od Aragorn » 23.05.2012, 19:01 hod.
S tím Black Soulstonem už jsem to měl předtím na jazyku, ale zapomněl jsem. Nicméně nebylo to tak (teď mi to úplně vypadlo), že Adria všechny ty duše démonů z toho Soulstonu inkarnovala do Leah, která jelikož byla z Diabla, tak ji ovládl (a všechny ostatní démony) právě on?
Imperius taky imho zcela určitě nesnese Tyraela zpátky, natož jako Archangela of Wisdom.
Tohle mne pobavilo (týká se to Malthaela, ale funny tam je ta zmínka o Imperiovi):
"When Sanctuary was discovered, he (Malthael) abstained from the vote to decide its fate, claiming that at the end of all things only he will prevail, despite this the rest of the Council(or at least Imperius) counted his abstinance as a vote for the destruction of Sanctuary."
Jinak ještě k Malthaelovi: "Malthael was unable to comprehend the destruction of the Worldstone and left the Angiris Council. Tyrael says that Malthael has gone mad, searching for the unknowable truths of life and death, endlessly wandering Pandemonium. Since he did not die, no new arch-angel has formed from the Crystal Arch to replace him, leaving a perpetual gap and imbalance in the Angiris Council. Following the rebirth of Diablo as the Prime Evil, and the Lord of Hell's destruction at the hands of the new Heroes, Tyrael took Malthael's place on the Angiris Council as the Angel of Wisdom. "
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