj's Puzzler
Natalya's Totem - Natalya's Mark - Natalya's Shadow - Natalya's Soul
Guillaume's Face - Whitstan's Guard - Magnus' Skin - Wilhelm's Pride
Sander's Paragon - Sander's Superstition - Sander's Taboo - Sander's Riprap
Sazabi's Mental Sheath - Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Tal Rasha's Guardianship - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Telling of Beads - Laying of Hand - Dark Adherent - Rite of Passage - Credendum
Trang-Oul's Guise - Trang-Oul's Scales - Trang-Oul's Wing - Trang-Oul's Girth - Trang-Oul's Claws

El - Eld - Tir - Nef - Eth - Ith - Tal - Ral - Ort - Thul - Amn - Sol - Shael - Dol - Hel - Io - Lum - Ko - Fal - Lem - Pul - Um - Mal - Ist - Gul - Vex - Ohm - Lo - Sur - Ber - Jah - Cham - Zod

Celkový počet bodů: 233
Naposledy upravil(a) Deathmerse dne 30.12.2019, 13:48 hod., celkem upraveno 3 x.

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Burning Soul
Currenly, I'm playing:Diablo 2

Re: MF turnaj vol. 10 - výsledky

Příspěvek od Kisuvka » 25.12.2019, 12:10 hod.

Exp: 1256M
MF: 333% + 0%
Mef: 300
Kravín: 3
Dojení: 0h 41m
Guardian: 18h 10m
Lifetime: 33h 1m


Unique Items:
The Gnasher - Deathspade - Bladebone - Skull Splitter - Rakescar - Axe of Fechmar - Goreshovel - The Chieftain - Brainhew - Humongous
Coldkill - Butcher's Pupil - Islestrike - Pompeii's Wrath - Guardian Naga - Warlord's Trust - Spellsteel - Stormrider- Boneslayer Blade - The Minotaur
Razor's Edge - Rune Master - Cranebeak - Death Cleaver - Ethereal Edge - Hellslayer - Messerschmidt's Reaver - Executioner's Justice

Rixot's Keen - Blood Crescent - Skewer of Krintiz - Gleamscythe - Griswold's Edge - Hellplague - Culwen's Point - Shadowfang - Soulflay - Kinemil's Awl - Blacktongue - Ripsaw - The Patriarch
Bloodletter - Coldsteel Eye - Hexfire - Blade Of Ali Baba - Ginther's Rift - Headstriker - Plague Bearer - The Atlantean - Crainte Vomir - Bing Sz Wang - The Vile Husk - Cloudcrack - Todesfaelle Flamme - Swordguard
Djinn Slayer - Bloodmoon - Lightsabre - Azurewrath - Frostwind - Flamebellow - Doombringer - The Grandfather

Felloak - Stoutnail - Crushflange - Bloodrise - The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Ironstone - Bonesnap - Steeldriver
Dark Clan Crusher - Fleshrender - Sureshrill Frost - Moonfall - Baezil's Vortex - Earthshaker - Bloodtree Stump - The Gavel Of Pain
Nord's Tenderizer - Demon Limb - Baranar's Star - Horizon's Tornado - Stormlash - Stone Crusher - Schaefer's Hammer - Windhammer - Earth Shifter - The Cranium Basher

Pluckeye - Witherstring - Raven Claw - Rogue's Bow - Stormstrike - Wizendraw - Hellclap - Blastbark
Skystrike - Riphook - Kuko Shakaku - Endlesshail - Witchwild String - Cliffkiller - Magewrath - Goldstrike Arch
Eaglehorn - Widowmaker - Windforce

Leadcrow - Ichorsting - Hellcast - Doomslinger
Langer Briser - Pus Spitter - Buriza-Do Kyanon - Demon Machine
Hellrack - Gut Siphon

Dimoak's Hew - Steelgoad - Soul Harvest - The Battlebranch - Woestave - The Grim Reaper
The Meat Scraper - Blackleach Blade - Athena's Wrath - Pierre Tombale Couant - Husoldal Evo - Grim's Burning Dead
Bonehew - The Reaper's Toll - Tomb Reaver - Stormspire

The Dragon Chang - Razortine - Bloodthief - Lance of Yaggai - The Tannr Gorerod
The Impaler - Kelpie Snare - Soulfeast Tine - Hone Sundan - Spire of Honor
Arioc's Needle - Viperfork - Steel Pillar

Gull - The Diggler - The Jade Tan Do - Spectral Shard COMPLETE
Spineripper - Heart Carver - Blackbog's Sharp - Stormspike
Wizardspike - Fleshripper - Ghostflame

Knell Striker - Rusthandle - Stormeye
Zakarum's Hand - The Fetid Sprinkler - Hand of Blessed Light
Heaven's Light - The Redeemer - Astreon's Iron Ward

Bane Ash - Serpent Lord - Spire of Lazarus - The Salamander - The Iron Jang Bong
Razorswitch - Ribcracker - Chromatic Ire - Warpspear - Skull Collector
Ondal's Wisdom - Mang Song's Lesson

Torch of Iro - Maelstrom - Gravenspine - Ume's Lament
Suicide Branch - Carin Shard - Arm of King Leoric - Blackhand Key
Boneshade - Death's Web

Throwing weapons:
Deathbit - The Scalper COMPLETE
Warshrike - Gimmershred - Lacerator

Demon's Arch - Wraith Flight - Gargoyle's Bite

Greyform - Blinkbat's Form - The Centurion - Twitchthroe - Darkglow - Hawkmail - Venom Ward - Sparking Mail - Iceblink - Heavenly Garb - Boneflesh - Rockfleece - Rattlecage - Goldskin - Silks of the Victory
The Spirit Shroud - Skin of the Vipermagi - Skin of the Flayed One - Iron Pelt - Crow Caw - Spirit Forge - Duriel's Shell - Shaftstop - Skullder's Ire - Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Toothrow - Guardian Angel - Atma's Wail - Black Hades - Corpsemourn
Ormus' Robes - The Gladiator's Bane - Arkaine's Valor - Leviathan - Steel Carapace - Templar's Might - Tyrael's Might

Pelta Lunata - Umbral Disk - Stormguild - Steelclash - Swordback Hold - Bverrit Keep - Wall of the Eyeless - The Ward
Visceratuant - Moser's Blessed Circle - Stormchaser - Tiamat's Rebuke - Lance Guard - Gerke's Sanctuary - Lidless Wall - Radament's Sphere
Blackoak Shield - Stormshield - Spike Thorn - Medusa's Gaze - Head Hunter's Glory - Spirit Ward

Biggin's Bonnet - Tarnhelm - Coif of Glory - Duskdeep - Howltusk - The Face of Horror - Undead Crown - Wormskull
Peasant Crown - Rockstopper - Stealskull - Darksight Helm - Valkyrie Wing - Blackhorn's Face - Crown of Thieves - Vampire Gaze
Harlequin Crest - Steel Shade - Veil of Steel - Nightwing's Veil - Andariel's Visage - Crown of Ages - Giant Skull

Lenymo - Snakecord - Nightsmoke - Goldwrap - Bladebuckle
String of Ears - Razortail - Gloom's Trap - Snowclash - Thundergod's Vigor
Arachnid Mesh - Nosferatu's Coil - Verdungo's Hearty Cord

Hotspur - Gorefoot - Treads of Cthon - Goblin Toe - Tearhaunch
Infernostride - Waterwalk - Silkweave - War Traveler - Gore Rider
Sandstorm Trek - Marrowwalk - Shadow Dancer

The Hand of Broc - Bloodfist - Chance Guards - Magefist - Frostburn
Venom Grip - Gravepalm - Ghoulhide - Lava Gout - Hellmouth
Dracul's Grasp - Soul Drainer - Steelrend

Amazon: Stoneraven - Lycander's Flank - Titan's Revenge - Thunderstroke - Lycander's Aim - Blood Raven's Charge
Assassin: Shadow Killer - Bartuc's Cut-Throat - Jade Talon - Firelizard's Talons
Necromancer: Homunculus - Darkforce Spawn - Boneflame
Barbarian: Arreat's Face - Wolfhowl - Demonhorn's Edge - Halaberd's Reign
Sorceress: The Oculus - Eschuta's Temper - Death's Fathom
Druid: Jalal's Mane - Cerebus' Bite - Ravenlore - Spirit Keeper
Paladin: Alma Negra - Herald Of Zakarum - Dragonscale

Nagelring - Manald Heal - Stone of Jordan - Dwarf Star - Raven Frost - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Carrion Wind - Nature's Peace - Wisp Projector

Nokozan Relic - The Eye of Etlich - The Mahim-Oak Curio - Saracen's Chance - The Cat's Eye - Crescent Moon - Atma's Scarab - The Rising Sun - Highlord's Wrath - Mara's Kaleidoscope - Seraph's Hymn - Metalgrid

Kira's Guardian - Griffon's Eye

Rainbow Facet (Blaze) - Rainbow Facet (Frost Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Venom) - Rainbow Facet (Meteor) - Rainbow Facet (Blizzard) - Rainbow Facet (Chain Lightning) - Rainbow Facet (Poison Nova)

Annihilus - Gheed's Fortune - Hellfire Torch COMPLETE

Set Items:
Angelic Mantle - Angelic Sickle - Angelic Halo - Angelic Wings
Arcanna's Head - Arcanna's Flesh - Arcanna's Deathwand - Arcanna's Sign
Arctic Furs - Arctic Binding - Arctic Mitts - Arctic Horn COMPLETE
Berserker's Headgear - Berserker's Hauberk - Berserker's Hatchet COMPLETE
Cathan's Visage - Cathan's Mesh - Cathan's Rule - Cathan's Sigil - Cathan's Seal COMPLETE
Civerb's Cudgel - Civerb's Icon - Civerb's Ward COMPLETE
Cleglaw's Tooth - Cleglaw's Pincers - Cleglaw's Claw COMPLETE
Death's Touch - Death's Hand - Death's Guard
Hsarus' Iron Fist - Hsarus' Iron Stay - Hsarus' Iron Heel
Infernal Cranium - Infernal Sign - Infernal Torch
Iratha's Coil - Iratha's Collar - Iratha's Cord - Iratha's Cuff
Isenhart's Lightbrand - Isenhart's Horns - Isenhart's Case - Isenhart's Parry COMPLETE
Milabrega's Diadem - Milabrega's Robe - Milabrega's Orb - Milabrega's Rod
Sigon's Visor - Sigon's Shelter - Sigon's Sabot - Sigon's Guard - Sigon's Wrap - Sigon's Gage COMPLETE
Tancred's Skull - Tancred's Spine - Tancred's Hobnails - Tancred's Crowbill - Tancred's Weird
Vidala's Barb - Vidala's Ambush - Vidala's Fetlock - Vidala's Snare

Aldur's Stony Gaze - Aldur's Advance - Aldur's Deception - Aldur's Rhythm
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
Cow King's Horns - Cow King's Hide - Cow King's Hooves
Griswold's Heart - Griswold's Valor - Griswold's Redemption - Griswold's Honor
Haemosu's Adamant - Dangoon's Teaching - Taebaek's Glory - Ondal's Almighty
Hwanin's Splendor - Hwanin's Justice - Hwanin's Refuge - Hwanin's Blessing
Immortal King's Will - Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Immortal King's Soul Cage - Immortal King's Detail - Immortal King's Forge - Immortal King's Pillar
M'avina's True Sight - M'avina's Caster - M'avina's Embrace - M'avina's Icy Clutch - M'avina's Tenet
Naj's Circlet - Naj's Light Plate - Naj's Puzzler
Natalya's Totem - Natalya's Mark - Natalya's Shadow - Natalya's Soul
Guillaume's Face - Whitstan's Guard - Magnus' Skin - Wilhelm's Pride
Sander's Paragon - Sander's Superstition - Sander's Taboo - Sander's Riprap
Sazabi's Mental Sheath - Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Tal Rasha's Guardianship - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Telling of Beads - Laying of Hand - Dark Adherent - Rite of Passage - Credendum
Trang-Oul's Guise - Trang-Oul's Scales - Trang-Oul's Wing - Trang-Oul's Girth - Trang-Oul's Claws

El - Eld - Tir - Nef - Eth - Ith - Tal - Ral - Ort - Thul - Amn - Sol - Shael - Dol - Hel - Io - Lum - Ko - Fal - Lem - Pul - Um - Mal - Ist - Gul - Vex - Ohm - Lo - Sur - Ber - Jah - Cham - Zod

Celkový počet bodů: 560
Naposledy upravil(a) Kisuvka dne 25.01.2020, 17:39 hod., celkem upraveno 11 x.
Lvl 99 challenge No vitality melee challenge
Diablo II od 30.11.2003 8:55, 7500+ h
Unikáty: 100% 8-)
Setovky: 100% 8-)
Runy: 100% 8-)
Slova: 95,2% (-4) 1x Sur, 6x Jah
Celkem: 99,4% (-4)

Uživatelský avatar
Currenly, I'm playing:Diablo 2

Re: MF turnaj vol. 10 - výsledky

Příspěvek od Crec » 25.12.2019, 12:14 hod.

Build: Light Sorc
Styl hry: HC
Level: 92
Exp: unknown


Unique Items:
The Gnasher - Deathspade - Bladebone - Skull Splitter - Rakescar - Axe of Fechmar - Goreshovel - The Chieftain - Brainhew - Humongous COMPLETE
Coldkill - Butcher's Pupil - Islestrike - Pompeii's Wrath - Guardian Naga - Warlord's Trust - Spellsteel - Stormrider - Boneslayer Blade - The Minotaur COMPLETE
Razor's Edge - Rune Master - Cranebeak - Death Cleaver - Ethereal Edge - Hellslayer - Messerschmidt's Reaver - Executioner's Justice

Rixot's Keen - Blood Crescent - Skewer of Krintiz - Gleamscythe - Griswold's Edge - Hellplague - Culwen's Point - Shadowfang - Soulflay - Kinemil's Awl - Blacktongue - Ripsaw - The Patriarch COMPLETE
Bloodletter - Coldsteel Eye - Hexfire - Blade Of Ali Baba - Ginther's Rift - Headstriker - Plague Bearer - The Atlantean - Crainte Vomir - Bing Sz Wang - The Vile Husk - Cloudcrack - Todesfaelle Flamme - Swordguard COMPLETE
Djinn Slayer - Bloodmoon - Lightsabre - Azurewrath - Frostwind - Flamebellow - Doombringer - The Grandfather

Felloak - Stoutnail - Crushflange - Bloodrise - The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Ironstone - Bonesnap - Steeldriver COMPLETE
Dark Clan Crusher - Fleshrender - Sureshrill Frost - Moonfall - Baezil's Vortex - Earthshaker - Bloodtree Stump - The Gavel Of Pain COMPLETE
Nord's Tenderizer - Demon Limb - Baranar's Star - Horizon's Tornado - Stormlash - Stone Crusher - Schaefer's Hammer - Windhammer Earth Shifter - The Cranium Basher -

Pluckeye - Witherstring - Raven Claw - Rogue's Bow - Stormstrike - Wizendraw - Hellclap - Blastbark COMPLETE
Skystrike - Riphook - Kuko Shakaku - Endlesshail - Witchwild String - Cliffkiller - Magewrath - Goldstrike Arch COMPLETE
Eaglehorn - Widowmaker - Windforce

Leadcrow - Ichorsting - Hellcast - Doomslinger COMPLETE
Langer Briser - Pus Spitter - Buriza-Do Kyanon - Demon Machine COMPLETE
Hellrack - Gut Siphon

Dimoak's Hew - Steelgoad - Soul Harvest - The Battlebranch - Woestave - The Grim Reaper COMPLETE
The Meat Scraper - Blackleach Blade - Athena's Wrath - Pierre Tombale Couant - Husoldal Evo - Grim's Burning Dead COMPLETE
Bonehew - The Reaper's Toll - Tomb Reaver - Stormspire

The Dragon Chang - Razortine - Bloodthief - Lance of Yaggai - The Tannr Gorerod COMPLETE
The Impaler - Kelpie Snare - Soulfeast Tine - Hone Sundan - Spire of Honor COMPLETE
Arioc's Needle - Viperfork - Steel Pillar

Gull - The Diggler - The Jade Tan Do - Spectral Shard COMPLETE
Spineripper - Heart Carver - Blackbog's Sharp - Stormspike COMPLETE
Wizardspike - Fleshripper - Ghostflame

Knell Striker - Rusthandle - Stormeye
Zakarum's Hand - The Fetid Sprinkler - Hand of Blessed Light COMPLETE
Heaven's Light - The Redeemer - Astreon's Iron Ward

Bane Ash - Serpent Lord - Spire of Lazarus - The Salamander - The Iron Jang Bong COMPLETE
Razorswitch - Ribcracker - Chromatic Ire - Warpspear - Skull Collector COMPLETE
Ondal's Wisdom - Mang Song's Lesson

Torch of Iro - Maelstrom - Gravenspine - Ume's Lament
Suicide Branch - Carin Shard - Arm of King Leoric - Blackhand Key -
Boneshade - Death's Web

Throwing weapons:
Deathbit - The Scalper COMPLETE
Warshrike - Gimmershred - Lacerator

Demon's Arch - Wraith Flight - Gargoyle's Bite

Greyform - Blinkbat's Form - The Centurion - Twitchthroe - Darkglow - Hawkmail - Venom Ward - Sparking Mail - Iceblink - Heavenly Garb - Boneflesh - Rockfleece - Rattlecage - Goldskin - Silks of the Victory
The Spirit Shroud - Skin of the Vipermagi - Skin of the Flayed One - Iron Pelt - Crow Caw - Spirit Forge - Duriel's Shell - Shaftstop - Skullder's Ire - Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Toothrow - Guardian Angel - Atma's Wail - Black Hades - Corpsemourn COMPLETE
Ormus' Robes - The Gladiator's Bane - Arkaine's Valor - Leviathan - Steel Carapace - Templar's Might - Tyrael's Might

Pelta Lunata - Umbral Disk - Stormguild - Steelclash - Swordback Hold - Bverrit Keep - Wall of the Eyeless - The Ward COMPLETE
Visceratuant - Moser's Blessed Circle - Stormchaser - Tiamat's Rebuke - Lance Guard - Gerke's Sanctuary - Lidless Wall - Radament's Sphere COMPLETE
Blackoak Shield - Stormshield - Spike Thorn - Medusa's Gaze - Head Hunter's Glory - Spirit Ward

Biggin's Bonnet - Tarnhelm - Coif of Glory - Duskdeep - Howltusk - The Face of Horror - Undead Crown - Wormskull COMPLETE
Peasant Crown - Rockstopper - Stealskull - Darksight Helm - Valkyrie Wing - Blackhorn's Face - Crown of Thieves - Vampire Gaze COMPLETE
Harlequin Crest - Steel Shade - Veil of Steel - Nightwing's Veil - Andariel's Visage - Crown of Ages - Giant Skull

Lenymo - Snakecord - Nightsmoke - Goldwrap - Bladebuckle COMPLETE
String of Ears - Razortail - Gloom's Trap - Snowclash - Thundergod's Vigor COMPLETE
Arachnid Mesh - Nosferatu's Coil - Verdungo's Hearty Cord

Hotspur - Gorefoot - Treads of Cthon - Goblin Toe - Tearhaunch COMPLETE
Infernostride - Waterwalk - Silkweave - War Traveler - Gore Rider
Sandstorm Trek - Marrowwalk - Shadow Dancer

The Hand of Broc - Bloodfist - Chance Guards - Magefist - Frostburn COMPLETE
Venom Grip - Gravepalm - Ghoulhide - Lava Gout - Hellmouth COMPLETE
Dracul's Grasp - Soul Drainer - Steelrend

Amazon: Stoneraven - Lycander's Flank - Titan's Revenge - Thunderstroke - Lycander's Aim - Blood Raven's Charge COMPLETE
Assassin: Shadow Killer - Bartuc's Cut-Throat - Jade Talon - Firelizard's Talons
Necromancer: Homunculus - Darkforce Spawn - Boneflame
Barbarian: Arreat's Face - Wolfhowl - Demonhorn's Edge - Halaberd's Reign
Sorceress: The Oculus - Eschuta's Temper - Death's Fathom
Druid: Jalal's Mane - Cerebus' Bite - Ravenlore - Spirit Keeper
Paladin: Alma Negra - Herald Of Zakarum - Dragonscale

Nagelring - Manald Heal - Stone of Jordan - Dwarf Star - Raven Frost - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Carrion Wind - Nature's Peace - Wisp Projector

Nokozan Relic - The Eye of Etlich - The Mahim-Oak Curio - Saracen's Chance - The Cat's Eye - Crescent Moon - Atma's Scarab - The Rising Sun - Highlord's Wrath - Mara's Kaleidoscope - Seraph's Hymn - Metalgrid

Kira's Guardian - Griffon's Eye

Rainbow Facet (Blaze) - Rainbow Facet (Frost Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Venom) - Rainbow Facet (Meteor) - Rainbow Facet (Blizzard) - Rainbow Facet (Chain Lightning) - Rainbow Facet (Poison Nova)

Annihilus - Gheed's Fortune - Hellfire Torch

Set Items:
Angelic Mantle - Angelic Sickle - Angelic Halo - Angelic Wings COMPLETE
Arcanna's Head - Arcanna's Flesh - Arcanna's Deathwand - Arcanna's Sign COMPLETE
Arctic Furs - Arctic Binding - Arctic Mitts - Arctic Horn
Berserker's Headgear - Berserker's Hauberk - Berserker's Hatchet COMPLETE
Cathan's Visage - Cathan's Mesh - Cathan's Rule - Cathan's Sigil Cathan's Seal - COMPLETE
Civerb's Cudgel - Civerb's Icon - Civerb's Ward COMPLETE
Cleglaw's Tooth - Cleglaw's Pincers - Cleglaw's Claw COMPLETE
Death's Touch - Death's Hand - Death's Guard COMPLETE
Hsarus' Iron Fist - Hsarus' Iron Stay - Hsarus' Iron Heel
Infernal Cranium - Infernal Sign - Infernal Torch COMPLETE
Iratha's Coil - Iratha's Collar - Iratha's Cord - Iratha's Cuff COMPLETE
Isenhart's Lightbrand - Isenhart's Horns - Isenhart's Case - Isenhart's Parry COMPLETE
Milabrega's Diadem - Milabrega's Robe - Milabrega's Orb - Milabrega's Rod COMPLETE
Sigon's Visor - Sigon's Shelter - Sigon's Sabot - Sigon's Guard - Sigon's Wrap - Sigon's Gage COMPLETE
Tancred's Skull - Tancred's Spine - Tancred's Hobnails - Tancred's Crowbill - Tancred's Weird
Vidala's Barb - Vidala's Ambush - Vidala's Fetlock - Vidala's Snare COMPLETE

Aldur's Stony Gaze - Aldur's Advance - Aldur's Deception - Aldur's Rhythm
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
Cow King's Horns - Cow King's Hide - Cow King's Hooves
Griswold's Heart - Griswold's Valor - Griswold's Redemption - Griswold's Honor
Haemosu's Adamant - Dangoon's Teaching - Taebaek's Glory - Ondal's Almighty COMPLETE
Hwanin's Splendor - Hwanin's Justice - Hwanin's Refuge - Hwanin's Blessing COMPLETE
Immortal King's Will - Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Immortal King's Soul Cage - Immortal King's Detail - Immortal King's Forge - Immortal King's Pillar
M'avina's True Sight - M'avina's Caster - M'avina's Embrace - M'avina's Icy Clutch - M'avina's Tenet
Naj's Circlet - Naj's Light Plate - Naj's Puzzler COMPLETE
Natalya's Totem - Natalya's Mark - Natalya's Shadow - Natalya's Soul
Guillaume's Face - Whitstan's Guard - Magnus' Skin - Wilhelm's Pride COMPLETE
Sander's Paragon - Sander's Superstition - Sander's Taboo - Sander's Riprap
Sazabi's Mental Sheath - Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Tal Rasha's Guardianship - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Telling of Beads - Laying of Hand - Dark Adherent - Rite of Passage - Credendum
Trang-Oul's Guise - Trang-Oul's Scales - Trang-Oul's Wing - Trang-Oul's Girth - Trang-Oul's Claws

El - Eld - Tir - Nef - Eth - Ith - Tal - Ral - Ort - Thul - Amn - Sol - Shael - Dol - Hel - Io - Lum - Ko - Fal - Lem - Pul - Um - Mal - Ist - Gul - Vex - Ohm - Lo - Sur - Ber - Jah - Cham - Zod

Celkový počet bodů: 1040
Naposledy upravil(a) Crec dne 08.02.2020, 15:44 hod., celkem upraveno 12 x.
HC Grál od 18. 2. 2019

Currenly, I'm playing:Diablo 2

Re: MF turnaj vol. 10 - výsledky

Příspěvek od Rattus » 25.12.2019, 12:16 hod.

