... 10-12-2016
Here are the sets granted by Haedrig’s Gift in Season 8:
Barbarian – Immortal King’s Call
Crusader – Seeker of the Light
Demon Hunter – Natalya’s Vengeance
Monk – Uliana’s Stratagem
Witch Doctor – Spirit of Arachyr
Wizard – Vyr’s Amazing Arcana
škoda za wd bude set dobrej tak na firebaty
PS: pochopil jsem správně že set dung (+ mastery) zůstal v běžných úkolech pro stash?
Boss Mode (kill all 16 main bosses in 20 minutes on TX). This is the easiest conquest by far, even for a solo player; see guide here.
Curses! (kill 350 monsters in a Cursed Chest even on TX). Pretty straightforward and the second easiest conquest - you look for the "Cursed Peat" bounty in Path of the Drowned in Act V.
Divinity (GR75 solo) as usual.
Years of War (GR55 solo with six different class sets). Not as difficult as Divinity, but more time consuming.
Masters of the Universe (master 8 set dungeons). This one isn't as hard as it seems, you just have to gather the easiest sets. Here's a great thread with all guides for the different set dungeons; note though that the ranking is subjective. It may be easier to collect 2 sets from 4 classes rather than 4 sets from 2 classes!