Jméno: Freya
Character: Amazon
Build: Cold/fire
Styl hry: HC
Level: 93 (2.266M)
RIP: 0x

Unique Items:
The Gnasher - Deathspade - Bladebone - Skull Splitter - Rakescar - Axe of Fechmar - Goreshovel - The Chieftain - Brainhew - Humongous
Coldkill - Butcher's Pupil - Islestrike - Pompeii's Wrath - Guardian Naga - Warlord's Trust - Spellsteel - Stormrider- Boneslayer Blade - The Minotaur
Razor's Edge - Rune Master - Cranebeak - Death Cleaver - Ethereal Edge - Hellslayer - Messerschmidt's Reaver - Executioner's Justice

Rixot's Keen - Blood Crescent - Skewer of Krintiz - Gleamscythe - Griswold's Edge - Hellplague - Culwen's Point - Shadowfang - Soulflay - Kinemil's Awl - Blacktongue - Ripsaw - The Patriarch
Bloodletter - Coldsteel Eye - Hexfire - Blade Of Ali Baba - Ginther's Rift - Headstriker - Plague Bearer - The Atlantean - Crainte Vomir - Bing Sz Wang - The Vile Husk - Cloudcrack - Todesfaelle Flamme - Swordguard
Djinn Slayer - Bloodmoon - Lightsabre - Azurewrath - Frostwind - Flamebellow - Doombringer - The Grandfather

Felloak - Stoutnail - Crushflange - Bloodrise - The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Ironstone - Bonesnap - Steeldriver
Dark Clan Crusher - Fleshrender - Sureshrill Frost - Moonfall - Baezil's Vortex - Earthshaker - Bloodtree Stump - The Gavel Of Pain COMPLETE
Nord's Tenderizer - Demon Limb - Baranar's Star - Horizon's Tornado - Stormlash - Stone Crusher - Schaefer's Hammer - Windhammer Earth Shifter - The Cranium Basher -

Pluckeye - Witherstring - Raven Claw - Rogue's Bow - Stormstrike - Wizendraw - Hellclap - Blastbark
Skystrike - Riphook - Kuko Shakaku - Endlesshail - Witchwild String - Cliffkiller - Magewrath - Goldstrike Arch
Eaglehorn - Widowmaker - Windforce

Leadcrow - Ichorsting - Hellcast - Doomslinger
Langer Briser - Pus Spitter - Buriza-Do Kyanon - Demon Machine
Hellrack - Gut Siphon

Dimoak's Hew - Steelgoad - Soul Harvest - The Battlebranch - Woestave - The Grim Reaper
The Meat Scraper - Blackleach Blade - Athena's Wrath - Pierre Tombale Couant - Husoldal Evo - Grim's Burning Dead
Bonehew - The Reaper's Toll - Tomb Reaver - Stormspire

The Dragon Chang - Razortine - Bloodthief - Lance of Yaggai - The Tannr Gorerod COMPLETE
The Impaler - Kelpie Snare - Soulfeast Tine - Hone Sundan - Spire of Honor
Arioc's Needle - Viperfork - Steel Pillar

Gull - The Diggler - The Jade Tan Do - Spectral Shard COMPLETE
Spineripper - Heart Carver - Blackbog's Sharp - Stormspike
Wizardspike - Fleshripper - Ghostflame COMPLETE

Knell Striker - Rusthandle - Stormeye
Zakarum's Hand - The Fetid Sprinkler - Hand of Blessed Light
Heaven's Light - The Redeemer - Astreon's Iron Ward

Bane Ash - Serpent Lord - Spire of Lazarus - The Salamander - The Iron Jang Bong
Razorswitch - Ribcracker - Chromatic Ire - Warpspear - Skull Collector
Ondal's Wisdom - Mang Song's Lesson

Torch of Iro - Maelstrom - Gravenspine - Ume's Lament
Suicide Branch - Carin Shard - Arm of King Leoric - Blackhand Key -
Boneshade - Death's Web COMPLETE

Throwing weapons:
Deathbit - The Scalper COMPLETE
Warshrike - Gimmershred - Lacerator

Demon's Arch - Wraith Flight - Gargoyle's Bite

Greyform - Blinkbat's Form - The Centurion - Twitchthroe - Darkglow - Hawkmail - Venom Ward - Sparking Mail - Iceblink - Heavenly Garb - Boneflesh - Rockfleece - Rattlecage - Goldskin - Silks of the Victory
The Spirit Shroud - Skin of the Vipermagi - Skin of the Flayed One - Iron Pelt - Crow Caw - Spirit Forge - Duriel's Shell - Shaftstop - Skullder's Ire - Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Toothrow - Guardian Angel - Atma's Wail - Black Hades - Corpsemourn
Ormus' Robes - The Gladiator's Bane - Arkaine's Valor - Leviathan - Steel Carapace - Templar's Might - Tyrael's Might

Pelta Lunata - Umbral Disk - Stormguild - Steelclash - Swordback Hold - Bverrit Keep - Wall of the Eyeless - The Ward
Visceratuant - Moser's Blessed Circle - Stormchaser - Tiamat's Rebuke - Lance Guard - Gerke's Sanctuary - Lidless Wall - Radament's Sphere
Blackoak Shield - Stormshield - Spike Thorn - Medusa's Gaze - Head Hunter's Glory - Spirit Ward

Biggin's Bonnet - Tarnhelm - Coif of Glory - Duskdeep - Howltusk - The Face of Horror - Undead Crown - Wormskull
Peasant Crown - Rockstopper - Stealskull - Darksight Helm - Valkyrie Wing - Blackhorn's Face - Crown of Thieves - Vampire Gaze
Harlequin Crest - Steel Shade - Veil of Steel - Nightwing's Veil - Andariel's Visage - Crown of Ages - Giant Skull

Lenymo - Snakecord - Nightsmoke - Goldwrap - Bladebuckle COMPLETE
String of Ears - Razortail - Gloom's Trap - Snowclash - Thundergod's Vigor
Arachnid Mesh - Nosferatu's Coil - Verdungo's Hearty Cord

Hotspur - Gorefoot - Treads of Cthon - Goblin Toe - Tearhaunch
Infernostride - Waterwalk - Silkweave - War Traveler - Gore Rider
Sandstorm Trek - Marrowwalk - Shadow Dancer

The Hand of Broc - Bloodfist - Chance Guards - Magefist - Frostburn
Venom Grip - Gravepalm - Ghoulhide - Lava Gout - Hellmouth
Dracul's Grasp - Soul Drainer - Steelrend COMPLETE

Amazon: Stoneraven - Lycander's Flank - Titan's Revenge - Thunderstroke - Lycander's Aim - Blood Raven's Charge
Assassin: Shadow Killer - Bartuc's Cut-Throat - Jade Talon - Firelizard's Talons COMPLETE
Necromancer: Homunculus - Darkforce Spawn - Boneflame
Barbarian: Arreat's Face - Wolfhowl - Demonhorn's Edge - Halaberd's Reign
Sorceress: The Oculus - Eschuta's Temper - Death's Fathom
Druid: Jalal's Mane - Cerebus' Bite - Ravenlore - Spirit Keeper
Paladin: Alma Negra - Herald Of Zakarum - Dragonscale

Nagelring - Manald Heal - Stone of Jordan - Dwarf Star - Raven Frost - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Carrion Wind - Nature's Peace - Wisp Projector

Nokozan Relic - The Eye of Etlich - The Mahim-Oak Curio - Saracen's Chance - The Cat's Eye - Crescent Moon - Atma's Scarab - The Rising Sun - Highlord's Wrath - Mara's Kaleidoscope - Seraph's Hymn - Metalgrid

Kira's Guardian - Griffon's Eye

Rainbow Facet (Blaze) - Rainbow Facet (Frost Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Venom) - Rainbow Facet (Meteor) - Rainbow Facet (Blizzard) - Kira's Guardian - Rainbow Facet (Poison Nova)

Annihilus - Gheed's Fortune - Hellfire Torch

Set Items:
Angelic Mantle - Angelic Sickle - Angelic Halo - Angelic Wings COMPLETE
Arcanna's Head - Arcanna's Flesh - Arcanna's Deathwand - Arcanna's Sign COMPLETE
Arctic Furs - Arctic Binding - Arctic Mitts - Arctic Horn COMPLETE
Berserker's Headgear - Berserker's Hauberk - Berserker's Hatchet COMPLETE
Cathan's Visage - Cathan's Mesh - Cathan's Rule - Cathan's Sigil Cathan's Seal - COMPLETE
Civerb's Cudgel - Civerb's Icon - Civerb's Ward COMPLETE
Cleglaw's Tooth - Cleglaw's Pincers - Cleglaw's Claw COMPLETE
Death's Touch - Death's Hand - Death's Guard
Hsarus' Iron Fist - Hsarus' Iron Stay - Hsarus' Iron Heel
Infernal Cranium - Infernal Sign - Infernal Torch
Iratha's Coil - Iratha's Collar - Iratha's Cord - Iratha's Cuff COMPLETE
Isenhart's Lightbrand - Isenhart's Horns - Isenhart's Case - Isenhart's Parry COMPLETE
Milabrega's Diadem - Milabrega's Robe - Milabrega's Orb - Milabrega's Rod COMPLETE
Sigon's Visor - Sigon's Shelter - Sigon's Sabot - Sigon's Guard - Sigon's Wrap - Sigon's Gage COMPLETE
Tancred's Skull - Tancred's Spine - Tancred's Hobnails - Tancred's Crowbill - Tancred's Weird COMPLETE
Vidala's Barb - Vidala's Ambush - Vidala's Fetlock - Vidala's Snare

Aldur's Stony Gaze - Aldur's Advance - Aldur's Deception - Aldur's Rhythm COMPLETE
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian COMPLETE
Cow King's Horns - Cow King's Hide - Cow King's Hooves
Griswold's Heart - Griswold's Valor - Griswold's Redemption - Griswold's Honor COMPLETE
Haemosu's Adamant - Dangoon's Teaching - Taebaek's Glory - Ondal's Almighty
Hwanin's Splendor - Hwanin's Justice - Hwanin's Refuge - Hwanin's Blessing COMPLETE
Immortal King's Will - Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Immortal King's Soul Cage - Immortal King's Detail - Immortal King's Forge - Immortal King's Pillar COMPLETE
M'avina's True Sight - M'avina's Caster - M'avina's Embrace - M'avina's Icy Clutch - M'avina's Tenet COMPLETE
Naj's Circlet - Naj's Light Plate - Naj's Puzzler COMPLETE
Natalya's Totem - Natalya's Mark - Natalya's Shadow - Natalya's Soul
Guillaume's Face - Whitstan's Guard - Magnus' Skin - Wilhelm's Pride
Sander's Paragon - Sander's Superstition - Sander's Taboo - Sander's Riprap
Sazabi's Mental Sheath - Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Sazabi's Ghost Liberator COMPLETE
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Tal Rasha's Guardianship - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Tal Rasha's Adjudication COMPLETE
Telling of Beads - Laying of Hand - Dark Adherent - Rite of Passage - Credendum
Trang-Oul's Guise - Trang-Oul's Scales - Trang-Oul's Wing - Trang-Oul's Girth - Trang-Oul's Claws

El - Eld - Tir - Nef - Eth - Ith - Tal - Ral - Ort - Thul - Amn - Sol - Shael - Dol - Hel - Io - Lum - Ko - Fal - Lem - Pul - Um - Mal - Ist - Gul - Vex - Ohm - Lo - Sur - Ber - Jah - Cham - Zod

Celkový počet bodů: 989
Naposledy upravil(a) Rattus dne 09.02.2020, 19:01 hod., celkem upraveno 16 x.


Re: MF turnaj vol. 10 - výsledky

Příspěvek od RIP » 25.12.2019, 13:47 hod.

Jméno: Cyanide
Character: Necromancer
Build: Poison
Styl hry: HC
Level: 94
Experience: 2 315 M

Unique Items:
The Gnasher - Deathspade - Bladebone - Skull Splitter - Rakescar - Axe of Fechmar - Goreshovel - The Chieftain - Brainhew - Humongous
Coldkill - Butcher's Pupil - Islestrike - Pompeii's Wrath - Guardian Naga - Warlord's Trust - Spellsteel - Stormrider - Boneslayer Blade - The Minotaur - complete
Razor's Edge - Rune Master - Cranebeak - Death Cleaver - Ethereal Edge - Hellslayer - Messerschmidt's Reaver - Executioner's Justice

Rixot's Keen - Blood Crescent - Skewer of Krintiz - Gleamscythe - Griswold's Edge - Hellplague - Culwen's Point - Shadowfang - Soulflay - Kinemil's Awl - Blacktongue - Ripsaw - The Patriarch
Bloodletter - Coldsteel Eye - Hexfire - Blade Of Ali Baba - Ginther's Rift - Headstriker - Plague Bearer - The Atlantean - Crainte Vomir - Bing Sz Wang - The Vile Husk - Cloudcrack - Todesfaelle Flamme - Swordguard - complete
Djinn Slayer - Bloodmoon - Lightsabre - Azurewrath - Frostwind - Flamebellow - Doombringer - The Grandfather

Felloak - Stoutnail - Crushflange - Bloodrise - The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Ironstone - Bonesnap - Steeldriver
Dark Clan Crusher - Fleshrender - Sureshrill Frost - Moonfall - Baezil's Vortex - Earthshaker - Bloodtree Stump - The Gavel Of Pain
Nord's Tenderizer - Demon Limb - Baranar's Star - Horizon's Tornado - Stormlash - Stone Crusher - Schaefer's Hammer - Windhammer - Earth Shifter - The Cranium Basher

Pluckeye - Witherstring - Raven Claw - Rogue's Bow - Stormstrike - Wizendraw - Hellclap - Blastbark - complete
Skystrike - Riphook - Kuko Shakaku - Endlesshail - Witchwild String - Cliffkiller - Magewrath - Goldstrike Arch - complete
Eaglehorn - Widowmaker - Windforce

Leadcrow - Ichorsting - Hellcast - Doomslinger - complete
Langer Briser - Pus Spitter - Buriza-Do Kyanon - Demon Machine
Hellrack - Gut Siphon - complete

Dimoak's Hew - Steelgoad - Soul Harvest - The Battlebranch - Woestave - The Grim Reaper - complete
The Meat Scraper - Blackleach Blade - Athena's Wrath - Pierre Tombale Couant - Husoldal Evo - Grim's Burning Dead
Bonehew - The Reaper's Toll - Tomb Reaver - Stormspire

The Dragon Chang - Razortine - Bloodthief - Lance of Yaggai - The Tannr Gorerod - complete
The Impaler - Kelpie Snare - Soulfeast Tine - Hone Sundan - Spire of Honor - complete
Arioc's Needle - Viperfork - Steel Pillar - complete

Gull - The Diggler - The Jade Tan Do - Spectral Shard
Spineripper - Heart Carver - Blackbog's Sharp - Stormspike - complete
Wizardspike - Fleshripper - Ghostflame

Knell Striker - Rusthandle - Stormeye
Zakarum's Hand - The Fetid Sprinkler - Hand of Blessed Light
Heaven's Light - The Redeemer - Astreon's Iron Ward

Bane Ash - Serpent Lord - Spire of Lazarus - The Salamander - The Iron Jang Bong
Razorswitch - Ribcracker - Chromatic Ire - Warpspear - Skull Collector
Ondal's Wisdom - Mang Song's Lesson

Torch of Iro - Maelstrom - Gravenspine - Ume's Lament
Suicide Branch - Carin Shard - Arm of King Leoric - Blackhand Key
Boneshade - Death's Web

Throwing Weapons:
Deathbit - The Scalper - complete
Warshrike - Gimmershred - Lacerator

Demon's Arch - Wraith Flight - Gargoyle's Bite

Greyform - Blinkbat's Form - The Centurion - Twitchthroe - Darkglow - Hawkmail - Venom Ward - Sparking Mail - Iceblink - Heavenly Garb - Boneflesh - Rockfleece - Rattlecage - Goldskin - Silks of the Victor
The Spirit Shroud - Skin of the Vipermagi - Skin of the Flayed One - Iron Pelt - Crow Caw - Spirit Forge - Duriel's Shell - Shaftstop - Skullder's Ire - Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Toothrow - Guardian Angel - Atma's Wail - Black Hades - Corpsemourn
Ormus' Robes - The Gladiator's Bane - Arkaine's Valor - Leviathan - Steel Carapace - Templar's Might - Tyrael's Might

Pelta Lunata - Umbral Disk - Stormguild - Steelclash - Swordback Hold - Bverrit Keep - Wall of the Eyeless - The Ward
Visceratuant - Moser's Blessed Circle - Stormchaser - Tiamat's Rebuke - Lance Guard - Gerke's Sanctuary - Lidless Wall - Radament's Sphere
Blackoak Shield - Stormshield - Spike Thorn - Medusa's Gaze - Head Hunter's Glory - Spirit Ward

Biggin's Bonnet - Tarnhelm - Coif of Glory - Duskdeep - Howltusk - The Face of Horror - Undead Crown - Wormskull
Peasant Crown - Rockstopper - Stealskull - Darksight Helm - Valkyrie Wing - Blackhorn's Face - Crown of Thieves - Vampire Gaze
Harlequin Crest - Steel Shade - Veil of Steel - Nightwing's Veil - Andariel's Visage - Crown of Ages - Giant Skull

Lenymo - Snakecord - Nightsmoke - Goldwrap - Bladebuckle
String of Ears - Razortail - Gloom's Trap - Snowclash - Thundergod's Vigor
Arachnid Mesh - Nosferatu's Coil - Verdungo's Hearty Cord

Hotspur - Gorefoot - Treads of Cthon - Goblin Toe - Tearhaunch - complete
Infernostride - Waterwalk - Silkweave - War Traveler - Gore Rider
Sandstorm Trek - Marrowwalk - Shadow Dancer

The Hand of Broc - Bloodfist - Chance Guards - Magefist - Frostburn - complete
Venom Grip - Gravepalm - Ghoulhide - Lava Gout - Hellmouth
Dracul's Grasp - Soul Drainer - Steelrend

Amazon: Stoneraven - Lycander's Flank - Titan's Revenge - Thunderstroke - Lycander's Aim - Blood Raven's Charge
Assassin: Shadow Killer - Bartuc's Cut-Throat - Jade Talon - Firelizard's Talons
Barbarian: Arreat's Face - Wolfhowl - Demonhorn's Edge - Halaberd's Reign
Sorceress: The Oculus - Eschuta's Temper - Death's Fathom
Druid: Jalal's Mane - Cerebus' Bite - Ravenlore - Spirit Keeper
Necromancer: Homunculus - Darkforce Spawn - Boneflame
Paladin: Alma Negra - Herald Of Zakarum - Dragonscale

Nagelring - Manald Heal - Stone of Jordan - Dwarf Star - Raven Frost - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Carrion Wind - Nature's Peace - Wisp Projector

Nokozan Relic - The Eye of Etlich - The Mahim-Oak Curio - Saracen's Chance - The Cat's Eye - Crescent Moon - Atma's Scarab - The Rising Sun - Highlord's Wrath - Mara's Kaleidoscope - Seraph's Hymn - Metalgrid

Kira's Guardian - Griffon's Eye

Rainbow Facet (Bl) - Rainbow Facet (FN) - Rainbow Facet (N) - Rainbow Facet (V) - Rainbow Facet (M) - Rainbow Facet (B) - Rainbow Facet (CL) - Rainbow Facet (PN)

Gheed's Fortune - Annihilus - Hellfire Torch

Set Items:
Angelic Mantle - Angelic Sickle - Angelic Halo - Angelic Wings
Arcanna's Head - Arcanna's Flesh - Arcanna's Deathwand - Arcanna's Sign - set complete
Arctic Furs - Arctic Binding - Arctic Mitts - Arctic Horn
Berserker's Headgear - Berserker's Hauberk - Berserker's Hatchet - set complete
Cathan's Visage - Cathan's Mesh - Cathan's Rule - Cathan's Sigil - Cathan's Seal - set complete
Civerb's Cudgel - Civerb's Icon - Civerb's Ward - set complete
Cleglaw's Tooth - Cleglaw's Pincers - Cleglaw's Claw - set complete
Death's Touch - Death's Hand - Death's Guard
Hsarus' Iron Fist - Hsarus' Iron Stay - Hsarus' Iron Heel - set complete
Infernal Cranium - Infernal Sign - Infernal Torch
Iratha's Coil - Iratha's Collar - Iratha's Cord - Iratha's Cuff - set complete
Isenhart's Lightbrand - Isenhart's Horns - Isenhart's Case - Isenhart's Parry - set complete
Milabrega's Diadem - Milabrega's Robe - Milabrega's Orb - Milabrega's Rod - set complete
Sigon's Visor - Sigon's Shelter - Sigon's Sabot - Sigon's Guard - Sigon's Wrap - Sigon's Gage - set complete
Tancred's Skull - Tancred's Spine - Tancred's Hobnails - Tancred's Crowbill - Tancred's Weird - set complete
Vidala's Barb - Vidala's Ambush - Vidala's Fetlock - Vidala's Snare

Aldur's Stony Gaze - Aldur's Advance - Aldur's Deception - Aldur's Rhythm
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
Cow King's Horns - Cow King's Hide - Cow King's Hooves
Griswold's Heart - Griswold's Valor - Griswold's Redemption - Griswold's Honor - set complete
Haemosu's Adamant - Dangoon's Teaching - Taebaek's Glory - Ondal's Almighty - set complete
Hwanin's Splendor - Hwanin's Justice - Hwanin's Refuge - Hwanin's Blessing - set complete
Immortal King's Will - Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Immortal King's Soul Cage - Immortal King's Detail - Immortal King's Forge - Immortal King's Pillar - set complete
M'avina's True Sight - M'avina's Caster - M'avina's Embrace - M'avina's Icy Clutch - M'avina's Tenet
Naj's Circlet - Naj's Light Plate - Naj's Puzzler
Natalya's Totem - Natalya's Mark - Natalya's Shadow - Natalya's Soul - set complete
Guillaume's Face - Whitstan's Guard - Magnus' Skin - Wilhelm's Pride - set complete
Sazabi's Mental Sheath - Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Tal Rasha's Guardianship - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Tal Rasha's Adjudication - set complete
Sander's Paragon - Sander's Superstition - Sander's Taboo - Sander's Riprap - set complete
Telling of Beads - Laying of Hands - Dark Adherent - Rite of Passage - Credendum
Trang-Oul's Guise - Trang-Oul's Scales - Trang-Oul's Wing - Trang-Oul's Girth - Trang-Oul's Claws

El - Eld - Tir - Nef - Eth - Ith - Tal - Ral - Ort - Thul - Amn - Sol
Shael - Dol - Hel - Io - Lum - Ko - Fal - Lem - Pul - Um
Mal - Ist - Gul - Vex - Ohm - Lo - Sur - Ber - Jah - Cham - Zod

Celkový počet bodů: 1065
Naposledy upravil(a) RIP dne 09.02.2020, 15:42 hod., celkem upraveno 68 x.

Uživatelský avatar

Re: MF turnaj vol. 10 - výsledky

Příspěvek od Secondface » 25.12.2019, 14:42 hod.

Build - ještěnwm :D

Unique Items:
The Gnasher - Deathspade - Bladebone - Skull Splitter - Rakescar - Axe of Fechmar - Goreshovel - The Chieftain - Brainhew - Humongous
Coldkill - Butcher's Pupil - Islestrike - Pompeii's Wrath - Guardian Naga - Warlord's Trust - Spellsteel - Stormrider - Boneslayer Blade - The Minotaur
Razor's Edge - Rune Master - Cranebeak - Death Cleaver - Ethereal Edge - Hellslayer - Messerschmidt's Reaver - Executioner's Justice

Rixot's Keen - Blood Crescent - Skewer of Krintiz - Gleamscythe - Griswold's Edge - Hellplague - Culwen's Point - Shadowfang - Soulflay - Kinemil's Awl - Blacktongue - Ripsaw - The Patriarch
Bloodletter - Coldsteel Eye - Hexfire - Blade Of Ali Baba - Ginther's Rift - Headstriker - Plague Bearer - The Atlantean - Crainte Vomir - Bing Sz Wang - The Vile Husk - Cloudcrack - Todesfaelle Flamme - Swordguard
Djinn Slayer - Bloodmoon - Lightsabre - Azurewrath - Frostwind - Flamebellow - Doombringer - The Grandfather

Felloak - Stoutnail - Crushflange - Bloodrise - The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Ironstone - Bonesnap - Steeldriver
Dark Clan Crusher - Fleshrender - Sureshrill Frost - Moonfall - Baezil's Vortex - Earthshaker - Bloodtree Stump - The Gavel Of Pain
Nord's Tenderizer - Demon Limb - Baranar's Star - Horizon's Tornado - Stormlash - Stone Crusher - Schaefer's Hammer - Windhammer - Earth Shifter - The Cranium Basher

Pluckeye - Witherstring - Raven Claw - Rogue's Bow - Stormstrike - Wizendraw - Hellclap - Blastbark
Skystrike - Riphook - Kuko Shakaku - Endlesshail - Witchwild String - Cliffkiller - Magewrath - Goldstrike Arch
Eaglehorn - Widowmaker - Windforce

Leadcrow - Ichorsting - Hellcast - Doomslinger
Langer Briser - Pus Spitter - Buriza-Do Kyanon - Demon Machine
Hellrack - Gut Siphon

Dimoak's Hew - Steelgoad - Soul Harvest - The Battlebranch - Woestave - The Grim Reaper
The Meat Scraper - Blackleach Blade - Athena's Wrath - Pierre Tombale Couant - Husoldal Evo - Grim's Burning Dead
Bonehew - The Reaper's Toll - Tomb Reaver - Stormspire

The Dragon Chang - Razortine - Bloodthief - Lance of Yaggai - The Tannr Gorerod
The Impaler - Kelpie Snare - Soulfeast Tine - Hone Sundan - Spire of Honor
Arioc's Needle - Viperfork - Steel Pillar

Gull - The Diggler - The Jade Tan Do - Spectral Shard
Spineripper - Heart Carver - Blackbog's Sharp - Stormspike
Wizardspike - Fleshripper - Ghostflame

Knell Striker - Rusthandle - Stormeye
Zakarum's Hand - The Fetid Sprinkler - Hand of Blessed Light
Heaven's Light - The Redeemer - Astreon's Iron Ward

Bane Ash - Serpent Lord - Spire of Lazarus - The Salamander - The Iron Jang Bong
Razorswitch - Ribcracker - Chromatic Ire - Warpspear - Skull Collector
Ondal's Wisdom - Mang Song's Lesson

Torch of Iro - Maelstrom - Gravenspine - Ume's Lament
Suicide Branch - Carin Shard - Arm of King Leoric - Blackhand Key
Boneshade - Death's Web

Throwing Weapons:
Deathbit - The Scalper
Warshrike - Gimmershred - Lacerator

Demon's Arch - Wraith Flight - Gargoyle's Bite

Greyform - Blinkbat's Form - The Centurion - Twitchthroe - Darkglow - Hawkmail - Venom Ward - Sparking Mail - Iceblink - Heavenly Garb - Boneflesh - Rockfleece - Rattlecage - Goldskin - Silks of the Victor
The Spirit Shroud - Skin of the Vipermagi - Skin of the Flayed One - Iron Pelt - Crow Caw - Spirit Forge - Duriel's Shell - Shaftstop - Skullder's Ire - Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Toothrow - Guardian Angel - Atma's Wail - Black Hades - Corpsemourn
Ormus' Robes - The Gladiator's Bane - Arkaine's Valor - Leviathan - Steel Carapace - Templar's Might - Tyrael's Might

Pelta Lunata - Umbral Disk - Stormguild - Steelclash - Swordback Hold - Bverrit Keep - Wall of the Eyeless - The Ward
Visceratuant - Moser's Blessed Circle - Stormchaser - Tiamat's Rebuke - Lance Guard - Gerke's Sanctuary - Lidless Wall - Radament's Sphere
Blackoak Shield - Stormshield - Spike Thorn - Medusa's Gaze - Head Hunter's Glory - Spirit Ward

Biggin's Bonnet - Tarnhelm - Coif of Glory - Duskdeep - Howltusk - The Face of Horror - Undead Crown - Wormskull
Peasant Crown - Rockstopper - Stealskull - Darksight Helm - Valkyrie Wing - Blackhorn's Face - Crown of Thieves - Vampire Gaze
Harlequin Crest - Steel Shade - Veil of Steel - Nightwing's Veil - Andariel's Visage - Crown of Ages - Giant Skull

Lenymo - Snakecord - Nightsmoke - Goldwrap - Bladebuckle
String of Ears - Razortail - Gloom's Trap - Snowclash - Thundergod's Vigor
Arachnid Mesh - Nosferatu's Coil - Verdungo's Hearty Cord

Hotspur - Gorefoot - Treads of Cthon - Goblin Toe - Tearhaunch
Infernostride - Waterwalk - Silkweave - War Traveler - Gore Rider
Sandstorm Trek - Marrowwalk - Shadow Dancer

The Hand of Broc - Bloodfist - Chance Guards - Magefist - Frostburn
Venom Grip - Gravepalm - Ghoulhide - Lava Gout - Hellmouth
Dracul's Grasp - Soul Drainer - Steelrend

Amazon: Stoneraven - Lycander's Flank - Titan's Revenge - Thunderstroke - Lycander's Aim - Blood Raven's Charge
Assassin: Shadow Killer - Bartuc's Cut-Throat - Jade Talon - Firelizard's Talons
Barbarian: Arreat's Face - Wolfhowl - Demonhorn's Edge - Halaberd's Reign
Sorceress: The Oculus - Eschuta's Temper - Death's Fathom
Druid: Jalal's Mane - Cerebus' Bite - Ravenlore - Spirit Keeper
Necromancer: Homunculus - Darkforce Spawn - Boneflame
Paladin: Alma Negra - Herald Of Zakarum - Dragonscale

Nagelring - Manald Heal - Stone of Jordan - Dwarf Star - Raven Frost - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Carrion Wind - Nature's Peace - Wisp Projector

Nokozan Relic - The Eye of Etlich - The Mahim-Oak Curio - Saracen's Chance - The Cat's Eye - Crescent Moon - Atma's Scarab - The Rising Sun - Highlord's Wrath - Mara's Kaleidoscope - Seraph's Hymn - Metalgrid

Kira's Guardian - Griffon's Eye

Rainbow Facet (Bl) - Rainbow Facet (FN) - Rainbow Facet (N) - Rainbow Facet (V) - Rainbow Facet (M) - Rainbow Facet (B) - Rainbow Facet (CL) - Rainbow Facet (PN)

Gheed's Fortune - Annihilus - Hellfire Torch

Set Items:
Angelic Mantle - Angelic Sickle - Angelic Halo - Angelic Wings
Arcanna's Head - Arcanna's Flesh - Arcanna's Deathwand - Arcanna's Sign
Arctic Furs - Arctic Binding - Arctic Mitts - Arctic Horn
Berserker's Headgear - Berserker's Hauberk - Berserker's Hatchet
Cathan's Visage - Cathan's Mesh - Cathan's Rule - Cathan's Sigil - Cathan's Seal
Civerb's Cudgel - Civerb's Icon - Civerb's Ward
Cleglaw's Tooth - Cleglaw's Pincers - Cleglaw's Claw
Death's Touch - Death's Hand - Death's Guard
Hsarus' Iron Fist - Hsarus' Iron Stay - Hsarus' Iron Heel
Infernal Cranium - Infernal Sign - Infernal Torch
Iratha's Coil - Iratha's Collar - Iratha's Cord - Iratha's Cuff
Isenhart's Lightbrand - Isenhart's Horns - Isenhart's Case - Isenhart's Parry
Milabrega's Diadem - Milabrega's Robe - Milabrega's Orb - Milabrega's Rod
Sigon's Visor - Sigon's Shelter - Sigon's Sabot - Sigon's Guard - Sigon's Wrap - Sigon's Gage
Tancred's Skull - Tancred's Spine - Tancred's Hobnails - Tancred's Crowbill - Tancred's Weird
Vidala's Barb - Vidala's Ambush - Vidala's Fetlock - Vidala's Snare

Aldur's Stony Gaze - Aldur's Advance - Aldur's Deception - Aldur's Rhythm
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
Cow King's Horns - Cow King's Hide - Cow King's Hooves
Griswold's Heart - Griswold's Valor - Griswold's Redemption - Griswold's Honor
Haemosu's Adamant - Dangoon's Teaching - Taebaek's Glory - Ondal's Almighty
Hwanin's Splendor - Hwanin's Justice - Hwanin's Refuge - Hwanin's Blessing
Immortal King's Will - Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Immortal King's Soul Cage - Immortal King's Detail - Immortal King's Forge - Immortal King's Pillar
M'avina's True Sight - M'avina's Caster - M'avina's Embrace - M'avina's Icy Clutch - M'avina's Tenet
Naj's Circlet - Naj's Light Plate - Naj's Puzzler
Natalya's Totem - Natalya's Mark - Natalya's Shadow - Natalya's Soul
Guillaume's Face - Whitstan's Guard - Magnus' Skin - Wilhelm's Pride
Sazabi's Mental Sheath - Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Tal Rasha's Guardianship - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Sander's Paragon - Sander's Superstition - Sander's Taboo - Sander's Riprap
Telling of Beads - Laying of Hands - Dark Adherent - Rite of Passage - Credendum
Trang-Oul's Guise - Trang-Oul's Scales - Trang-Oul's Wing - Trang-Oul's Girth - Trang-Oul's Claws

El - Eld - Tir - Nef - Eth - Ith - Tal - Ral - Ort - Thul - Amn - Sol
Shael - Dol - Hel - Io - Lum - Ko - Fal - Lem - Pul - Um
Mal - Ist - Gul - Vex - Ohm - Lo - Sur - Ber - Jah - Cham - Zod

Celkový počet bodů: 0
>>>>>> --- MF turnaj vol. 10 --- <<<<<<
MF vol. 9 ---/--- MF vol. 8 ---/--- Survival Challenge ---/--- MF vol.5 ---/--- Ironman Challenge

Uživatelský avatar

Re: MF turnaj vol. 10 - výsledky

Příspěvek od Maarshjaz » 25.12.2019, 16:07 hod.

tady konec, stačí mi single bez turnaje. zdar

Unique Items:
The Gnasher - Deathspade - Bladebone - Skull Splitter - Rakescar - Axe of Fechmar - Goreshovel - The Chieftain - Brainhew - Humongous
Coldkill - Butcher's Pupil - Islestrike - Pompeii's Wrath - Guardian Naga - Warlord's Trust - Spellsteel - Stormrider - Boneslayer Blade - The Minotaur
Razor's Edge - Rune Master - Cranebeak - Death Cleaver - Ethereal Edge - Hellslayer - Messerschmidt's Reaver - Executioner's Justice

Rixot's Keen - Blood Crescent - Skewer of Krintiz - Gleamscythe - Griswold's Edge - Hellplague - Culwen's Point - Shadowfang - Soulflay - Kinemil's Awl - Blacktongue - Ripsaw - The Patriarch
Bloodletter - Coldsteel Eye - Hexfire - Blade Of Ali Baba - Ginther's Rift - Headstriker - Plague Bearer - The Atlantean - Crainte Vomir - Bing Sz Wang - The Vile Husk - Cloudcrack - Todesfaelle Flamme - Swordguard
Djinn Slayer - Bloodmoon - Lightsabre - Azurewrath - Frostwind - Flamebellow - Doombringer - The Grandfather

Felloak - Stoutnail - Crushflange - Bloodrise - The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Ironstone - Bonesnap - Steeldriver
Dark Clan Crusher - Fleshrender - Sureshrill Frost - Moonfall - Baezil's Vortex - Earthshaker - Bloodtree Stump - The Gavel Of Pain
Nord's Tenderizer - Demon Limb - Baranar's Star - Horizon's Tornado - Stormlash - Stone Crusher - Schaefer's Hammer - Windhammer - Earth Shifter - The Cranium Basher

Pluckeye - Witherstring - Raven Claw - Rogue's Bow - Stormstrike - Wizendraw - Hellclap - Blastbark
Skystrike - Riphook - Kuko Shakaku - Endlesshail - Witchwild String - Cliffkiller - Magewrath - Goldstrike Arch
Eaglehorn - Widowmaker - Windforce

Leadcrow - Ichorsting - Hellcast - Doomslinger
Langer Briser - Pus Spitter - Buriza-Do Kyanon - Demon Machine
Hellrack - Gut Siphon

Dimoak's Hew - Steelgoad - Soul Harvest - The Battlebranch - Woestave - The Grim Reaper
The Meat Scraper - Blackleach Blade - Athena's Wrath - Pierre Tombale Couant - Husoldal Evo - Grim's Burning Dead
Bonehew - The Reaper's Toll - Tomb Reaver - Stormspire

The Dragon Chang - Razortine - Bloodthief - Lance of Yaggai - The Tannr Gorerod
The Impaler - Kelpie Snare - Soulfeast Tine - Hone Sundan - Spire of Honor
Arioc's Needle - Viperfork - Steel Pillar

Gull - The Diggler - The Jade Tan Do - Spectral Shard
Spineripper - Heart Carver - Blackbog's Sharp - Stormspike
Wizardspike - Fleshripper - Ghostflame

Knell Striker - Rusthandle - Stormeye
Zakarum's Hand - The Fetid Sprinkler - Hand of Blessed Light
Heaven's Light - The Redeemer - Astreon's Iron Ward

Bane Ash - Serpent Lord - Spire of Lazarus - The Salamander - The Iron Jang Bong
Razorswitch - Ribcracker - Chromatic Ire - Warpspear - Skull Collector
Ondal's Wisdom - Mang Song's Lesson

Torch of Iro - Maelstrom - Gravenspine - Ume's Lament
Suicide Branch - Carin Shard - Arm of King Leoric - Blackhand Key
Boneshade - Death's Web

Throwing Weapons:
Deathbit - The Scalper
Warshrike - Gimmershred - Lacerator

Demon's Arch - Wraith Flight - Gargoyle's Bite

Greyform - Blinkbat's Form - The Centurion - Twitchthroe - Darkglow - Hawkmail - Venom Ward - Sparking Mail - Iceblink - Heavenly Garb - Boneflesh - Rockfleece - Rattlecage - Goldskin - Silks of the Victor
The Spirit Shroud - Skin of the Vipermagi - Skin of the Flayed One - Iron Pelt - Crow Caw - Spirit Forge - Duriel's Shell - Shaftstop - Skullder's Ire - Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Toothrow - Guardian Angel - Atma's Wail - Black Hades - Corpsemourn
Ormus' Robes - The Gladiator's Bane - Arkaine's Valor - Leviathan - Steel Carapace - Templar's Might - Tyrael's Might

Pelta Lunata - Umbral Disk - Stormguild - Steelclash - Swordback Hold - Bverrit Keep - Wall of the Eyeless - The Ward
Visceratuant - Moser's Blessed Circle - Stormchaser - Tiamat's Rebuke - Lance Guard - Gerke's Sanctuary - Lidless Wall - Radament's Sphere
Blackoak Shield - Stormshield - Spike Thorn - Medusa's Gaze - Head Hunter's Glory - Spirit Ward

Biggin's Bonnet - Tarnhelm - Coif of Glory - Duskdeep - Howltusk - The Face of Horror - Undead Crown - Wormskull
Peasant Crown - Rockstopper - Stealskull - Darksight Helm - Valkyrie Wing - Blackhorn's Face - Crown of Thieves - Vampire Gaze
Harlequin Crest - Steel Shade - Veil of Steel - Nightwing's Veil - Andariel's Visage - Crown of Ages - Giant Skull

Lenymo - Snakecord - Nightsmoke - Goldwrap - Bladebuckle
String of Ears - Razortail - Gloom's Trap - Snowclash - Thundergod's Vigor
Arachnid Mesh - Nosferatu's Coil - Verdungo's Hearty Cord

Hotspur - Gorefoot - Treads of Cthon - Goblin Toe - Tearhaunch
Infernostride - Waterwalk - Silkweave - War Traveler - Gore Rider
Sandstorm Trek - Marrowwalk - Shadow Dancer

The Hand of Broc - Bloodfist - Chance Guards - Magefist - Frostburn
Venom Grip - Gravepalm - Ghoulhide - Lava Gout - Hellmouth
Dracul's Grasp - Soul Drainer - Steelrend

Amazon: Stoneraven - Lycander's Flank - Titan's Revenge - Thunderstroke - Lycander's Aim - Blood Raven's Charge
Assassin: Shadow Killer - Bartuc's Cut-Throat - Jade Talon - Firelizard's Talons
Barbarian: Arreat's Face - Wolfhowl - Demonhorn's Edge - Halaberd's Reign
Sorceress: The Oculus - Eschuta's Temper - Death's Fathom
Druid: Jalal's Mane - Cerebus' Bite - Ravenlore - Spirit Keeper
Necromancer: Homunculus - Darkforce Spawn - Boneflame
Paladin: Alma Negra - Herald Of Zakarum - Dragonscale

Nagelring - Manald Heal - Stone of Jordan - Dwarf Star - Raven Frost - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Carrion Wind - Nature's Peace - Wisp Projector

Nokozan Relic - The Eye of Etlich - The Mahim-Oak Curio - Saracen's Chance - The Cat's Eye - Crescent Moon - Atma's Scarab - The Rising Sun - Highlord's Wrath - Mara's Kaleidoscope - Seraph's Hymn - Metalgrid

Kira's Guardian - Griffon's Eye

Rainbow Facet (Bl) - Rainbow Facet (FN) - Rainbow Facet (N) - Rainbow Facet (V) - Rainbow Facet (M) - Rainbow Facet (B) - Rainbow Facet (CL) - Rainbow Facet (PN)

Gheed's Fortune - Annihilus - Hellfire Torch

Set Items:
Angelic Mantle - Angelic Sickle - Angelic Halo - Angelic Wings COMPLETE
Arcanna's Head - Arcanna's Flesh - Arcanna's Deathwand - Arcanna's Sign
Arctic Furs - Arctic Binding - Arctic Mitts - Arctic Horn
Berserker's Headgear - Berserker's Hauberk - Berserker's Hatchet COMPLETE
Cathan's Visage - Cathan's Mesh - Cathan's Rule - Cathan's Sigil - Cathan's Seal COMPLETE
Civerb's Cudgel - Civerb's Icon - Civerb's Ward COMPLETE
Cleglaw's Tooth - Cleglaw's Pincers - Cleglaw's Claw
Death's Touch - Death's Hand - Death's Guard
Hsarus' Iron Fist - Hsarus' Iron Stay - Hsarus' Iron Heel
Infernal Cranium - Infernal Sign - Infernal Torch
Iratha's Coil - Iratha's Collar - Iratha's Cord - Iratha's Cuff
Isenhart's Lightbrand - Isenhart's Horns - Isenhart's Case - Isenhart's Parry COMPLETE
Milabrega's Diadem - Milabrega's Robe - Milabrega's Orb - Milabrega's Rod COMPLETE
Sigon's Visor - Sigon's Shelter - Sigon's Sabot - Sigon's Guard - Sigon's Wrap - Sigon's Gage COMPLETE
Tancred's Skull - Tancred's Spine - Tancred's Hobnails - Tancred's Crowbill - Tancred's Weird
Vidala's Barb - Vidala's Ambush - Vidala's Fetlock - Vidala's Snare

Aldur's Stony Gaze - Aldur's Advance - Aldur's Deception - Aldur's Rhythm
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
Cow King's Horns - Cow King's Hide - Cow King's Hooves
Griswold's Heart - Griswold's Valor - Griswold's Redemption - Griswold's Honor
Haemosu's Adamant - Dangoon's Teaching - Taebaek's Glory - Ondal's Almighty
Hwanin's Splendor - Hwanin's Justice - Hwanin's Refuge - Hwanin's Blessing COMPLETE
Immortal King's Will - Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Immortal King's Soul Cage - Immortal King's Detail - Immortal King's Forge - Immortal King's Pillar
M'avina's True Sight - M'avina's Caster - M'avina's Embrace - M'avina's Icy Clutch - M'avina's Tenet
Naj's Circlet - Naj's Light Plate - Naj's Puzzler
Natalya's Totem - Natalya's Mark - Natalya's Shadow - Natalya's Soul
Guillaume's Face - Whitstan's Guard - Magnus' Skin - Wilhelm's Pride
Sazabi's Mental Sheath - Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Tal Rasha's Guardianship - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Sander's Paragon - Sander's Superstition - Sander's Taboo - Sander's Riprap
Telling of Beads - Laying of Hands - Dark Adherent - Rite of Passage - Credendum
Trang-Oul's Guise - Trang-Oul's Scales - Trang-Oul's Wing - Trang-Oul's Girth - Trang-Oul's Claws

El - Eld - Tir - Nef - Eth - Ith - Tal - Ral - Ort - Thul - Amn - Sol
Shael - Dol - Hel - Io - Lum - Ko - Fal - Lem - Pul - Um
Mal - Ist - Gul - Vex - Ohm - Lo - Sur - Ber - Jah - Cham - Zod

Naposledy upravil(a) Maarshjaz dne 14.01.2020, 23:26 hod., celkem upraveno 26 x.

Uživatelský avatar

Re: MF turnaj vol. 10 - výsledky

Příspěvek od Sajs » 25.12.2019, 17:44 hod.

SC bone necro
lvl 89
exp: 1.545
aktualizováno 9.2.

Unique Items:
The Gnasher - Deathspade - Bladebone - Skull Splitter - Rakescar - Axe of Fechmar - Goreshovel - The Chieftain - Brainhew - Humongous
Coldkill - Butcher's Pupil - Islestrike - Pompeii's Wrath - Guardian Naga - Warlord's Trust - Spellsteel - Stormrider - Boneslayer Blade - The Minotaur COMPLETE
Razor's Edge - Rune Master - Cranebeak - Death Cleaver - Ethereal Edge - Hellslayer - Messerschmidt's Reaver - Executioner's Justice

Rixot's Keen - Blood Crescent - Skewer of Krintiz - Gleamscythe - Griswold's Edge - Hellplague - Culwen's Point - Shadowfang - Soulflay - Kinemil's Awl - Blacktongue - Ripsaw - The Patriarch
Bloodletter - Coldsteel Eye - Hexfire - Blade Of Ali Baba - Ginther's Rift - Headstriker - Plague Bearer - The Atlantean - Crainte Vomir - Bing Sz Wang - The Vile Husk - Cloudcrack - Todesfaelle Flamme - Swordguard
Djinn Slayer - Bloodmoon - Lightsabre - Azurewrath - Frostwind - Flamebellow - Doombringer - The Grandfather

Felloak - Stoutnail - Crushflange - Bloodrise - The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Ironstone - Bonesnap - Steeldriver
Dark Clan Crusher - Fleshrender - Sureshrill Frost - Moonfall - Baezil's Vortex - Earthshaker - Bloodtree Stump - The Gavel Of Pain
Nord's Tenderizer - Demon Limb - Baranar's Star - Horizon's Tornado - Stormlash - Stone Crusher - Schaefer's Hammer - Windhammer Earth Shifter - The Cranium Basher -

Pluckeye - Witherstring - Raven Claw - Rogue's Bow - Stormstrike - Wizendraw - Hellclap - Blastbark
Skystrike - Riphook - Kuko Shakaku - Endlesshail - Witchwild String - Cliffkiller - Magewrath - Goldstrike Arch
Eaglehorn - Widowmaker - Windforce

Leadcrow - Ichorsting - Hellcast - Doomslinger COMPLETE
Langer Briser - Pus Spitter - Buriza-Do Kyanon - Demon Machine
Hellrack - Gut Siphon

Dimoak's Hew - Steelgoad - Soul Harvest - The Battlebranch - Woestave - The Grim Reaper COMPLETE
The Meat Scraper - Blackleach Blade - Athena's Wrath - Pierre Tombale Couant - Husoldal Evo - Grim's Burning Dead
Bonehew - The Reaper's Toll - Tomb Reaver - Stormspire

The Dragon Chang - Razortine - Bloodthief - Lance of Yaggai - The Tannr Gorerod COMPLETE
The Impaler - Kelpie Snare - Soulfeast Tine - Hone Sundan - Spire of Honor
Arioc's Needle - Viperfork - Steel Pillar

Gull - The Diggler - The Jade Tan Do - Spectral Shard
Spineripper - Heart Carver - Blackbog's Sharp - Stormspike
Wizardspike - Fleshripper - Ghostflame

Knell Striker - Rusthandle - Stormeye
Zakarum's Hand - The Fetid Sprinkler - Hand of Blessed Light
Heaven's Light - The Redeemer - Astreon's Iron Ward

Bane Ash - Serpent Lord - Spire of Lazarus - The Salamander - The Iron Jang Bong
Razorswitch - Ribcracker - Chromatic Ire - Warpspear - Skull Collector
Ondal's Wisdom - Mang Song's Lesson

Torch of Iro - Maelstrom - Gravenspine - Ume's Lament
Suicide Branch - Carin Shard - Arm of King Leoric - Blackhand Key -
Boneshade - Death's Web

Throwing weapons:
Deathbit - The Scalper COMPLETE
Warshrike - Gimmershred - Lacerator

Demon's Arch - Wraith Flight - Gargoyle's Bite

Greyform - Blinkbat's Form - The Centurion - Twitchthroe - Darkglow - Hawkmail - Venom Ward - Sparking Mail - Iceblink - Heavenly Garb - Boneflesh - Rockfleece - Rattlecage - Goldskin - Silks of the Victory
The Spirit Shroud - Skin of the Vipermagi - Skin of the Flayed One - Iron Pelt - Crow Caw - Spirit Forge - Duriel's Shell - Shaftstop - Skullder's Ire - Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Toothrow - Guardian Angel - Atma's Wail - Black Hades - Corpsemourn
Ormus' Robes - The Gladiator's Bane - Arkaine's Valor - Leviathan - Steel Carapace - Templar's Might - Tyrael's Might

Pelta Lunata - Umbral Disk - Stormguild - Steelclash - Swordback Hold - Bverrit Keep - Wall of the Eyeless - The Ward
Visceratuant - Moser's Blessed Circle - Stormchaser - Tiamat's Rebuke - Lance Guard - Gerke's Sanctuary - Lidless Wall - Radament's Sphere
Blackoak Shield - Stormshield - Spike Thorn - Medusa's Gaze - Head Hunter's Glory - Spirit Ward

Biggin's Bonnet - Tarnhelm - Coif of Glory - Duskdeep - Howltusk - The Face of Horror - Undead Crown - Wormskull
Peasant Crown - Rockstopper - Stealskull - Darksight Helm - Valkyrie Wing - Blackhorn's Face - Crown of Thieves - Vampire Gaze
Harlequin Crest - Steel Shade - Veil of Steel - Nightwing's Veil - Andariel's Visage - Crown of Ages - Giant Skull

Lenymo - Snakecord - Nightsmoke - Goldwrap - Bladebuckle
String of Ears - Razortail - Gloom's Trap - Snowclash - Thundergod's Vigor
Arachnid Mesh - Nosferatu's Coil - Verdungo's Hearty Cord

Hotspur - Gorefoot - Treads of Cthon - Goblin Toe - Tearhaunch
Infernostride - Waterwalk - Silkweave - War Traveler - Gore Rider
Sandstorm Trek - Marrowwalk - Shadow Dancer

The Hand of Broc - Bloodfist - Chance Guards - Magefist - Frostburn
Venom Grip - Gravepalm - Ghoulhide - Lava Gout - Hellmouth
Dracul's Grasp - Soul Drainer - Steelrend

Amazon: Stoneraven - Lycander's Flank - Titan's Revenge - Thunderstroke - Lycander's Aim - Blood Raven's Charge
Assassin: Shadow Killer - Bartuc's Cut-Throat - Jade Talon - Firelizard's Talons
Necromancer: Homunculus - Darkforce Spawn - Boneflame
Barbarian: Arreat's Face - Wolfhowl - Demonhorn's Edge - Halaberd's Reign
Sorceress: The Oculus - Eschuta's Temper - Death's Fathom
Druid: Jalal's Mane - Cerebus' Bite - Ravenlore - Spirit Keeper
Paladin: Alma Negra - Herald Of Zakarum - Dragonscale

Nagelring - Manald Heal - Stone of Jordan - Dwarf Star - Raven Frost - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Carrion Wind - Nature's Peace - Wisp Projector

Nokozan Relic - The Eye of Etlich - The Mahim-Oak Curio - Saracen's Chance - The Cat's Eye - Crescent Moon - Atma's Scarab - The Rising Sun - Highlord's Wrath - Mara's Kaleidoscope - Seraph's Hymn - Metalgrid

Kira's Guardian - Griffon's Eye

Rainbow Facet (Blaze) - Rainbow Facet (Frost Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Venom) - Rainbow Facet (Meteor) - Rainbow Facet (Blizzard) - Rainbow Facet (Chain Lightning) - Rainbow Facet (Poison Nova)

Annihilus - Gheed's Fortune - Hellfire Torch

Set Items:
Angelic Mantle - Angelic Sickle - Angelic Halo - Angelic Wings COMPLETE
Arcanna's Head - Arcanna's Flesh - Arcanna's Deathwand - Arcanna's Sign
Arctic Furs - Arctic Binding - Arctic Mitts - Arctic Horn COMPLETE
Berserker's Headgear - Berserker's Hauberk - Berserker's Hatchet COMPLETE
Cathan's Visage - Cathan's Mesh - Cathan's Rule - Cathan's Sigil Cathan's Seal - COMPLETE
Civerb's Cudgel - Civerb's Icon - Civerb's Ward COMPLETE
Cleglaw's Tooth - Cleglaw's Pincers - Cleglaw's Claw COMPLETE
Death's Touch - Death's Hand - Death's Guard COMPLETE
Hsarus' Iron Fist - Hsarus' Iron Stay - Hsarus' Iron Heel COMPLETE
Infernal Cranium - Infernal Sign - Infernal Torch
Iratha's Coil - Iratha's Collar - Iratha's Cord - Iratha's Cuff COMPLETE
Isenhart's Lightbrand - Isenhart's Horns - Isenhart's Case - Isenhart's Parry COMPLETE
Milabrega's Diadem - Milabrega's Robe - Milabrega's Orb - Milabrega's Rod COMPLETE
Sigon's Visor - Sigon's Shelter - Sigon's Sabot - Sigon's Guard - Sigon's Wrap - Sigon's Gage COMPLETE
Tancred's Skull - Tancred's Spine - Tancred's Hobnails - Tancred's Crowbill - Tancred's Weird COMPLETE
Vidala's Barb - Vidala's Ambush - Vidala's Fetlock - Vidala's Snare

Aldur's Stony Gaze - Aldur's Advance - Aldur's Deception - Aldur's Rhythm
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
Cow King's Horns - Cow King's Hide - Cow King's Hooves
Griswold's Heart - Griswold's Valor - Griswold's Redemption - Griswold's Honor
Haemosu's Adamant - Dangoon's Teaching - Taebaek's Glory - Ondal's Almighty
Hwanin's Splendor - Hwanin's Justice - Hwanin's Refuge - Hwanin's Blessing
Immortal King's Will - Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Immortal King's Soul Cage - Immortal King's Detail - Immortal King's Forge - Immortal King's Pillar COMPLETE
M'avina's True Sight - M'avina's Caster - M'avina's Embrace - M'avina's Icy Clutch - M'avina's Tenet
Naj's Circlet - Naj's Light Plate - Naj's Puzzler
Natalya's Totem - Natalya's Mark - Natalya's Shadow - Natalya's Soul
Guillaume's Face - Whitstan's Guard - Magnus' Skin - Wilhelm's Pride COMPLETE
Sander's Paragon - Sander's Superstition - Sander's Taboo - Sander's Riprap
Sazabi's Mental Sheath - Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Tal Rasha's Guardianship - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Telling of Beads - Laying of Hand - Dark Adherent - Rite of Passage - Credendum
Trang-Oul's Guise - Trang-Oul's Scales - Trang-Oul's Wing - Trang-Oul's Girth - Trang-Oul's Claws

El - Eld - Tir - Nef - Eth - Ith - Tal - Ral - Ort - Thul - Amn - Sol - Shael - Dol - Hel - Io - Lum - Ko - Fal - Lem - Pul - Um - Mal - Ist - Gul - Vex - Ohm - Lo - Sur - Ber - Jah - Cham - Zod

Celkový počet bodů: 672
Naposledy upravil(a) Sajs dne 09.02.2020, 17:40 hod., celkem upraveno 12 x.

Currenly, I'm playing:Diablo 2

Re: MF turnaj vol. 10 - výsledky

Příspěvek od Pietro » 25.12.2019, 20:06 hod.

Build: WarCry barb
LVL: 69
EXP: 266 M
Styl: HC

Unique Items:
The Gnasher - Deathspade - Bladebone - Skull Splitter - Rakescar - Axe of Fechmar - Goreshovel - The Chieftain - Brainhew - Humongous
Coldkill - Butcher's Pupil - Islestrike - Pompeii's Wrath - Guardian Naga - Warlord's Trust - Spellsteel - Stormrider- Boneslayer Blade - The Minotaur
Razor's Edge - Rune Master - Cranebeak - Death Cleaver - Ethereal Edge - Hellslayer - Messerschmidt's Reaver - Executioner's Justice

Rixot's Keen - Blood Crescent - Skewer of Krintiz - Gleamscythe - Griswold's Edge - Hellplague - Culwen's Point - Shadowfang - Soulflay - Kinemil's Awl - Blacktongue - Ripsaw - The Patriarch
Bloodletter - Coldsteel Eye - Hexfire - Blade Of Ali Baba - Ginther's Rift - Headstriker - Plague Bearer - The Atlantean - Crainte Vomir - Bing Sz Wang - The Vile Husk - Cloudcrack - Todesfaelle Flamme - Swordguard
Djinn Slayer - Bloodmoon - Lightsabre - Azurewrath - Frostwind - Flamebellow - Doombringer - The Grandfather

Felloak - Stoutnail - Crushflange - Bloodrise - The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Ironstone - Bonesnap - Steeldriver
Dark Clan Crusher - Fleshrender - Sureshrill Frost - Moonfall - Baezil's Vortex - Earthshaker - Bloodtree Stump - The Gavel Of Pain
Nord's Tenderizer - Demon Limb - Baranar's Star - Horizon's Tornado - Stormlash - Stone Crusher - Schaefer's Hammer - Windhammer Earth Shifter - The Cranium Basher -

Pluckeye - Witherstring - Raven Claw - Rogue's Bow - Stormstrike - Wizendraw - Hellclap - Blastbark
Skystrike - Riphook - Kuko Shakaku - Endlesshail - Witchwild String - Cliffkiller - Magewrath - Goldstrike Arch
Eaglehorn - Widowmaker - Windforce

Leadcrow - Ichorsting - Hellcast - Doomslinger
Langer Briser - Pus Spitter - Buriza-Do Kyanon - Demon Machine
Hellrack - Gut Siphon

Dimoak's Hew - Steelgoad - Soul Harvest - The Battlebranch - Woestave - The Grim Reaper
The Meat Scraper - Blackleach Blade - Athena's Wrath - Pierre Tombale Couant - Husoldal Evo - Grim's Burning Dead
Bonehew - The Reaper's Toll - Tomb Reaver - Stormspire

The Dragon Chang - Razortine - Bloodthief - Lance of Yaggai - The Tannr Gorerod
The Impaler - Kelpie Snare - Soulfeast Tine - Hone Sundan - Spire of Honor
Arioc's Needle - Viperfork - Steel Pillar

Gull - The Diggler - The Jade Tan Do - Spectral Shard
Spineripper - Heart Carver - Blackbog's Sharp - Stormspike
Wizardspike - Fleshripper - Ghostflame

Knell Striker - Rusthandle - Stormeye
Zakarum's Hand - The Fetid Sprinkler - Hand of Blessed Light
Heaven's Light - The Redeemer - Astreon's Iron Ward

Bane Ash - Serpent Lord - Spire of Lazarus - The Salamander - The Iron Jang Bong
Razorswitch - Ribcracker - Chromatic Ire - Warpspear - Skull Collector
Ondal's Wisdom - Mang Song's Lesson

Torch of Iro - Maelstrom - Gravenspine - Ume's Lament
Suicide Branch - Carin Shard - Arm of King Leoric - Blackhand Key -
Boneshade - Death's Web

Throwing weapons:
Deathbit - The Scalper
Warshrike - Gimmershred - Lacerator

Demon's Arch - Wraith Flight - Gargoyle's Bite

Greyform - Blinkbat's Form - The Centurion - Twitchthroe - Darkglow - Hawkmail - Venom Ward - Sparking Mail - Iceblink - Heavenly Garb - Boneflesh - Rockfleece - Rattlecage - Goldskin - Silks of the Victory
The Spirit Shroud - Skin of the Vipermagi - Skin of the Flayed One - Iron Pelt - Crow Caw - Spirit Forge - Duriel's Shell - Shaftstop - Skullder's Ire - Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Toothrow - Guardian Angel - Atma's Wail - Black Hades - Corpsemourn
Ormus' Robes - The Gladiator's Bane - Arkaine's Valor - Leviathan - Steel Carapace - Templar's Might - Tyrael's Might

Pelta Lunata - Umbral Disk - Stormguild - Steelclash - Swordback Hold - Bverrit Keep - Wall of the Eyeless - The Ward
Visceratuant - Moser's Blessed Circle - Stormchaser - Tiamat's Rebuke - Lance Guard - Gerke's Sanctuary - Lidless Wall - Radament's Sphere
Blackoak Shield - Stormshield - Spike Thorn - Medusa's Gaze - Head Hunter's Glory - Spirit Ward

Biggin's Bonnet - Tarnhelm - Coif of Glory - Duskdeep - Howltusk - The Face of Horror - Undead Crown - Wormskull
Peasant Crown - Rockstopper - Stealskull - Darksight Helm - Valkyrie Wing - Blackhorn's Face - Crown of Thieves - Vampire Gaze
Harlequin Crest - Steel Shade - Veil of Steel - Nightwing's Veil - Andariel's Visage - Crown of Ages - Giant Skull

Lenymo - Snakecord - Nightsmoke - Goldwrap - Bladebuckle
String of Ears - Razortail - Gloom's Trap - Snowclash - Thundergod's Vigor
Arachnid Mesh - Nosferatu's Coil - Verdungo's Hearty Cord

Hotspur - Gorefoot - Treads of Cthon - Goblin Toe - Tearhaunch
Infernostride - Waterwalk - Silkweave - War Traveler - Gore Rider
Sandstorm Trek - Marrowwalk - Shadow Dancer

The Hand of Broc - Bloodfist - Chance Guards - Magefist - Frostburn
Venom Grip - Gravepalm - Ghoulhide - Lava Gout - Hellmouth
Dracul's Grasp - Soul Drainer - Steelrend

Amazon: Stoneraven - Lycander's Flank - Titan's Revenge - Thunderstroke - Lycander's Aim - Blood Raven's Charge
Assassin: Shadow Killer - Bartuc's Cut-Throat - Jade Talon - Firelizard's Talons
Necromancer: Homunculus - Darkforce Spawn - Boneflame
Barbarian: Arreat's Face - Wolfhowl - Demonhorn's Edge - Halaberd's Reign
Sorceress: The Oculus - Eschuta's Temper - Death's Fathom
Druid: Jalal's Mane - Cerebus' Bite - Ravenlore - Spirit Keeper
Paladin: Alma Negra - Herald Of Zakarum - Dragonscale

Nagelring - Manald Heal - Stone of Jordan - Dwarf Star - Raven Frost - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Carrion Wind - Nature's Peace - Wisp Projector

Nokozan Relic - The Eye of Etlich - The Mahim-Oak Curio - Saracen's Chance - The Cat's Eye - Crescent Moon - Atma's Scarab - The Rising Sun - Highlord's Wrath - Mara's Kaleidoscope - Seraph's Hymn - Metalgrid

Kira's Guardian - Griffon's Eye

Rainbow Facet (Blaze) - Rainbow Facet (Frost Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Venom) - Rainbow Facet (Meteor) - Rainbow Facet (Blizzard) - Rainbow Facet (Chain Lightning) - Rainbow Facet (Poison Nova)

Annihilus - Gheed's Fortune - Hellfire Torch

Set Items:
Angelic Mantle - Angelic Sickle - Angelic Halo - Angelic Wings
Arcanna's Head - Arcanna's Flesh - Arcanna's Deathwand - Arcanna's Sign
Arctic Furs - Arctic Binding - Arctic Mitts - Arctic Horn
Berserker's Headgear - Berserker's Hauberk - Berserker's Hatchet
Cathan's Visage - Cathan's Mesh - Cathan's Rule - Cathan's Sigil Cathan's Seal -
Civerb's Cudgel - Civerb's Icon - Civerb's Ward
Cleglaw's Tooth - Cleglaw's Pincers - Cleglaw's Claw COMPLETE
Death's Touch - Death's Hand - Death's Guard
Hsarus' Iron Fist - Hsarus' Iron Stay - Hsarus' Iron Heel
Infernal Cranium - Infernal Sign - Infernal Torch
Iratha's Coil - Iratha's Collar - Iratha's Cord - Iratha's Cuff
Isenhart's Lightbrand - Isenhart's Horns - Isenhart's Case - Isenhart's Parry
Milabrega's Diadem - Milabrega's Robe - Milabrega's Orb - Milabrega's Rod
Sigon's Visor - Sigon's Shelter - Sigon's Sabot - Sigon's Guard - Sigon's Wrap - Sigon's Gage
Tancred's Skull - Tancred's Spine - Tancred's Hobnails - Tancred's Crowbill - Tancred's Weird
Vidala's Barb - Vidala's Ambush - Vidala's Fetlock - Vidala's Snare

Aldur's Stony Gaze - Aldur's Advance - Aldur's Deception - Aldur's Rhythm
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
Cow King's Horns - Cow King's Hide - Cow King's Hooves
Griswold's Heart - Griswold's Valor - Griswold's Redemption - Griswold's Honor
Haemosu's Adamant - Dangoon's Teaching - Taebaek's Glory - Ondal's Almighty
Hwanin's Splendor - Hwanin's Justice - Hwanin's Refuge - Hwanin's Blessing
Immortal King's Will - Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Immortal King's Soul Cage - Immortal King's Detail - Immortal King's Forge - Immortal King's Pillar
M'avina's True Sight - M'avina's Caster - M'avina's Embrace - M'avina's Icy Clutch - M'avina's Tenet
Naj's Circlet - Naj's Light Plate - Naj's Puzzler
Natalya's Totem - Natalya's Mark - Natalya's Shadow - Natalya's Soul
Guillaume's Face - Whitstan's Guard - Magnus' Skin - Wilhelm's Pride
Sander's Paragon - Sander's Superstition - Sander's Taboo - Sander's Riprap
Sazabi's Mental Sheath - Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Tal Rasha's Guardianship - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Telling of Beads - Laying of Hand - Dark Adherent - Rite of Passage - Credendum
Trang-Oul's Guise - Trang-Oul's Scales - Trang-Oul's Wing - Trang-Oul's Girth - Trang-Oul's Claws

El - Eld - Tir - Nef - Eth - Ith - Tal - Ral - Ort - Thul - Amn - Sol - Shael - Dol - Hel - Io - Lum - Ko - Fal - Lem - Pul - Um - Mal - Ist - Gul - Vex - Ohm - Lo - Sur - Ber - Jah - Cham - Zod

Celkový počet bodů: 102
Naposledy upravil(a) Pietro dne 11.01.2020, 20:11 hod., celkem upraveno 3 x.

Uživatelský avatar
Currenly, I'm playing:Diablo 2
BattleTag:DaweMorrales #2722

Re: MF turnaj vol. 10 - výsledky

Příspěvek od dawemorraless » 25.12.2019, 20:13 hod.

HC Trapasin 94

Unique Items:
The Gnasher - Deathspade - Bladebone - Skull Splitter - Rakescar - Axe of Fechmar - Goreshovel - The Chieftain - Brainhew - Humongous
Coldkill - Butcher's Pupil - Islestrike - Pompeii's Wrath - Guardian Naga - Warlord's Trust - Spellsteel - Stormrider - Boneslayer Blade - The Minotaur
Razor's Edge - Rune Master - Cranebeak - Death Cleaver - Ethereal Edge - Hellslayer - Messerschmidt's Reaver - Executioner's Justice

Rixot's Keen - Blood Crescent - Skewer of Krintiz - Gleamscythe - Griswold's Edge - Hellplague - Culwen's Point - Shadowfang - Soulflay - Kinemil's Awl - Blacktongue - Ripsaw - The Patriarch
Bloodletter - Coldsteel Eye - Hexfire - Blade Of Ali Baba - Ginther's Rift - Headstriker - Plague Bearer - The Atlantean - Crainte Vomir - Bing Sz Wang - The Vile Husk - Cloudcrack - Todesfaelle Flamme - Swordguard
Djinn Slayer - Bloodmoon - Lightsabre - Azurewrath - Frostwind - Flamebellow - Doombringer - The Grandfather

Felloak - Stoutnail - Crushflange - Bloodrise - The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Ironstone - Bonesnap - Steeldriver
Dark Clan Crusher - Fleshrender -ure Sshrill Frost - Moonfall - Baezil's Vortex - Earthshaker - Bloodtree Stump - The Gavel Of Pain
Nord's Tenderizer - Demon Limb - Baranar's Star - Horizon's Tornado - Stormlash - Stone Crusher - Schaefer's Hammer - Windhammer - Earth Shifter - The Cranium Basher

Pluckeye - Witherstring - Raven Claw - Rogue's Bow - Stormstrike - Wizendraw - Hellclap - Blastbark
Skystrike - Riphook - Kuko Shakaku - Endlesshail - Witchwild String - Cliffkiller - Magewrath - Goldstrike Arch
Eaglehorn - Widowmaker - Windforce

Leadcrow - Ichorsting - Hellcast - Doomslinger
Langer Briser - Pus Spitter - Buriza-Do Kyanon - Demon Machine
Hellrack - Gut Siphon

Dimoak's Hew - Steelgoad - Soul Harvest - The Battlebranch - Woestave - The Grim Reaper
The Meat Scraper - Blackleach Blade - Athena's Wrath - Pierre Tombale Couant - Husoldal Evo - Grim's Burning Dead
Bonehew - The Reaper's Toll - Tomb Reaver - Stormspire

The Dragon Chang - Razortine- Bloodthief - Lance of Yaggai - The Tannr Gorerod
The Impaler - Kelpie Snare - Soulfeast Tine - Hone Sundan - Spire of Honor
Arioc's Needle - Viperfork - Steel Pillar

Gull - The Diggler - The Jade Tan Do - Spectral Shard
Spineripper - Heart Carver - Blackbog's Sharp - Stormspike
Wizardspike - Fleshripper - Ghostflame

Knell Striker - Rusthandle - Stormeye
Zakarum's Hand - The Fetid Sprinkler - Hand of Blessed Light
Heaven's Light - The Redeemer - Astreon's Iron Ward

Bane Ash - Serpent Lord - Spire of Lazarus - The Salamander - The Iron Jang Bong
Razorswitch - Ribcracker - Chromatic Ire - Warpspear - Skull Collector
Ondal's Wisdom - Mang Song's Lesson

Torch of Iro - Maelstrom - Gravenspine - Ume's Lament
Suicide Branch - Carin Shard - Arm of King Leoric - Blackhand Key
Boneshade - Death's Web

Throwing Weapons:
Deathbit - The Scalper
Warshrike - Gimmershred - Lacerator

Demon's Arch - Wraith Flight - Gargoyle's Bite

Greyform - Blinkbat's Form - The Centurion - Twitchthroe - Darkglow - Hawkmail - Venom Ward - Sparking Mail - Iceblink - Heavenly Garb - Boneflesh - Rockfleece - Rattlecage - Goldskin - Silks of the Victor
The Spirit Shroud - Skin of the Vipermagi - Skin of the Flayed One - Iron Pelt - Crow Caw - Spirit Forge - Duriel's Shell - Shaftstop - Skullder's Ire - Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Toothrow - Guardian Angel - Atma's Wail - Black Hades - Corpsemourn
Ormus' Robes - The Gladiator's Bane - Arkaine's Valor - Leviathan - Steel Carapace - Templar's Might - Tyrael's Might

Pelta Lunata - Umbral Disk - Stormguild - Steelclash - Swordback Hold - Bverrit Keep - Wall of the Eyeless - The Ward
Visceratuant - Moser's Blessed Circle - Stormchaser - Tiamat's Rebuke - Lance Guard - Gerke's Sanctuary - Lidless Wall - Radament's Sphere
Blackoak Shield - Stormshield - Spike Thorn - Medusa's Gaze - Head Hunter's Glory - Spirit Ward

Biggin's Bonnet - Tarnhelm - Coif of Glory - Duskdeep - Howltusk - The Face of Horror - Undead Crown - Wormskull
Peasant Crown - Rockstopper - Stealskul- Darksight Helm - Valkyrie Wing - Blackhorn's Face - Crown of Thieves - Vampire Gaze
Harlequin Crest - Steel Shade - Veil of Steel - Nightwing's Veil - Andariel's Visage - Crown of Ages - Giant Skull

Lenymo - Snakecord - Nightsmoke - Goldwrap - Bladebuckle
String of Ears - Razortail - Gloom's Trap - Snowclash - Thundergod's Vigor
Arachnid Mesh - Nosferatu's Coil - Verdungo's Hearty Cord

Hotspur - Gorefoot - Treads of Cthon - Goblin Toe - Tearhaunch
Infernostride - Waterwalk - Silkweave - War Traveler - Gore Rider
Sandstorm Trek - Marrowwalk - Shadow Dancer

The Hand of Broc - Bloodfist - Chance Guards - Magefist - Frostburn
Venom Grip - Gravepalm - Ghoulhide - Lava Gout - Hellmouth
Dracul's Grasp - Soul Drainer - Steelrend

Amazon: Stoneraven - Lycander's Flank - Titan's Revenge - Thunderstroke - Lycander's Aim - Blood Raven's Charge
Assassin: Shadow Killer - Bartuc's Cut-Throat - Jade Talon - Firelizard's Talons
Barbarian: Arreat's Face - Wolfhowl - Demonhorn's Edge - Halaberd's Reign
Sorceress: The Oculus - Eschuta's Temper - Death's Fathom
Druid: Jalal's Mane - Cerebus' Bite - Ravenlore - Spirit Keeper
Necromancer: Homunculus - Darkforce Spawn - Boneflame
Paladin: Alma Negra - Herald Of Zakarum - Dragonscale

Nagelring - Manald Heal - Stone of Jordan - Dwarf Star - Raven Frost - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Carrion Wind - Nature's Peace - Wisp Projector

Nokozan Relic - The Eye of Etlich - The Mahim-Oak Curio - Saracen's Chance - The Cat's Eye - Crescent Moon - Atma's Scarab - The Rising Sun - Highlord's Wrath - Mara's Kaleidoscope - Seraph's Hymn - Metalgrid

Kira's Guardian - Griffon's Eye

Rainbow Facet (Bl) - Rainbow Facet (FN) - Rainbow Facet (N) - )Rainbow Facet (V - Rainbow Facet (M) - Rainbow Facet (B) - Rainbow Facet (CL) - Rainbow Facet (PN)

Gheed's Fortune - Annihilus - Hellfire Torch

Set Items:
Angelic Mantle - Angelic Sickle - Angelic Halo - Angelic Wings
Arcanna's Head - Arcanna's Flesh - Arcanna's Deathwand - Arcanna's Sign
Arctic Furs - Arctic Binding - Arctic Mitts - Arctic Horn
Berserker's Headgear - Berserker's Hauberk - Berserker's Hatchet
Cathan's Visage - Cathan's Mesh - Cathan's Rule - Cathan's Sigil - Cathan's Seal
Civerb's Cudgel - Civerb's Icon - Civerb's Ward
Cleglaw's Tooth - Cleglaw's Pincers - Cleglaw's Claw
Death's Touch - Death's Hand - Death's Guard
Hsarus' Iron Fist - Hsarus' Iron Stay - Hsarus' Iron Heel
Infernal Cranium - Infernal Sign - Infernal Torch
Iratha's Coil - Iratha's Collar - Iratha's Cord - Iratha's Cuff
Isenhart's Lightbrand - Isenhart's Horns - Isenhart's Case - Isenhart's Parry
Milabrega's Diadem - Milabrega's Robe - Milabrega's Orb - Milabrega's Rod
Sigon's Visor - Sigon's Shelter - Sigon's Sabot - Sigon's Guard - Sigon's Wrap - Sigon's Gage
Tancred's Skull - Tancred's Spine - Tancred's Hobnails - Tancred's Crowbill - Tancred's Weird
Vidala's Barb - Vidala's Ambush - Vidala's Fetlock - Vidala's Snare

Aldur's Stony Gaze - Aldur's Advance - Aldur's Deception - Aldur's Rhythm
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
Cow King's Horns - Cow King's Hide - Cow King's Hooves
Griswold's Heart - Griswold's Valor - Griswold's Redemption - Griswold's Honor
Haemosu's Adamant - Dangoon's Teaching - Taebaek's Glory - Ondal's Almighty
Hwanin's Splendor - Hwanin's Justice - Hwanin's Refuge - Hwanin's Blessing
Immortal King's Will - Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Immortal King's Soul Cage - Immortal King's Detail - Immortal King's Forge - Immortal King's Pillar
M'avina's True Sight - M'avina's Caster - M'avina's Embrace - M'avina's Icy Clutch - M'avina's Tenet
Naj's Circlet - Naj's Light Plate - Naj's Puzzler
Natalya's Totem - Natalya's Mark - Natalya's Shadow - Natalya's Soul
Guillaume's Face - Whitstan's Guard - Magnus' Skin - Wilhelm's Pride
Sazabi's Mental Sheath - Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Tal Rasha's Guardianship - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Sander's Paragon - Sander's Superstition - Sander's Taboo - Sander's Riprap
Telling of Beads - Laying of Hands - Dark Adherent - Rite of Passage - Credendum
Trang-Oul's Guise - Trang-Oul's Scales - Trang-Oul's Wing - Trang-Oul's Girth - Trang-Oul's Claws

El - Eld - Tir - Nef - Eth - Ith - Tal - Ral - Ort - Thul - Amn - Sol
Shael - Dol - Hel - Io - Lum - Ko - Fal - Lem - Pul - Um

Mal - Ist - Gul - Vex - Ohm - Lo - Sur - Ber - Jah - Cham - Zod

Celkový počet bodů: 977
Naposledy upravil(a) dawemorraless dne 26.05.2020, 17:43 hod., celkem upraveno 297 x.
LVL 99 galerie
HC grál
Unikáty / - Tyraels Might, Asteron iron ward
Sety /100%
Runy /100%
RW / -7 jah
D3 Poetarum

Uživatelský avatar
Doom Knight
Currenly, I'm playing:Diablo 2

Re: MF turnaj vol. 10 - výsledky

Příspěvek od Obter!vr » 25.12.2019, 20:30 hod.

HC - ??? ()
Build: ??
Level: ??
Akt: 1.
Pokus: třetí
Album: zde
Naposledy upravil(a) Obter!vr dne 05.01.2020, 22:16 hod., celkem upraveno 7 x.
HC grál
Normal uniques: (113/116)
Exceptional uniques: (114/119)
Elite uniques: (64/83)
Others uniques: (20/34)
Class-specific uniques: (16/27)
Normal sets: (62/62) :love:
Exceptional sets: (57/65)
Runy: (29/33)

Quill Rat
Currenly, I'm playing:Diablo 2

Re: MF turnaj vol. 10 - výsledky

Příspěvek od Dubs » 25.12.2019, 20:36 hod.

SC Bowazon
lvl 62
lokace : Akt 1 hell

Unique Items:
The Gnasher - Deathspade - Bladebone - Skull Splitter - Rakescar - Axe of Fechmar - Goreshovel - The Chieftain - Brainhew - Humongous
Coldkill - Butcher's Pupil - Islestrike - Pompeii's Wrath - Guardian Naga - Warlord's Trust - Spellsteel - Stormrider- Boneslayer Blade - The Minotaur
Razor's Edge - Rune Master - Cranebeak - Death Cleaver - Ethereal Edge - Hellslayer - Messerschmidt's Reaver - Executioner's Justice

Rixot's Keen - Blood Crescent - Skewer of Krintiz - Gleamscythe - Griswold's Edge - Hellplague - Culwen's Point - Shadowfang - Soulflay - Kinemil's Awl - Blacktongue - Ripsaw - The Patriarch
Bloodletter - Coldsteel Eye - Hexfire - Blade Of Ali Baba - Ginther's Rift - Headstriker - Plague Bearer - The Atlantean - Crainte Vomir - Bing Sz Wang - The Vile Husk - Cloudcrack - Todesfaelle Flamme - Swordguard
Djinn Slayer - Bloodmoon - Lightsabre - Azurewrath - Frostwind - Flamebellow - Doombringer - The Grandfather

Felloak - Stoutnail - Crushflange - Bloodrise - The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Ironstone - Bonesnap - Steeldriver
Dark Clan Crusher - Fleshrender - Sureshrill Frost - Moonfall - Baezil's Vortex - Earthshaker - Bloodtree Stump - The Gavel Of Pain
Nord's Tenderizer - Demon Limb - Baranar's Star - Horizon's Tornado - Stormlash - Stone Crusher - Schaefer's Hammer - Windhammer Earth Shifter - The Cranium Basher -

Pluckeye - Witherstring - Raven Claw - Rogue's Bow - Stormstrike - Wizendraw - Hellclap - Blastbark
Skystrike - Riphook - Kuko Shakaku - Endlesshail - Witchwild String - Cliffkiller - Magewrath - Goldstrike Arch
Eaglehorn - Widowmaker - Windforce

Leadcrow - Ichorsting - Hellcast - Doomslinger
Langer Briser - Pus Spitter - Buriza-Do Kyanon - Demon Machine
Hellrack - Gut Siphon

Dimoak's Hew - Steelgoad - Soul Harvest - The Battlebranch - Woestave - The Grim Reaper
The Meat Scraper - Blackleach Blade - Athena's Wrath - Pierre Tombale Couant - Husoldal Evo - Grim's Burning Dead
Bonehew - The Reaper's Toll - Tomb Reaver - Stormspire

The Dragon Chang - Razortine - Bloodthief - Lance of Yaggai - The Tannr Gorerod
The Impaler - Kelpie Snare - Soulfeast Tine - Hone Sundan - Spire of Honor
Arioc's Needle - Viperfork - Steel Pillar

Gull - The Diggler - The Jade Tan Do - Spectral Shard
Spineripper - Heart Carver - Blackbog's Sharp - Stormspike
Wizardspike - Fleshripper - Ghostflame

Knell Striker - Rusthandle - Stormeye
Zakarum's Hand - The Fetid Sprinkler - Hand of Blessed Light
Heaven's Light - The Redeemer - Astreon's Iron Ward

Bane Ash - Serpent Lord - Spire of Lazarus - The Salamander - The Iron Jang Bong
Razorswitch - Ribcracker - Chromatic Ire - Warpspear - Skull Collector
Ondal's Wisdom - Mang Song's Lesson

Torch of Iro - Maelstrom - Gravenspine - Ume's Lament
Suicide Branch - Carin Shard - Arm of King Leoric - Blackhand Key -
Boneshade - Death's Web

Throwing weapons:
Deathbit - The Scalper
Warshrike - Gimmershred - Lacerator

Demon's Arch - Wraith Flight - Gargoyle's Bite

Greyform - Blinkbat's Form - The Centurion - Twitchthroe - Darkglow - Hawkmail - Venom Ward - Sparking Mail - Iceblink - Heavenly Garb - Boneflesh - Rockfleece - Rattlecage - Goldskin - Silks of the Victory
The Spirit Shroud - Skin of the Vipermagi - Skin of the Flayed One - Iron Pelt - Crow Caw - Spirit Forge - Duriel's Shell - Shaftstop - Skullder's Ire - Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Toothrow - Guardian Angel - Atma's Wail - Black Hades - Corpsemourn
Ormus' Robes - The Gladiator's Bane - Arkaine's Valor - Leviathan - Steel Carapace - Templar's Might - Tyrael's Might

Pelta Lunata - Umbral Disk - Stormguild - Steelclash - Swordback Hold - Bverrit Keep - Wall of the Eyeless - The Ward
Visceratuant - Moser's Blessed Circle - Stormchaser - Tiamat's Rebuke - Lance Guard - Gerke's Sanctuary - Lidless Wall - Radament's Sphere
Blackoak Shield - Stormshield - Spike Thorn - Medusa's Gaze - Head Hunter's Glory - Spirit Ward

Biggin's Bonnet - Tarnhelm - Coif of Glory - Duskdeep - Howltusk - The Face of Horror - Undead Crown - Wormskull
Peasant Crown - Rockstopper - Stealskull - Darksight Helm - Valkyrie Wing - Blackhorn's Face - Crown of Thieves - Vampire Gaze
Harlequin Crest - Steel Shade - Veil of Steel - Nightwing's Veil - Andariel's Visage - Crown of Ages - Giant Skull

Lenymo - Snakecord - Nightsmoke - Goldwrap - Bladebuckle
String of Ears - Razortail - Gloom's Trap - Snowclash - Thundergod's Vigor
Arachnid Mesh - Nosferatu's Coil - Verdungo's Hearty Cord

Hotspur - Gorefoot - Treads of Cthon - Goblin Toe - Tearhaunch
Infernostride - Waterwalk - Silkweave - War Traveler - Gore Rider
Sandstorm Trek - Marrowwalk - Shadow Dancer

The Hand of Broc - Bloodfist - Chance Guards - Magefist - Frostburn
Venom Grip - Gravepalm - Ghoulhide - Lava Gout - Hellmouth
Dracul's Grasp - Soul Drainer - Steelrend

Amazon: Stoneraven - Lycander's Flank - Titan's Revenge - Thunderstroke - Lycander's Aim - Blood Raven's Charge
Assassin: Shadow Killer - Bartuc's Cut-Throat - Jade Talon - Firelizard's Talons
Necromancer: Homunculus - Darkforce Spawn - Boneflame
Barbarian: Arreat's Face - Wolfhowl - Demonhorn's Edge - Halaberd's Reign
Sorceress: The Oculus - Eschuta's Temper - Death's Fathom
Druid: Jalal's Mane - Cerebus' Bite - Ravenlore - Spirit Keeper
Paladin: Alma Negra - Herald Of Zakarum - Dragonscale

Nagelring - Manald Heal - Stone of Jordan - Dwarf Star - Raven Frost - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Carrion Wind - Nature's Peace - Wisp Projector

Nokozan Relic - The Eye of Etlich - The Mahim-Oak Curio - Saracen's Chance - The Cat's Eye - Crescent Moon - Atma's Scarab - The Rising Sun - Highlord's Wrath - Mara's Kaleidoscope - Seraph's Hymn - Metalgrid

Kira's Guardian - Griffon's Eye

Rainbow Facet (Blaze) - Rainbow Facet (Frost Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Venom) - Rainbow Facet (Meteor) - Rainbow Facet (Blizzard) - Rainbow Facet (Chain Lightning) - Rainbow Facet (Poison Nova)

Annihilus - Gheed's Fortune - Hellfire Torch

Set Items:
Angelic Mantle - Angelic Sickle - Angelic Halo - Angelic Wings
Arcanna's Head - Arcanna's Flesh - Arcanna's Deathwand - Arcanna's Sign
Arctic Furs - Arctic Binding - Arctic Mitts - Arctic Horn
Berserker's Headgear - Berserker's Hauberk - Berserker's Hatchet
Cathan's Visage - Cathan's Mesh - Cathan's Rule - Cathan's Sigil Cathan's Seal -
Civerb's Cudgel - Civerb's Icon - Civerb's Ward
Cleglaw's Tooth - Cleglaw's Pincers - Cleglaw's Claw
Death's Touch - Death's Hand - Death's Guard
Hsarus' Iron Fist - Hsarus' Iron Stay - Hsarus' Iron Heel
Infernal Cranium - Infernal Sign - Infernal Torch
Iratha's Coil - Iratha's Collar - Iratha's Cord - Iratha's Cuff
Isenhart's Lightbrand - Isenhart's Horns - Isenhart's Case - Isenhart's Parry
Milabrega's Diadem - Milabrega's Robe - Milabrega's Orb - Milabrega's Rod
Sigon's Visor - Sigon's Shelter - Sigon's Sabot - Sigon's Guard - Sigon's Wrap - Sigon's Gage
Tancred's Skull - Tancred's Spine - Tancred's Hobnails - Tancred's Crowbill - Tancred's Weird
Vidala's Barb - Vidala's Ambush - Vidala's Fetlock - Vidala's Snare

Aldur's Stony Gaze - Aldur's Advance - Aldur's Deception - Aldur's Rhythm
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
Cow King's Horns - Cow King's Hide - Cow King's Hooves
Griswold's Heart - Griswold's Valor - Griswold's Redemption - Griswold's Honor
Haemosu's Adamant - Dangoon's Teaching - Taebaek's Glory - Ondal's Almighty
Hwanin's Splendor - Hwanin's Justice - Hwanin's Refuge - Hwanin's Blessing
Immortal King's Will - Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Immortal King's Soul Cage - Immortal King's Detail - Immortal King's Forge - Immortal King's Pillar
M'avina's True Sight - M'avina's Caster - M'avina's Embrace - M'avina's Icy Clutch - M'avina's Tenet
Naj's Circlet - Naj's Light Plate - Naj's Puzzler
Natalya's Totem - Natalya's Mark - Natalya's Shadow - Natalya's Soul
Guillaume's Face - Whitstan's Guard - Magnus' Skin - Wilhelm's Pride
Sander's Paragon - Sander's Superstition - Sander's Taboo - Sander's Riprap
Sazabi's Mental Sheath - Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Tal Rasha's Guardianship - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Telling of Beads - Laying of Hand - Dark Adherent - Rite of Passage - Credendum
Trang-Oul's Guise - Trang-Oul's Scales - Trang-Oul's Wing - Trang-Oul's Girth - Trang-Oul's Claws

El - Eld - Tir - Nef - Eth - Ith - Tal - Ral - Ort - Thul - Amn - Sol - Shael - Dol - Hel - Io - Lum - Ko - Fal - Lem - Pul - Um - Mal - Ist - Gul - Vex - Ohm - Lo - Sur - Ber - Jah - Cham - Zod

Celkový počet bodů: 56
Naposledy upravil(a) Dubs dne 19.01.2020, 00:16 hod., celkem upraveno 8 x.

Uživatelský avatar
Minion of Destruction
Currenly, I'm playing:Diablo 2
Bydliště:Deepest underwater Abyss in the world

Re: MF turnaj vol. 10 - výsledky

Příspěvek od Slw » 25.12.2019, 20:41 hod.

Build: Java
Name: Cozy
Styl hry: samo HC
RIP: 0x
Experience: 1.600 M/ lvl 89
Anya saved - Pindl open!

Unique Items:
The Gnasher - Deathspade - Bladebone - Skull Splitter - Rakescar - Axe of Fechmar - Goreshovel - The Chieftain - Brainhew - Humongous
Coldkill - Butcher's Pupil - Islestrike - Pompeii's Wrath - Guardian Naga - Warlord's Trust - Spellsteel - Stormrider - Boneslayer Blade - The Minotaur
Razor's Edge - Rune Master - Cranebeak - Death Cleaver - Ethereal Edge - Hellslayer - Messerschmidt's Reaver - Executioner's Justice

Rixot's Keen - Blood Crescent - Skewer of Krintiz - Gleamscythe - Griswold's Edge - Hellplague - Culwen's Point - Shadowfang - Soulflay - Kinemil's Awl - Blacktongue - Ripsaw - The Patriarch
Bloodletter - Coldsteel Eye - Hexfire - Blade Of Ali Baba - Ginther's Rift - Headstriker - Plague Bearer - The Atlantean - Crainte Vomir - Bing Sz Wang - The Vile Husk - Cloudcrack - Todesfaelle Flamme - Swordguard
Djinn Slayer - Bloodmoon - Lightsabre - Azurewrath - Frostwind - Flamebellow - Doombringer - The Grandfather

Felloak - Stoutnail - Crushflange - Bloodrise - The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Ironstone - Bonesnap - Steeldriver
Dark Clan Crusher - Fleshrender - Sureshrill Frost - Moonfall - Baezil's Vortex - Earthshaker - Bloodtree Stump - The Gavel Of Pain
Nord's Tenderizer - Demon Limb - Baranar's Star - Horizon's Tornado - Stormlash - Stone Crusher - Schaefer's Hammer - Windhammer Earth Shifter - The Cranium Basher -

Pluckeye - Witherstring - Raven Claw - Rogue's Bow - Stormstrike - Wizendraw - Hellclap - Blastbark
Skystrike - Riphook - Kuko Shakaku - Endlesshail - Witchwild String - Cliffkiller - Magewrath - Goldstrike Arch
Eaglehorn - Widowmaker - Windforce

Leadcrow - Ichorsting - Hellcast - Doomslinger COMPLETE
Langer Briser - Pus Spitter - Buriza-Do Kyanon - Demon Machine
Hellrack - Gut Siphon

Dimoak's Hew - Steelgoad - Soul Harvest - The Battlebranch - Woestave - The Grim Reaper
The Meat Scraper - Blackleach Blade - Athena's Wrath - Pierre Tombale Couant - Husoldal Evo - Grim's Burning Dead
Bonehew - The Reaper's Toll - Tomb Reaver - Stormspire

The Dragon Chang - Razortine - Bloodthief - Lance of Yaggai - The Tannr Gorerod
The Impaler - Kelpie Snare - Soulfeast Tine - Hone Sundan - Spire of Honor
Arioc's Needle - Viperfork - Steel Pillar

Gull - The Diggler - The Jade Tan Do - Spectral Shard
Spineripper - Heart Carver - Blackbog's Sharp - Stormspike
Wizardspike - Fleshripper - Ghostflame

Knell Striker - Rusthandle - Stormeye
Zakarum's Hand - The Fetid Sprinkler - Hand of Blessed Light
Heaven's Light - The Redeemer - Astreon's Iron Ward

Bane Ash - Serpent Lord - Spire of Lazarus - The Salamander - The Iron Jang Bong
Razorswitch - Ribcracker - Chromatic Ire - Warpspear - Skull Collector
Ondal's Wisdom - Mang Song's Lesson

Torch of Iro - Maelstrom - Gravenspine - Ume's Lament
Suicide Branch - Carin Shard - Arm of King Leoric - Blackhand Key -
Boneshade - Death's Web

Throwing weapons:
Deathbit - The Scalper
Warshrike - Gimmershred - Lacerator

Demon's Arch - Wraith Flight - Gargoyle's Bite

Greyform - Blinkbat's Form - The Centurion - Twitchthroe - Darkglow - Hawkmail - Venom Ward - Sparking Mail - Iceblink - Heavenly Garb - Boneflesh - Rockfleece - Rattlecage - Goldskin - Silks of the Victory
The Spirit Shroud - Skin of the Vipermagi - Skin of the Flayed One - Iron Pelt - Crow Caw - Spirit Forge - Duriel's Shell - Shaftstop - Skullder's Ire - Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Toothrow - Guardian Angel - Atma's Wail - Black Hades - Corpsemourn
Ormus' Robes - The Gladiator's Bane - Arkaine's Valor - Leviathan - Steel Carapace - Templar's Might - Tyrael's Might

Pelta Lunata - Umbral Disk - Stormguild - Steelclash - Swordback Hold - Bverrit Keep - Wall of the Eyeless - The Ward
Visceratuant - Moser's Blessed Circle - Stormchaser - Tiamat's Rebuke - Lance Guard - Gerke's Sanctuary - Lidless Wall - Radament's Sphere
Blackoak Shield - Stormshield - Spike Thorn - Medusa's Gaze - Head Hunter's Glory - Spirit Ward

Biggin's Bonnet - Tarnhelm - Coif of Glory - Duskdeep - Howltusk - The Face of Horror - Undead Crown - Wormskull
Peasant Crown - Rockstopper - Stealskull - Darksight Helm - Valkyrie Wing - Blackhorn's Face - Crown of Thieves - Vampire Gaze
Harlequin Crest - Steel Shade - Veil of Steel - Nightwing's Veil - Andariel's Visage - Crown of Ages - Giant Skull

Lenymo - Snakecord - Nightsmoke - Goldwrap - Bladebuckle
String of Ears - Razortail - Gloom's Trap - Snowclash - Thundergod's Vigor
Arachnid Mesh - Nosferatu's Coil - Verdungo's Hearty Cord

Hotspur - Gorefoot - Treads of Cthon - Goblin Toe - Tearhaunch
Infernostride - Waterwalk - Silkweave - War Traveler - Gore Rider COMPLETE
Sandstorm Trek - Marrowwalk - Shadow Dancer

The Hand of Broc - Bloodfist - Chance Guards - Magefist - Frostburn
Venom Grip - Gravepalm - Ghoulhide - Lava Gout - Hellmouth
Dracul's Grasp - Soul Drainer - Steelrend

Amazon: Stoneraven - Lycander's Flank - Titan's Revenge - Thunderstroke - Lycander's Aim - Blood Raven's Charge
Assassin: Shadow Killer - Bartuc's Cut-Throat - Jade Talon - Firelizard's Talons
Necromancer: Homunculus - Darkforce Spawn - Boneflame
Barbarian: Arreat's Face - Wolfhowl - Demonhorn's Edge - Halaberd's Reign
Sorceress: The Oculus - Eschuta's Temper - Death's Fathom
Druid: Jalal's Mane - Cerebus' Bite - Ravenlore - Spirit Keeper
Paladin: Alma Negra - Herald Of Zakarum - Dragonscale

Nagelring - Manald Heal - Stone of Jordan - Dwarf Star - Raven Frost - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Carrion Wind - Nature's Peace - Wisp Projector

Nokozan Relic - The Eye of Etlich - The Mahim-Oak Curio - Saracen's Chance - The Cat's Eye - Crescent Moon - Atma's Scarab - The Rising Sun - Highlord's Wrath - Mara's Kaleidoscope - Seraph's Hymn - Metalgrid

Kira's Guardian - Griffon's Eye

Rainbow Facet (Blaze) - Rainbow Facet (Frost Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Venom) - Rainbow Facet (Meteor) - Rainbow Facet (Blizzard) - Rainbow Facet (Chain Lightning) - Rainbow Facet (Poison Nova)

Annihilus - Gheed's Fortune - Hellfire Torch

Set Items:
Angelic Mantle - Angelic Sickle - Angelic Halo - Angelic Wings COMPLETE
Arcanna's Head - Arcanna's Flesh - Arcanna's Deathwand - Arcanna's Sign
Arctic Furs - Arctic Binding - Arctic Mitts - Arctic Horn COMPLETE
Berserker's Headgear - Berserker's Hauberk - Berserker's Hatchet COMPLETE
Cathan's Visage - Cathan's Mesh - Cathan's Rule - Cathan's Sigil Cathan's Seal - COMPLETE
Civerb's Cudgel - Civerb's Icon - Civerb's Ward COMPLETE
Cleglaw's Tooth - Cleglaw's Pincers - Cleglaw's Claw COMPLETE
Death's Touch - Death's Hand - Death's Guard
Hsarus' Iron Fist - Hsarus' Iron Stay - Hsarus' Iron Heel
Infernal Cranium - Infernal Sign - Infernal Torch
Iratha's Coil - Iratha's Collar - Iratha's Cord - Iratha's Cuff
Isenhart's Lightbrand - Isenhart's Horns - Isenhart's Case - Isenhart's Parry COMPLETE
Milabrega's Diadem - Milabrega's Robe - Milabrega's Orb - Milabrega's Rod
Sigon's Visor - Sigon's Shelter - Sigon's Sabot - Sigon's Guard - Sigon's Wrap - Sigon's Gage COMPLETE
Tancred's Skull - Tancred's Spine - Tancred's Hobnails - Tancred's Crowbill - Tancred's Weird
Vidala's Barb - Vidala's Ambush - Vidala's Fetlock - Vidala's Snare COMPLETE

Aldur's Stony Gaze - Aldur's Advance - Aldur's Deception - Aldur's Rhythm
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
Cow King's Horns - Cow King's Hide - Cow King's Hooves
Griswold's Heart - Griswold's Valor - Griswold's Redemption - Griswold's Honor
Haemosu's Adamant - Dangoon's Teaching - Taebaek's Glory - Ondal's Almighty
Hwanin's Splendor - Hwanin's Justice - Hwanin's Refuge - Hwanin's Blessing
Immortal King's Will - Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Immortal King's Soul Cage - Immortal King's Detail - Immortal King's Forge - Immortal King's Pillar
M'avina's True Sight - M'avina's Caster - M'avina's Embrace - M'avina's Icy Clutch - M'avina's Tenet
Naj's Circlet - Naj's Light Plate - Naj's Puzzler
Natalya's Totem - Natalya's Mark - Natalya's Shadow - Natalya's Soul
Guillaume's Face - Whitstan's Guard - Magnus' Skin - Wilhelm's Pride
Sander's Paragon - Sander's Superstition - Sander's Taboo - Sander's Riprap
Sazabi's Mental Sheath - Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Tal Rasha's Guardianship - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Telling of Beads - Laying of Hand - Dark Adherent - Rite of Passage - Credendum COMPLETE
Trang-Oul's Guise - Trang-Oul's Scales - Trang-Oul's Wing - Trang-Oul's Girth - Trang-Oul's Claws

El - Eld - Tir - Nef - Eth - Ith - Tal - Ral - Ort - Thul - Amn - Sol - Shael - Dol - Hel - Io - Lum - Ko - Fal - Lem - Pul - Um - Mal - Ist - Gul - Vex - Ohm - Lo - Sur - Ber - Jah - Cham - Zod

Celkový počet bodů: 490
Naposledy upravil(a) Slw dne 07.02.2020, 14:44 hod., celkem upraveno 6 x.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain.

Uživatelský avatar
Minion of Destruction
Currenly, I'm playing:Diablo 2
Kontaktovat uživatele:

Re: MF turnaj vol. 10 - výsledky

Příspěvek od Abuzus » 26.12.2019, 06:20 hod.

Build: Necromancer (CE/Summon)
Styl hry: HC
RIP: :dead: :dead:
Level: 75 - dead !!
Expy: 452,3 M

Unique Items:
The Gnasher - Deathspade - Bladebone - Skull Splitter - Rakescar - Axe of Fechmar - Goreshovel - The Chieftain - Brainhew - Humongous
Coldkill - Butcher's Pupil - Islestrike - Pompeii's Wrath - Guardian Naga - Warlord's Trust - Spellsteel - Stormrider- Boneslayer Blade - The Minotaur
Razor's Edge - Rune Master - Cranebeak - Death Cleaver - Ethereal Edge - Hellslayer - Messerschmidt's Reaver - Executioner's Justice

Rixot's Keen - Blood Crescent - Skewer of Krintiz - Gleamscythe - Griswold's Edge - Hellplague - Culwen's Point - Shadowfang - Soulflay - Kinemil's Awl - Blacktongue - Ripsaw - The Patriarch
Bloodletter - Coldsteel Eye - Hexfire - Blade Of Ali Baba - Ginther's Rift - Headstriker - Plague Bearer - The Atlantean - Crainte Vomir - Bing Sz Wang - The Vile Husk - Cloudcrack - Todesfaelle Flamme - Swordguard
Djinn Slayer - Bloodmoon - Lightsabre - Azurewrath - Frostwind - Flamebellow - Doombringer - The Grandfather

Felloak - Stoutnail - Crushflange - Bloodrise - The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Ironstone - Bonesnap - Steeldriver
Dark Clan Crusher - Fleshrender - Sureshrill Frost - Moonfall - Baezil's Vortex - Earthshaker - Bloodtree Stump - The Gavel Of Pain
Nord's Tenderizer - Demon Limb - Baranar's Star - Horizon's Tornado - Stormlash - Stone Crusher - Schaefer's Hammer - Windhammer Earth Shifter - The Cranium Basher -

Pluckeye - Witherstring - Raven Claw - Rogue's Bow - Stormstrike - Wizendraw - Hellclap - Blastbark
Skystrike - Riphook - Kuko Shakaku - Endlesshail - Witchwild String - Cliffkiller - Magewrath - Goldstrike Arch
Eaglehorn - Widowmaker - Windforce

Leadcrow - Ichorsting - Hellcast - Doomslinger
Langer Briser - Pus Spitter - Buriza-Do Kyanon - Demon Machine
Hellrack - Gut Siphon

Dimoak's Hew - Steelgoad - Soul Harvest - The Battlebranch - Woestave - The Grim Reaper
The Meat Scraper - Blackleach Blade - Athena's Wrath - Pierre Tombale Couant - Husoldal Evo - Grim's Burning Dead
Bonehew - The Reaper's Toll - Tomb Reaver - Stormspire

The Dragon Chang - Razortine - Bloodthief - Lance of Yaggai - The Tannr Gorerod
The Impaler - Kelpie Snare - Soulfeast Tine - Hone Sundan - Spire of Honor
Arioc's Needle - Viperfork - Steel Pillar

Gull - The Diggler - The Jade Tan Do - Spectral Shard
Spineripper - Heart Carver - Blackbog's Sharp - Stormspike
Wizardspike - Fleshripper - Ghostflame

Knell Striker - Rusthandle - Stormeye
Zakarum's Hand - The Fetid Sprinkler - Hand of Blessed Light
Heaven's Light - The Redeemer - Astreon's Iron Ward

Bane Ash - Serpent Lord - Spire of Lazarus - The Salamander - The Iron Jang Bong
Razorswitch - Ribcracker - Chromatic Ire - Warpspear - Skull Collector
Ondal's Wisdom - Mang Song's Lesson

Torch of Iro - Maelstrom - Gravenspine - Ume's Lament
Suicide Branch - Carin Shard - Arm of King Leoric - Blackhand Key -
Boneshade - Death's Web

Throwing weapons:
Deathbit - The Scalper
Warshrike - Gimmershred - Lacerator

Demon's Arch - Wraith Flight - Gargoyle's Bite

Greyform - Blinkbat's Form - The Centurion - Twitchthroe - Darkglow - Hawkmail - Venom Ward - Sparking Mail - Iceblink - Heavenly Garb - Boneflesh - Rockfleece - Rattlecage - Goldskin - Silks of the Victory
The Spirit Shroud - Skin of the Vipermagi - Skin of the Flayed One - Iron Pelt - Crow Caw - Spirit Forge - Duriel's Shell - Shaftstop - Skullder's Ire - Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Toothrow - Guardian Angel - Atma's Wail - Black Hades - Corpsemourn
Ormus' Robes - The Gladiator's Bane - Arkaine's Valor - Leviathan - Steel Carapace - Templar's Might - Tyrael's Might

Pelta Lunata - Umbral Disk - Stormguild - Steelclash - Swordback Hold - Bverrit Keep - Wall of the Eyeless - The Ward
Visceratuant - Moser's Blessed Circle - Stormchaser - Tiamat's Rebuke - Lance Guard - Gerke's Sanctuary - Lidless Wall - Radament's Sphere
Blackoak Shield - Stormshield - Spike Thorn - Medusa's Gaze - Head Hunter's Glory - Spirit Ward

Biggin's Bonnet - Tarnhelm - Coif of Glory - Duskdeep - Howltusk - The Face of Horror - Undead Crown - Wormskull
Peasant Crown - Rockstopper - Stealskull - Darksight Helm - Valkyrie Wing - Blackhorn's Face - Crown of Thieves - Vampire Gaze
Harlequin Crest - Steel Shade - Veil of Steel - Nightwing's Veil - Andariel's Visage - Crown of Ages - Giant Skull

Lenymo - Snakecord - Nightsmoke - Goldwrap - Bladebuckle
String of Ears - Razortail - Gloom's Trap - Snowclash - Thundergod's Vigor
Arachnid Mesh - Nosferatu's Coil - Verdungo's Hearty Cord

Hotspur - Gorefoot - Treads of Cthon - Goblin Toe - Tearhaunch
Infernostride - Waterwalk - Silkweave - War Traveler - Gore Rider
Sandstorm Trek - Marrowwalk - Shadow Dancer

The Hand of Broc - Bloodfist - Chance Guards - Magefist - Frostburn
Venom Grip - Gravepalm - Ghoulhide - Lava Gout - Hellmouth
Dracul's Grasp - Soul Drainer - Steelrend

Amazon: Stoneraven - Lycander's Flank - Titan's Revenge - Thunderstroke - Lycander's Aim - Blood Raven's Charge
Assassin: Shadow Killer - Bartuc's Cut-Throat - Jade Talon - Firelizard's Talons
Necromancer: Homunculus - Darkforce Spawn - Boneflame
Barbarian: Arreat's Face - Wolfhowl - Demonhorn's Edge - Halaberd's Reign
Sorceress: The Oculus - Eschuta's Temper - Death's Fathom
Druid: Jalal's Mane - Cerebus' Bite - Ravenlore - Spirit Keeper
Paladin: Alma Negra - Herald Of Zakarum - Dragonscale

Nagelring - Manald Heal - Stone of Jordan - Dwarf Star - Raven Frost - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Carrion Wind - Nature's Peace - Wisp Projector

Nokozan Relic - The Eye of Etlich - The Mahim-Oak Curio - Saracen's Chance - The Cat's Eye - Crescent Moon - Atma's Scarab - The Rising Sun - Highlord's Wrath - Mara's Kaleidoscope - Seraph's Hymn - Metalgrid

Kira's Guardian - Griffon's Eye

Rainbow Facet (Blaze) - Rainbow Facet (Frost Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Venom) - Rainbow Facet (Meteor) - Rainbow Facet (Blizzard) - Rainbow Facet (Chain Lightning) - Rainbow Facet (Poison Nova)

Annihilus - Gheed's Fortune - Hellfire Torch

Set Items:
Angelic Mantle - Angelic Sickle - Angelic Halo - Angelic Wings
Arcanna's Head - Arcanna's Flesh - Arcanna's Deathwand - Arcanna's Sign
Arctic Furs - Arctic Binding - Arctic Mitts - Arctic Horn
Berserker's Headgear - Berserker's Hauberk - Berserker's Hatchet COMPLETE
Cathan's Visage - Cathan's Mesh - Cathan's Rule - Cathan's Sigil Cathan's Seal -
Civerb's Cudgel - Civerb's Icon - Civerb's Ward
Cleglaw's Tooth - Cleglaw's Pincers - Cleglaw's Claw
Death's Touch - Death's Hand - Death's Guard COMPLETE
Hsarus' Iron Fist - Hsarus' Iron Stay - Hsarus' Iron Heel
Infernal Cranium - Infernal Sign - Infernal Torch
Iratha's Coil - Iratha's Collar - Iratha's Cord - Iratha's Cuff
Isenhart's Lightbrand - Isenhart's Horns - Isenhart's Case - Isenhart's Parry COMPLETE
Milabrega's Diadem - Milabrega's Robe - Milabrega's Orb - Milabrega's Rod
Sigon's Visor - Sigon's Shelter - Sigon's Sabot - Sigon's Guard - Sigon's Wrap - Sigon's Gage
Tancred's Skull - Tancred's Spine - Tancred's Hobnails - Tancred's Crowbill - Tancred's Weird
Vidala's Barb - Vidala's Ambush - Vidala's Fetlock - Vidala's Snare

Aldur's Stony Gaze - Aldur's Advance - Aldur's Deception - Aldur's Rhythm
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
Cow King's Horns - Cow King's Hide - Cow King's Hooves
Griswold's Heart - Griswold's Valor - Griswold's Redemption - Griswold's Honor
Haemosu's Adamant - Dangoon's Teaching - Taebaek's Glory - Ondal's Almighty
Hwanin's Splendor - Hwanin's Justice - Hwanin's Refuge - Hwanin's Blessing
Immortal King's Will - Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Immortal King's Soul Cage - Immortal King's Detail - Immortal King's Forge - Immortal King's Pillar
M'avina's True Sight - M'avina's Caster - M'avina's Embrace - M'avina's Icy Clutch - M'avina's Tenet
Naj's Circlet - Naj's Light Plate - Naj's Puzzler
Natalya's Totem - Natalya's Mark - Natalya's Shadow - Natalya's Soul
Guillaume's Face - Whitstan's Guard - Magnus' Skin - Wilhelm's Pride
Sander's Paragon - Sander's Superstition - Sander's Taboo - Sander's Riprap
Sazabi's Mental Sheath - Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Tal Rasha's Guardianship - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Telling of Beads - Laying of Hand - Dark Adherent - Rite of Passage - Credendum
Trang-Oul's Guise - Trang-Oul's Scales - Trang-Oul's Wing - Trang-Oul's Girth - Trang-Oul's Claws

El - Eld - Tir - Nef - Eth - Ith - Tal - Ral - Ort - Thul - Amn - Sol - Shael - Dol - Hel - Io - Lum - Ko - Fal - Lem - Pul - Um - Mal - Ist - Gul - Vex - Ohm - Lo - Sur - Ber - Jah - Cham - Zod

Celkový počet bodů: 203
Naposledy upravil(a) Abuzus dne 26.01.2020, 20:04 hod., celkem upraveno 36 x.
Greenhorn s duší Throwera

Uživatelský avatar
Currenly, I'm playing:Diablo 2
Bydliště:Mladá Boleslav
Kontaktovat uživatele:

Re: MF turnaj vol. 10 - výsledky

Příspěvek od Fraxinus » 27.12.2019, 00:15 hod.

Build: Sorceress - Frost Nova Sorc
Styl hry: HC
RIP: 2x (1x Assassinka, 1x Sorceress)
Poloha: Hell A2 Arcane Sanctuary
Lvl: 76
Exp: cca 513 M

Unique Items:
The Gnasher - Deathspade - Bladebone - Skull Splitter - Rakescar - Axe of Fechmar - Goreshovel - The Chieftain - Brainhew - Humongous
Coldkill - Butcher's Pupil - Islestrike - Pompeii's Wrath - Guardian Naga - Warlord's Trust - Spellsteel - Stormrider - Boneslayer Blade - The Minotaur
Razor's Edge - Rune Master - Cranebeak - Death Cleaver - Ethereal Edge - Hellslayer - Messerschmidt's Reaver - Executioner's Justice

Rixot's Keen - Blood Crescent - Skewer of Krintiz - Gleamscythe - Griswold's Edge - Hellplague - Culwen's Point - Shadowfang - Soulflay - Kinemil's Awl - Blacktongue - Ripsaw - The Patriarch
Bloodletter - Coldsteel Eye - Hexfire - Blade Of Ali Baba - Ginther's Rift - Headstriker - Plague Bearer - The Atlantean - Crainte Vomir - Bing Sz Wang - The Vile Husk - Cloudcrack - Todesfaelle Flamme - Swordguard
Djinn Slayer - Bloodmoon - Lightsabre - Azurewrath - Frostwind - Flamebellow - Doombringer - The Grandfather

Felloak - Stoutnail - Crushflange - Bloodrise - The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Ironstone - Bonesnap - Steeldriver
Dark Clan Crusher - Fleshrender - Sureshrill Frost - Moonfall - Baezil's Vortex - Earthshaker - Bloodtree Stump - The Gavel Of Pain
Nord's Tenderizer - Demon Limb - Baranar's Star - Horizon's Tornado - Stormlash - Stone Crusher - Schaefer's Hammer - Windhammer - Earth Shifter - The Cranium Basher

Pluckeye - Witherstring - Raven Claw - Rogue's Bow - Stormstrike - Wizendraw - Hellclap - Blastbark
Skystrike - Riphook - Kuko Shakaku - Endlesshail - Witchwild String - Cliffkiller - Magewrath - Goldstrike Arch
Eaglehorn - Widowmaker - Windforce

Leadcrow - Ichorsting - Hellcast - Doomslinger
Langer Briser - Pus Spitter - Buriza-Do Kyanon - Demon Machine
Hellrack - Gut Siphon

Dimoak's Hew - Steelgoad - Soul Harvest - The Battlebranch - Woestave - The Grim Reaper
The Meat Scraper - Blackleach Blade - Athena's Wrath - Pierre Tombale Couant - Husoldal Evo - Grim's Burning Dead
Bonehew - The Reaper's Toll - Tomb Reaver - Stormspire

The Dragon Chang - Razortine - Bloodthief - Lance of Yaggai - The Tannr Gorerod
The Impaler - Kelpie Snare - Soulfeast Tine - Hone Sundan - Spire of Honor
Arioc's Needle - Viperfork - Steel Pillar

Gull - The Diggler - The Jade Tan Do - Spectral Shard
Spineripper - Heart Carver - Blackbog's Sharp - Stormspike
Wizardspike - Fleshripper - Ghostflame

Knell Striker - Rusthandle - Stormeye
Zakarum's Hand - The Fetid Sprinkler - Hand of Blessed Light
Heaven's Light - The Redeemer - Astreon's Iron Ward

Bane Ash - Serpent Lord - Spire of Lazarus - The Salamander - The Iron Jang Bong
Razorswitch - Ribcracker - Chromatic Ire - Warpspear - Skull Collector
Ondal's Wisdom - Mang Song's Lesson

Torch of Iro - Maelstrom - Gravenspine - Ume's Lament
Suicide Branch - Carin Shard - Arm of King Leoric - Blackhand Key
Boneshade - Death's Web

Throwing Weapons:
Deathbit - The Scalper
Warshrike - Gimmershred - Lacerator

Demon's Arch - Wraith Flight - Gargoyle's Bite

Greyform - Blinkbat's Form - The Centurion - Twitchthroe - Darkglow - Hawkmail - Venom Ward - Sparking Mail - Iceblink - Heavenly Garb - Boneflesh - Rockfleece - Rattlecage - Goldskin - Silks of the Victor
The Spirit Shroud - Skin of the Vipermagi - Skin of the Flayed One - Iron Pelt - Crow Caw - Spirit Forge - Duriel's Shell - Shaftstop - Skullder's Ire - Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Toothrow - Guardian Angel - Atma's Wail - Black Hades - Corpsemourn
Ormus' Robes - The Gladiator's Bane - Arkaine's Valor - Leviathan - Steel Carapace - Templar's Might - Tyrael's Might

Pelta Lunata - Umbral Disk - Stormguild - Steelclash - Swordback Hold - Bverrit Keep - Wall of the Eyeless - The Ward
Visceratuant - Moser's Blessed Circle - Stormchaser - Tiamat's Rebuke - Lance Guard - Gerke's Sanctuary - Lidless Wall - Radament's Sphere
Blackoak Shield - Stormshield - Spike Thorn - Medusa's Gaze - Head Hunter's Glory - Spirit Ward

Biggin's Bonnet - Tarnhelm - Coif of Glory - Duskdeep - Howltusk - The Face of Horror - Undead Crown - Wormskull
Peasant Crown - Rockstopper - Stealskull - Darksight Helm - Valkyrie Wing - Blackhorn's Face - Crown of Thieves - Vampire Gaze
Harlequin Crest - Steel Shade - Veil of Steel - Nightwing's Veil - Andariel's Visage - Crown of Ages - Giant Skull

Lenymo - Snakecord - Nightsmoke - Goldwrap - Bladebuckle
String of Ears - Razortail - Gloom's Trap - Snowclash - Thundergod's Vigor
Arachnid Mesh - Nosferatu's Coil - Verdungo's Hearty Cord

Hotspur - Gorefoot - Treads of Cthon - Goblin Toe - Tearhaunch
Infernostride - Waterwalk - Silkweave - War Traveler - Gore Rider
Sandstorm Trek - Marrowwalk - Shadow Dancer

The Hand of Broc - Bloodfist - Chance Guards - Magefist - Frostburn
Venom Grip - Gravepalm - Ghoulhide - Lava Gout - Hellmouth
Dracul's Grasp - Soul Drainer - Steelrend

Amazon: Stoneraven - Lycander's Flank - Titan's Revenge - Thunderstroke - Lycander's Aim - Blood Raven's Charge
Assassin: Shadow Killer - Bartuc's Cut-Throat - Jade Talon - Firelizard's Talons
Barbarian: Arreat's Face - Wolfhowl - Demonhorn's Edge - Halaberd's Reign
Sorceress: The Oculus - Eschuta's Temper - Death's Fathom
Druid: Jalal's Mane - Cerebus' Bite - Ravenlore - Spirit Keeper
Necromancer: Homunculus - Darkforce Spawn - Boneflame
Paladin: Alma Negra - Herald Of Zakarum - Dragonscale

Nagelring - Manald Heal - Stone of Jordan - Dwarf Star - Raven Frost - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Carrion Wind - Nature's Peace - Wisp Projector

Nokozan Relic - The Eye of Etlich - The Mahim-Oak Curio - Saracen's Chance - The Cat's Eye - Crescent Moon - Atma's Scarab - The Rising Sun - Highlord's Wrath - Mara's Kaleidoscope - Seraph's Hymn - Metalgrid

Kira's Guardian - Griffon's Eye

Rainbow Facet (Bl) - Rainbow Facet (FN) - Rainbow Facet (N) - Rainbow Facet (V) - Rainbow Facet (M) - Rainbow Facet (B) - Rainbow Facet (CL) - Rainbow Facet (PN)

Gheed's Fortune - Annihilus - Hellfire Torch

Set Items:
Angelic Mantle - Angelic Sickle - Angelic Halo - Angelic Wings
Arcanna's Head - Arcanna's Flesh - Arcanna's Deathwand - Arcanna's Sign
Arctic Furs - Arctic Binding - Arctic Mitts - Arctic Horn
Berserker's Headgear - Berserker's Hauberk - Berserker's Hatchet
Cathan's Visage - Cathan's Mesh - Cathan's Rule - Cathan's Sigil - Cathan's Seal
Civerb's Cudgel - Civerb's Icon - Civerb's Ward
Cleglaw's Tooth - Cleglaw's Pincers - Cleglaw's Claw
Death's Touch - Death's Hand - Death's Guard
Hsarus' Iron Fist - Hsarus' Iron Stay - Hsarus' Iron Heel
Infernal Cranium - Infernal Sign - Infernal Torch
Iratha's Coil - Iratha's Collar - Iratha's Cord - Iratha's Cuff
Isenhart's Lightbrand - Isenhart's Horns - Isenhart's Case - Isenhart's Parry
Milabrega's Diadem - Milabrega's Robe - Milabrega's Orb - Milabrega's Rod
Sigon's Visor - Sigon's Shelter - Sigon's Sabot - Sigon's Guard - Sigon's Wrap - Sigon's Gage
Tancred's Skull - Tancred's Spine - Tancred's Hobnails - Tancred's Crowbill - Tancred's Weird
Vidala's Barb - Vidala's Ambush - Vidala's Fetlock - Vidala's Snare

Aldur's Stony Gaze - Aldur's Advance - Aldur's Deception - Aldur's Rhythm
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
Cow King's Horns - Cow King's Hide - Cow King's Hooves
Griswold's Heart - Griswold's Valor - Griswold's Redemption - Griswold's Honor
Haemosu's Adamant - Dangoon's Teaching - Taebaek's Glory - Ondal's Almighty
Hwanin's Splendor - Hwanin's Justice - Hwanin's Refuge - Hwanin's Blessing
Immortal King's Will - Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Immortal King's Soul Cage - Immortal King's Detail - Immortal King's Forge - Immortal King's Pillar
M'avina's True Sight - M'avina's Caster - M'avina's Embrace - M'avina's Icy Clutch - M'avina's Tenet
Naj's Circlet - Naj's Light Plate - Naj's Puzzler
Natalya's Totem - Natalya's Mark - Natalya's Shadow - Natalya's Soul
Guillaume's Face - Whitstan's Guard - Magnus' Skin - Wilhelm's Pride
Sazabi's Mental Sheath - Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Tal Rasha's Guardianship - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Sander's Paragon - Sander's Superstition - Sander's Taboo - Sander's Riprap
Telling of Beads - Laying of Hands - Dark Adherent - Rite of Passage - Credendum
Trang-Oul's Guise - Trang-Oul's Scales - Trang-Oul's Wing - Trang-Oul's Girth - Trang-Oul's Claws

El - Eld - Tir - Nef - Eth - Ith - Tal - Ral - Ort - Thul - Amn - Sol
Shael - Dol - Hel - Jo - Lum
- Ko - Fal - Lem - Pul - Um
Mal - Ist - Gul - Vex - Ohm - Lo - Sur - Ber - Jah - Cham - Zod

Celkový počet bodů: 70
Naposledy upravil(a) Fraxinus dne 22.01.2020, 15:47 hod., celkem upraveno 4 x.
...Ancients, go, go go!
Current Project: Popis skillů na Diablo2 centrále - zde je k nahlédnutí (100 % completed)

Uživatelský avatar
Currenly, I'm playing:Diablo 2

Re: MF turnaj vol. 10 - výsledky

Příspěvek od TeS » 27.12.2019, 13:02 hod.

WIndruid hc
Level 85

Unique Items:
The Gnasher - Deathspade - Bladebone - Skull Splitter - Rakescar - Axe of Fechmar - Goreshovel - The Chieftain - Brainhew - Humongous
Coldkill - Butcher's Pupil - Islestrike - Pompeii's Wrath - Guardian Naga - Warlord's Trust - Spellsteel - Stormrider - Boneslayer Blade - The Minotaur
Razor's Edge - Rune Master - Cranebeak - Death Cleaver - Ethereal Edge - Hellslayer - Messerschmidt's Reaver - Executioner's Justice

Rixot's Keen - Blood Crescent - Skewer of Krintiz - Gleamscythe - Griswold's Edge - Hellplague - Culwen's Point - Shadowfang - Soulflay - Kinemil's Awl - Blacktongue - Ripsaw - The Patriarch
Bloodletter - Coldsteel Eye - Hexfire - Blade Of Ali Baba - Ginther's Rift - Headstriker - Plague Bearer - The Atlantean - Crainte Vomir - Bing Sz Wang - The Vile Husk - Cloudcrack - Todesfaelle Flamme - Swordguard
Djinn Slayer - Bloodmoon - Lightsabre - Azurewrath - Frostwind - Flamebellow - Doombringer - The Grandfather

Felloak - Stoutnail - Crushflange - Bloodrise - The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Ironstone - Bonesnap - Steeldriver
Dark Clan Crusher - Fleshrender - Sureshrill Frost - Moonfall - Baezil's Vortex - Earthshaker - Bloodtree Stump - The Gavel Of Pain
Nord's Tenderizer - Demon Limb - Baranar's Star - Horizon's Tornado - Stormlash - Stone Crusher - Schaefer's Hammer - Windhammer Earth Shifter - The Cranium Basher -

Pluckeye - Witherstring - Raven Claw - Rogue's Bow - Stormstrike - Wizendraw - Hellclap - Blastbark
Skystrike - Riphook - Kuko Shakaku - Endlesshail - Witchwild String - Cliffkiller - Magewrath - Goldstrike Arch
Eaglehorn - Widowmaker - Windforce

Leadcrow - Ichorsting - Hellcast - Doomslinger COMPLETE
Langer Briser - Pus Spitter - Buriza-Do Kyanon - Demon Machine
Hellrack - Gut Siphon

Dimoak's Hew - Steelgoad - Soul Harvest - The Battlebranch - Woestave - The Grim Reaper
The Meat Scraper - Blackleach Blade - Athena's Wrath - Pierre Tombale Couant - Husoldal Evo - Grim's Burning Dead COMPLETE
Bonehew - The Reaper's Toll - Tomb Reaver - Stormspire

The Dragon Chang - Razortine - Bloodthief - Lance of Yaggai - The Tannr Gorerod COMPLETE
The Impaler - Kelpie Snare - Soulfeast Tine - Hone Sundan - Spire of Honor
Arioc's Needle - Viperfork - Steel Pillar

Gull - The Diggler - The Jade Tan Do - Spectral Shard
Spineripper - Heart Carver - Blackbog's Sharp - Stormspike COMPLETE
Wizardspike - Fleshripper - Ghostflame

Knell Striker - Rusthandle - Stormeye
Zakarum's Hand - The Fetid Sprinkler - Hand of Blessed Light COMPLETE
Heaven's Light - The Redeemer - Astreon's Iron Ward

Bane Ash - Serpent Lord - Spire of Lazarus - The Salamander - The Iron Jang Bong
Razorswitch - Ribcracker - Chromatic Ire - Warpspear - Skull Collector
Ondal's Wisdom - Mang Song's Lesson

Torch of Iro - Maelstrom - Gravenspine - Ume's Lament
Suicide Branch - Carin Shard - Arm of King Leoric - Blackhand Key -
Boneshade - Death's Web

Throwing weapons:
Deathbit - The Scalper COMPLETE
Warshrike - Gimmershred - Lacerator

Demon's Arch - Wraith Flight - Gargoyle's Bite

Greyform - Blinkbat's Form - The Centurion - Twitchthroe - Darkglow - Hawkmail - Venom Ward - Sparking Mail - Iceblink - Heavenly Garb - Boneflesh - Rockfleece - Rattlecage - Goldskin - Silks of the Victory
The Spirit Shroud - Skin of the Vipermagi - Skin of the Flayed One - Iron Pelt - Crow Caw - Spirit Forge - Duriel's Shell - Shaftstop - Skullder's Ire - Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Toothrow - Guardian Angel - Atma's Wail - Black Hades - Corpsemourn
Ormus' Robes - The Gladiator's Bane - Arkaine's Valor - Leviathan - Steel Carapace - Templar's Might - Tyrael's Might

Pelta Lunata - Umbral Disk - Stormguild - Steelclash - Swordback Hold - Bverrit Keep - Wall of the Eyeless - The Ward
Visceratuant - Moser's Blessed Circle - Stormchaser - Tiamat's Rebuke - Lance Guard - Gerke's Sanctuary - Lidless Wall - Radament's Sphere
Blackoak Shield - Stormshield - Spike Thorn - Medusa's Gaze - Head Hunter's Glory - Spirit Ward

Biggin's Bonnet - Tarnhelm - Coif of Glory - Duskdeep - Howltusk - The Face of Horror - Undead Crown - Wormskull
Peasant Crown - Rockstopper - Stealskull - Darksight Helm - Valkyrie Wing - Blackhorn's Face - Crown of Thieves - Vampire Gaze
Harlequin Crest - Steel Shade - Veil of Steel - Nightwing's Veil - Andariel's Visage - Crown of Ages - Giant Skull

Lenymo - Snakecord - Nightsmoke - Goldwrap - Bladebuckle
String of Ears - Razortail - Gloom's Trap - Snowclash - Thundergod's Vigor
Arachnid Mesh - Nosferatu's Coil - Verdungo's Hearty Cord

Hotspur - Gorefoot - Treads of Cthon - Goblin Toe - Tearhaunch
Infernostride - Waterwalk - Silkweave - War Traveler - Gore Rider
Sandstorm Trek - Marrowwalk - Shadow Dancer

The Hand of Broc - Bloodfist - Chance Guards - Magefist - Frostburn
Venom Grip - Gravepalm - Ghoulhide - Lava Gout - Hellmouth
Dracul's Grasp - Soul Drainer - Steelrend

Amazon: Stoneraven - Lycander's Flank - Titan's Revenge - Thunderstroke - Lycander's Aim - Blood Raven's Charge
Assassin: Shadow Killer - Bartuc's Cut-Throat - Jade Talon - Firelizard's Talons
Necromancer: Homunculus - Darkforce Spawn - Boneflame
Barbarian: Arreat's Face - Wolfhowl - Demonhorn's Edge - Halaberd's Reign
Sorceress: The Oculus - Eschuta's Temper - Death's Fathom
Druid: Jalal's Mane - Cerebus' Bite - Ravenlore - Spirit Keeper
Paladin: Alma Negra - Herald Of Zakarum - Dragonscale

Nagelring - Manald Heal - Stone of Jordan - Dwarf Star - Raven Frost - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Carrion Wind - Nature's Peace - Wisp Projector

Nokozan Relic - The Eye of Etlich - The Mahim-Oak Curio - Saracen's Chance - The Cat's Eye - Crescent Moon - Atma's Scarab - The Rising Sun - Highlord's Wrath - Mara's Kaleidoscope - Seraph's Hymn - Metalgrid

Kira's Guardian - Griffon's Eye

Rainbow Facet (Blaze) - Rainbow Facet (Frost Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Venom) - Rainbow Facet (Meteor) - Rainbow Facet (Blizzard) - Rainbow Facet (Chain Lightning) - Rainbow Facet (Poison Nova)

Annihilus - Gheed's Fortune - Hellfire Torch

Set Items:
Angelic Mantle - Angelic Sickle - Angelic Halo - Angelic Wings
Arcanna's Head - Arcanna's Flesh - Arcanna's Deathwand - Arcanna's Sign
Arctic Furs - Arctic Binding - Arctic Mitts - Arctic Horn COMPLETE
Berserker's Headgear - Berserker's Hauberk - Berserker's Hatchet COMPLETE
Cathan's Visage - Cathan's Mesh - Cathan's Rule - Cathan's Sigil Cathan's Seal - COMPLETE
Civerb's Cudgel - Civerb's Icon - Civerb's Ward
Cleglaw's Tooth - Cleglaw's Pincers - Cleglaw's Claw COMPLETE
Death's Touch - Death's Hand - Death's Guard COMPLETE
Hsarus' Iron Fist - Hsarus' Iron Stay - Hsarus' Iron Heel COMPLETE
Infernal Cranium - Infernal Sign - Infernal Torch
Iratha's Coil - Iratha's Collar - Iratha's Cord - Iratha's Cuff COMPLETE
Isenhart's Lightbrand - Isenhart's Horns - Isenhart's Case - Isenhart's Parry COMPLETE
Milabrega's Diadem - Milabrega's Robe - Milabrega's Orb - Milabrega's Rod COMPLETE
Sigon's Visor - Sigon's Shelter - Sigon's Sabot - Sigon's Guard - Sigon's Wrap - Sigon's Gage COMPLETE
Tancred's Skull - Tancred's Spine - Tancred's Hobnails - Tancred's Crowbill - Tancred's Weird
Vidala's Barb - Vidala's Ambush - Vidala's Fetlock - Vidala's Snare

Aldur's Stony Gaze - Aldur's Advance - Aldur's Deception - Aldur's Rhythm
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
Cow King's Horns - Cow King's Hide - Cow King's Hooves
Griswold's Heart - Griswold's Valor - Griswold's Redemption - Griswold's Honor
Haemosu's Adamant - Dangoon's Teaching - Taebaek's Glory - Ondal's Almighty
Hwanin's Splendor - Hwanin's Justice - Hwanin's Refuge - Hwanin's Blessing
Immortal King's Will - Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Immortal King's Soul Cage - Immortal King's Detail - Immortal King's Forge - Immortal King's Pillar
M'avina's True Sight - M'avina's Caster - M'avina's Embrace - M'avina's Icy Clutch - M'avina's Tenet
Naj's Circlet - Naj's Light Plate - Naj's Puzzler
Natalya's Totem - Natalya's Mark - Natalya's Shadow - Natalya's Soul
Guillaume's Face - Whitstan's Guard - Magnus' Skin - Wilhelm's Pride
Sander's Paragon - Sander's Superstition - Sander's Taboo - Sander's Riprap COMPLETE
Sazabi's Mental Sheath - Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Tal Rasha's Guardianship - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Telling of Beads - Laying of Hand - Dark Adherent - Rite of Passage - Credendum
Trang-Oul's Guise - Trang-Oul's Scales - Trang-Oul's Wing - Trang-Oul's Girth - Trang-Oul's Claws

El - Eld - Tir - Nef - Eth - Ith - Tal - Ral - Ort - Thul - Amn - Sol - Shael - Dol - Hel - Io - Lum - Ko - Fal - Lem - Pul - Um - Mal - Ist - Gul - Vex - Ohm - Lo - Sur - Ber - Jah - Cham - Zod

Celkový počet bodů: 579
Naposledy upravil(a) TeS dne 27.01.2020, 13:09 hod., celkem upraveno 19 x.

Quill Rat

Re: MF turnaj vol. 10 - výsledky

Příspěvek od alesh88 » 29.12.2019, 14:31 hod.

fury druid - HC - patch 1.14 - začnu dnes 29.12.19 - konec 6. ledna 2020

45 lvl - II Act Nightmare - RIP - tal rasha tomb - naběhnutí do kostlivců v úzkém koridoru (a ještě to byla nepravá kobka v rámci full clear hry :-D )

tímto děkuji za nalití nové zábavy do žil. další postavu nebudu začínat (zase příště).

Celkový počet bodů: 42
Naposledy upravil(a) alesh88 dne 06.01.2020, 10:02 hod., celkem upraveno 11 x.

Quill Rat

Re: MF turnaj vol. 10 - výsledky

Příspěvek od lukesss » 29.12.2019, 19:29 hod.

Build: Blizz soso
Styl: SC
Lvl: 84
Exp: 984M

Unique Items:
The Gnasher - Deathspade - Bladebone - Skull Splitter - Rakescar - Axe of Fechmar - Goreshovel - The Chieftain - Brainhew - Humongous
Coldkill - Butcher's Pupil - Islestrike - Pompeii's Wrath - Guardian Naga - Warlord's Trust - Spellsteel - Stormrider - Boneslayer Blade - The Minotaur
Razor's Edge - Rune Master - Cranebeak - Death Cleaver - Ethereal Edge - Hellslayer - Messerschmidt's Reaver - Executioner's Justice

Rixot's Keen - Blood Crescent - Skewer of Krintiz - Gleamscythe - Griswold's Edge - Hellplague - Culwen's Point - Shadowfang - Soulflay - Kinemil's Awl - Blacktongue - Ripsaw - The Patriarch
Bloodletter - Coldsteel Eye - Hexfire - Blade Of Ali Baba - Ginther's Rift - Headstriker - Plague Bearer - The Atlantean - Crainte Vomir - Bing Sz Wang - The Vile Husk - Cloudcrack - Todesfaelle Flamme - Swordguard
Djinn Slayer - Bloodmoon - Lightsabre - Azurewrath - Frostwind - Flamebellow - Doombringer - The Grandfather

Felloak - Stoutnail - Crushflange - Bloodrise - The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Ironstone - Bonesnap - Steeldriver
Dark Clan Crusher - Fleshrender - Sureshrill Frost - Moonfall - Baezil's Vortex - Earthshaker - Bloodtree Stump - The Gavel Of Pain
Nord's Tenderizer - Demon Limb - Baranar's Star - Horizon's Tornado - Stormlash - Stone Crusher - Schaefer's Hammer - Windhammer Earth Shifter - The Cranium Basher -

Pluckeye - Witherstring - Raven Claw - Rogue's Bow - Stormstrike - Wizendraw - Hellclap - Blastbark
Skystrike - Riphook - Kuko Shakaku - Endlesshail - Witchwild String - Cliffkiller - Magewrath - Goldstrike Arch
Eaglehorn - Widowmaker - Windforce

Leadcrow - Ichorsting - Hellcast - Doomslinger COMPLETE
Langer Briser - Pus Spitter - Buriza-Do Kyanon - Demon Machine
Hellrack - Gut Siphon

Dimoak's Hew - Steelgoad - Soul Harvest - The Battlebranch - Woestave - The Grim Reaper COMPLETE
The Meat Scraper - Blackleach Blade - Athena's Wrath - Pierre Tombale Couant - Husoldal Evo - Grim's Burning Dead
Bonehew - The Reaper's Toll - Tomb Reaver - Stormspire

The Dragon Chang - Razortine - Bloodthief - Lance of Yaggai - The Tannr Gorerod COMPLETE
The Impaler - Kelpie Snare - Soulfeast Tine - Hone Sundan - Spire of Honor COMPLETE
Arioc's Needle - Viperfork - Steel Pillar

Gull - The Diggler - The Jade Tan Do - Spectral Shard
Spineripper - Heart Carver - Blackbog's Sharp - Stormspike
Wizardspike - Fleshripper - Ghostflame

Knell Striker - Rusthandle - Stormeye
Zakarum's Hand - The Fetid Sprinkler - Hand of Blessed Light
Heaven's Light - The Redeemer - Astreon's Iron Ward

Bane Ash - Serpent Lord - Spire of Lazarus - The Salamander - The Iron Jang Bong
Razorswitch - Ribcracker - Chromatic Ire - Warpspear - Skull Collector
Ondal's Wisdom - Mang Song's Lesson

Torch of Iro - Maelstrom - Gravenspine - Ume's Lament
Suicide Branch - Carin Shard - Arm of King Leoric - Blackhand Key -
Boneshade - Death's Web

Throwing weapons:
Deathbit - The Scalper
Warshrike - Gimmershred - Lacerator

Demon's Arch - Wraith Flight - Gargoyle's Bite

Greyform - Blinkbat's Form - The Centurion - Twitchthroe - Darkglow - Hawkmail - Venom Ward - Sparking Mail - Iceblink - Heavenly Garb - Boneflesh - Rockfleece - Rattlecage - Goldskin - Silks of the Victory
The Spirit Shroud - Skin of the Vipermagi - Skin of the Flayed One - Iron Pelt - Crow Caw - Spirit Forge - Duriel's Shell - Shaftstop - Skullder's Ire - Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Toothrow - Guardian Angel - Atma's Wail - Black Hades - Corpsemourn
Ormus' Robes - The Gladiator's Bane - Arkaine's Valor - Leviathan - Steel Carapace - Templar's Might - Tyrael's Might

Pelta Lunata - Umbral Disk - Stormguild - Steelclash - Swordback Hold - Bverrit Keep - Wall of the Eyeless - The Ward
Visceratuant - Moser's Blessed Circle - Stormchaser - Tiamat's Rebuke - Lance Guard - Gerke's Sanctuary - Lidless Wall - Radament's Sphere
Blackoak Shield - Stormshield - Spike Thorn - Medusa's Gaze - Head Hunter's Glory - Spirit Ward

Biggin's Bonnet - Tarnhelm - Coif of Glory - Duskdeep - Howltusk - The Face of Horror - Undead Crown - Wormskull
Peasant Crown - Rockstopper - Stealskull - Darksight Helm - Valkyrie Wing - Blackhorn's Face - Crown of Thieves - Vampire Gaze
Harlequin Crest - Steel Shade - Veil of Steel - Nightwing's Veil - Andariel's Visage - Crown of Ages - Giant Skull

Lenymo - Snakecord - Nightsmoke - Goldwrap - Bladebuckle
String of Ears - Razortail - Gloom's Trap - Snowclash - Thundergod's Vigor
Arachnid Mesh - Nosferatu's Coil - Verdungo's Hearty Cord

Hotspur - Gorefoot - Treads of Cthon - Goblin Toe - Tearhaunch
Infernostride - Waterwalk - Silkweave - War Traveler - Gore Rider
Sandstorm Trek - Marrowwalk - Shadow Dancer

The Hand of Broc - Bloodfist - Chance Guards - Magefist - Frostburn
Venom Grip - Gravepalm - Ghoulhide - Lava Gout - Hellmouth
Dracul's Grasp - Soul Drainer - Steelrend

Amazon: Stoneraven - Lycander's Flank - Titan's Revenge - Thunderstroke - Lycander's Aim - Blood Raven's Charge
Assassin: Shadow Killer - Bartuc's Cut-Throat - Jade Talon - Firelizard's Talons
Necromancer: Homunculus - Darkforce Spawn - Boneflame
Barbarian: Arreat's Face - Wolfhowl - Demonhorn's Edge - Halaberd's Reign
Sorceress: The Oculus - Eschuta's Temper - Death's Fathom
Druid: Jalal's Mane - Cerebus' Bite - Ravenlore - Spirit Keeper
Paladin: Alma Negra - Herald Of Zakarum - Dragonscale

Nagelring - Manald Heal - Stone of Jordan - Dwarf Star - Raven Frost - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Carrion Wind - Nature's Peace - Wisp Projector

Nokozan Relic - The Eye of Etlich - The Mahim-Oak Curio - Saracen's Chance - The Cat's Eye - Crescent Moon - Atma's Scarab - The Rising Sun - Highlord's Wrath - Mara's Kaleidoscope - Seraph's Hymn - Metalgrid

Kira's Guardian - Griffon's Eye

Rainbow Facet (Blaze) - Rainbow Facet (Frost Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Venom) - Rainbow Facet (Meteor) - Rainbow Facet (Blizzard) - Rainbow Facet (Chain Lightning) - Rainbow Facet (Poison Nova)

Annihilus - Gheed's Fortune - Hellfire Torch

Set Items:
Angelic Mantle - Angelic Sickle - Angelic Halo - Angelic Wings COMPLETE
Arcanna's Head - Arcanna's Flesh - Arcanna's Deathwand - Arcanna's Sign
Arctic Furs - Arctic Binding - Arctic Mitts - Arctic Horn
Berserker's Headgear - Berserker's Hauberk - Berserker's Hatchet COMPLETE
Cathan's Visage - Cathan's Mesh - Cathan's Rule - Cathan's Sigil Cathan's Seal - COMPLETE
Civerb's Cudgel - Civerb's Icon - Civerb's Ward
Cleglaw's Tooth - Cleglaw's Pincers - Cleglaw's Claw COMPLETE
Death's Touch - Death's Hand - Death's Guard
Hsarus' Iron Fist - Hsarus' Iron Stay - Hsarus' Iron Heel COMPLETE
Infernal Cranium - Infernal Sign - Infernal Torch
Iratha's Coil - Iratha's Collar - Iratha's Cord - Iratha's Cuff
Isenhart's Lightbrand - Isenhart's Horns - Isenhart's Case - Isenhart's Parry COMPLETE
Milabrega's Diadem - Milabrega's Robe - Milabrega's Orb - Milabrega's Rod COMPLETE
Sigon's Visor - Sigon's Shelter - Sigon's Sabot - Sigon's Guard - Sigon's Wrap - Sigon's Gage COMPLETE
Tancred's Skull - Tancred's Spine - Tancred's Hobnails - Tancred's Crowbill - Tancred's Weird COMPLETE
Vidala's Barb - Vidala's Ambush - Vidala's Fetlock - Vidala's Snare

Aldur's Stony Gaze - Aldur's Advance - Aldur's Deception - Aldur's Rhythm
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
Cow King's Horns - Cow King's Hide - Cow King's Hooves
Griswold's Heart - Griswold's Valor - Griswold's Redemption - Griswold's Honor
Haemosu's Adamant - Dangoon's Teaching - Taebaek's Glory - Ondal's Almighty
Hwanin's Splendor - Hwanin's Justice - Hwanin's Refuge - Hwanin's Blessing COMPLETE
Immortal King's Will - Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Immortal King's Soul Cage - Immortal King's Detail - Immortal King's Forge - Immortal King's Pillar
M'avina's True Sight - M'avina's Caster - M'avina's Embrace - M'avina's Icy Clutch - M'avina's Tenet
Naj's Circlet - Naj's Light Plate - Naj's Puzzler COMPLETE
Natalya's Totem - Natalya's Mark - Natalya's Shadow - Natalya's Soul
Guillaume's Face - Whitstan's Guard - Magnus' Skin - Wilhelm's Pride COMPLETE
Sander's Paragon - Sander's Superstition - Sander's Taboo - Sander's Riprap
Sazabi's Mental Sheath - Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Tal Rasha's Guardianship - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Telling of Beads - Laying of Hand - Dark Adherent - Rite of Passage - Credendum
Trang-Oul's Guise - Trang-Oul's Scales - Trang-Oul's Wing - Trang-Oul's Girth - Trang-Oul's Claws

El - Eld - Tir - Nef - Eth - Ith - Tal - Ral - Ort - Thul - Amn - Sol - Shael - Dol - Hel - Io - Lum - Ko - Fal - Lem - Pul - Um - Mal - Ist - Gul - Vex - Ohm - Lo - Sur - Ber - Jah - Cham - Zod

Celkový počet bodů: 545
Naposledy upravil(a) lukesss dne 09.02.2020, 13:16 hod., celkem upraveno 5 x.

Uživatelský avatar
Minion of Destruction
Currenly, I'm playing:Diablo 2

Re: MF turnaj vol. 10 - výsledky

Příspěvek od Dragonius » 03.01.2020, 14:46 hod.

Postava: Paladin
Build: Hammerdin
Jméno: Dragonius
5. akt NM

Unique Items:
The Gnasher - Deathspade - Bladebone - Skull Splitter - Rakescar - Axe of Fechmar - Goreshovel - The Chieftain - Brainhew - Humongous
Coldkill - Butcher's Pupil - Islestrike - Pompeii's Wrath - Guardian Naga - Warlord's Trust - Spellsteel - Stormrider- Boneslayer Blade - The Minotaur
Razor's Edge - Rune Master - Cranebeak - Death Cleaver - Ethereal Edge - Hellslayer - Messerschmidt's Reaver - Executioner's Justice

Rixot's Keen - Blood Crescent - Skewer of Krintiz - Gleamscythe - Griswold's Edge - Hellplague - Culwen's Point - Shadowfang - Soulflay - Kinemil's Awl - Blacktongue - Ripsaw - The Patriarch
Bloodletter - Coldsteel Eye - Hexfire - Blade Of Ali Baba - Ginther's Rift - Headstriker - Plague Bearer - The Atlantean - Crainte Vomir - Bing Sz Wang - The Vile Husk - Cloudcrack - Todesfaelle Flamme - Swordguard
Djinn Slayer - Bloodmoon - Lightsabre - Azurewrath - Frostwind - Flamebellow - Doombringer - The Grandfather

Felloak - Stoutnail - Crushflange - Bloodrise - The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Ironstone - Bonesnap - Steeldriver
Dark Clan Crusher - Fleshrender - Sureshrill Frost - Moonfall - Baezil's Vortex - Earthshaker - Bloodtree Stump - The Gavel Of Pain
Nord's Tenderizer - Demon Limb - Baranar's Star - Horizon's Tornado - Stormlash - Stone Crusher - Schaefer's Hammer - Windhammer Earth Shifter - The Cranium Basher -

Pluckeye - Witherstring - Raven Claw - Rogue's Bow - Stormstrike - Wizendraw - Hellclap - Blastbark
Skystrike - Riphook - Kuko Shakaku - Endlesshail - Witchwild String - Cliffkiller - Magewrath - Goldstrike Arch
Eaglehorn - Widowmaker - Windforce

Leadcrow - Ichorsting - Hellcast - Doomslinger
Langer Briser - Pus Spitter - Buriza-Do Kyanon - Demon Machine
Hellrack - Gut Siphon

Dimoak's Hew - Steelgoad - Soul Harvest - The Battlebranch - Woestave - The Grim Reaper
The Meat Scraper - Blackleach Blade - Athena's Wrath - Pierre Tombale Couant - Husoldal Evo - Grim's Burning Dead
Bonehew - The Reaper's Toll - Tomb Reaver - Stormspire

The Dragon Chang - Razortine - Bloodthief - Lance of Yaggai - The Tannr Gorerod
The Impaler - Kelpie Snare - Soulfeast Tine - Hone Sundan - Spire of Honor
Arioc's Needle - Viperfork - Steel Pillar

Gull - The Diggler - The Jade Tan Do - Spectral Shard
Spineripper - Heart Carver - Blackbog's Sharp - Stormspike
Wizardspike - Fleshripper - Ghostflame

Knell Striker - Rusthandle - Stormeye
Zakarum's Hand - The Fetid Sprinkler - Hand of Blessed Light
Heaven's Light - The Redeemer - Astreon's Iron Ward

Bane Ash - Serpent Lord - Spire of Lazarus - The Salamander - The Iron Jang Bong
Razorswitch - Ribcracker - Chromatic Ire - Warpspear - Skull Collector
Ondal's Wisdom - Mang Song's Lesson

Torch of Iro - Maelstrom - Gravenspine - Ume's Lament
Suicide Branch - Carin Shard - Arm of King Leoric - Blackhand Key -
Boneshade - Death's Web

Throwing weapons:
Deathbit - The Scalper
Warshrike - Gimmershred - Lacerator

Demon's Arch - Wraith Flight - Gargoyle's Bite

Greyform - Blinkbat's Form - The Centurion - Twitchthroe - Darkglow - Hawkmail - Venom Ward - Sparking Mail - Iceblink - Heavenly Garb - Boneflesh - Rockfleece - Rattlecage - Goldskin - Silks of the Victory
The Spirit Shroud - Skin of the Vipermagi - Skin of the Flayed One - Iron Pelt - Crow Caw - Spirit Forge - Duriel's Shell - Shaftstop - Skullder's Ire - Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Toothrow - Guardian Angel - Atma's Wail - Black Hades - Corpsemourn
Ormus' Robes - The Gladiator's Bane - Arkaine's Valor - Leviathan - Steel Carapace - Templar's Might - Tyrael's Might

Pelta Lunata - Umbral Disk - Stormguild - Steelclash - Swordback Hold - Bverrit Keep - Wall of the Eyeless - The Ward
Visceratuant - Moser's Blessed Circle - Stormchaser - Tiamat's Rebuke - Lance Guard - Gerke's Sanctuary - Lidless Wall - Radament's Sphere
Blackoak Shield - Stormshield - Spike Thorn - Medusa's Gaze - Head Hunter's Glory - Spirit Ward

Biggin's Bonnet - Tarnhelm - Coif of Glory - Duskdeep - Howltusk - The Face of Horror - Undead Crown - Wormskull
Peasant Crown - Rockstopper - Stealskull - Darksight Helm - Valkyrie Wing - Blackhorn's Face - Crown of Thieves - Vampire Gaze
Harlequin Crest - Steel Shade - Veil of Steel - Nightwing's Veil - Andariel's Visage - Crown of Ages - Giant Skull

Lenymo - Snakecord - Nightsmoke - Goldwrap - Bladebuckle
String of Ears - Razortail - Gloom's Trap - Snowclash - Thundergod's Vigor
Arachnid Mesh - Nosferatu's Coil - Verdungo's Hearty Cord

Hotspur - Gorefoot - Treads of Cthon - Goblin Toe - Tearhaunch
Infernostride - Waterwalk - Silkweave - War Traveler - Gore Rider
Sandstorm Trek - Marrowwalk - Shadow Dancer

The Hand of Broc - Bloodfist - Chance Guards - Magefist - Frostburn
Venom Grip - Gravepalm - Ghoulhide - Lava Gout - Hellmouth
Dracul's Grasp - Soul Drainer - Steelrend

Amazon: Stoneraven - Lycander's Flank - Titan's Revenge - Thunderstroke - Lycander's Aim - Blood Raven's Charge
Assassin: Shadow Killer - Bartuc's Cut-Throat - Jade Talon - Firelizard's Talons
Necromancer: Homunculus - Darkforce Spawn - Boneflame
Barbarian: Arreat's Face - Wolfhowl - Demonhorn's Edge - Halaberd's Reign
Sorceress: The Oculus - Eschuta's Temper - Death's Fathom
Druid: Jalal's Mane - Cerebus' Bite - Ravenlore - Spirit Keeper
Paladin: Alma Negra - Herald Of Zakarum - Dragonscale

Nagelring - Manald Heal - Stone of Jordan - Dwarf Star - Raven Frost - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Carrion Wind - Nature's Peace - Wisp Projector

Nokozan Relic - The Eye of Etlich - The Mahim-Oak Curio - Saracen's Chance - The Cat's Eye - Crescent Moon - Atma's Scarab - The Rising Sun - Highlord's Wrath - Mara's Kaleidoscope - Seraph's Hymn - Metalgrid

Kira's Guardian - Griffon's Eye

Rainbow Facet (Blaze) - Rainbow Facet (Frost Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Nova) - Rainbow Facet (Venom) - Rainbow Facet (Meteor) - Rainbow Facet (Blizzard) - Rainbow Facet (Chain Lightning) - Rainbow Facet (Poison Nova)

Annihilus - Gheed's Fortune - Hellfire Torch

Set Items:
Angelic Mantle - Angelic Sickle - Angelic Halo - Angelic Wings
Arcanna's Head - Arcanna's Flesh - Arcanna's Deathwand - Arcanna's Sign
Arctic Furs - Arctic Binding - Arctic Mitts - Arctic Horn
Berserker's Headgear - Berserker's Hauberk - Berserker's Hatchet
Cathan's Visage - Cathan's Mesh - Cathan's Rule - Cathan's Sigil Cathan's Seal -
Civerb's Cudgel - Civerb's Icon - Civerb's Ward
Cleglaw's Tooth - Cleglaw's Pincers - Cleglaw's Claw
Death's Touch - Death's Hand - Death's Guard
Hsarus' Iron Fist - Hsarus' Iron Stay - Hsarus' Iron Heel
Infernal Cranium - Infernal Sign - Infernal Torch
Iratha's Coil - Iratha's Collar - Iratha's Cord - Iratha's Cuff
Isenhart's Lightbrand - Isenhart's Horns - Isenhart's Case - Isenhart's Parry
Milabrega's Diadem - Milabrega's Robe - Milabrega's Orb - Milabrega's Rod
Sigon's Visor - Sigon's Shelter - Sigon's Sabot - Sigon's Guard - Sigon's Wrap - Sigon's Gage
Tancred's Skull - Tancred's Spine - Tancred's Hobnails - Tancred's Crowbill - Tancred's Weird
Vidala's Barb - Vidala's Ambush - Vidala's Fetlock - Vidala's Snare

Aldur's Stony Gaze - Aldur's Advance - Aldur's Deception - Aldur's Rhythm
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
Cow King's Horns - Cow King's Hide - Cow King's Hooves
Griswold's Heart - Griswold's Valor - Griswold's Redemption - Griswold's Honor
Haemosu's Adamant - Dangoon's Teaching - Taebaek's Glory - Ondal's Almighty
Hwanin's Splendor - Hwanin's Justice - Hwanin's Refuge - Hwanin's Blessing
Immortal King's Will - Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Immortal King's Soul Cage - Immortal King's Detail - Immortal King's Forge - Immortal King's Pillar
M'avina's True Sight - M'avina's Caster - M'avina's Embrace - M'avina's Icy Clutch - M'avina's Tenet
Naj's Circlet - Naj's Light Plate - Naj's Puzzler
Natalya's Totem - Natalya's Mark - Natalya's Shadow - Natalya's Soul
Guillaume's Face - Whitstan's Guard - Magnus' Skin - Wilhelm's Pride
Sander's Paragon - Sander's Superstition - Sander's Taboo - Sander's Riprap
Sazabi's Mental Sheath - Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Tal Rasha's Guardianship - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Telling of Beads - Laying of Hand - Dark Adherent - Rite of Passage - Credendum
Trang-Oul's Guise - Trang-Oul's Scales - Trang-Oul's Wing - Trang-Oul's Girth - Trang-Oul's Claws

El - Eld - Tir - Nef - Eth - Ith - Tal - Ral - Ort - Thul - Amn - Sol - Shael - Dol - Hel - Io - Lum - Ko - Fal - Lem - Pul - Um - Mal - Ist - Gul - Vex - Ohm - Lo - Sur - Ber - Jah - Cham - Zod

Celkový počet bodů: 63
Naposledy upravil(a) Dragonius dne 04.02.2020, 10:28 hod., celkem upraveno 2 x.
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