The game connection has been lost
Network DC. The game connection has been lost : Your Client has been disconnected from the server. Tak tohle mi posledni tri dny pise ve hre kdyz hraji . Vzdy tak po 15/30 minutach .. Obcas chybej i textury. Muj connect je bezproblemovej. PC taky ok. Vyhodi me to vzdy jen do menu hry .. dam resume a hned jsem zase ve hre. Nemate nekdo stejny problem ? Diky
M6 76GR 13:10
Re: The game connection has been lost
a nehrajes WW barbara?
edit:no, ale jestli ti chybi aji textury tak bude asi problem jinde...
edit:no, ale jestli ti chybi aji textury tak bude asi problem jinde...
Re: The game connection has been lost
Jo jo je pravda ze je to od te doby co jsem zacal hrat ww barbara ... To je takovej bonus k barbarovi nebo co ? A co stim ?
M6 76GR 13:10
Re: The game connection has been lost se to taky stavalo..asi stim nic delat nejde..nebo aspon ja o nicem nevim...
Re: The game connection has been lost
Zkus fullscreen windowed v nastaveni jinak v podstate nikdo neni schopny rict proc to dela a jak tomu predejit. Je to tak trochu kostlivec ve skrini Blizzardu
V podstate od vydani se to stale resi a lidi v Blizzardu udajne nedokozali pri jejich testech ten disconnect vyvolat za stovky hodin hrani lol (u mne to pravidelne delal WW i Tempest Rush). Aktualni vlakno kde se to resi vcetne feedbacku je tady a par tipu jak tomu zkusit zabranit ... ?page=5#87 tak snad neco z toho pomuze
V podstate od vydani se to stale resi a lidi v Blizzardu udajne nedokozali pri jejich testech ten disconnect vyvolat za stovky hodin hrani lol (u mne to pravidelne delal WW i Tempest Rush). Aktualni vlakno kde se to resi vcetne feedbacku je tady a par tipu jak tomu zkusit zabranit ... ?page=5#87 tak snad neco z toho pomuze
Re: The game connection has been lost
Tak na ticket Blizz zareagaval odkazem na tohle :
Click Start.
Click in the Search for Programs and Files text field.
Type CMD. Right-click on the first result, cmd.exe, and select Run as Administrator.
Type pathping > C:\pathping.txt and press Enter. Fill in the appropriate server address.
A file will be created on your C:\ drive called "pathping.txt" that contains the pathping information. Please be patient while waiting for the pathping command to complete; it will take several minutes to finish unless an error occurs. You will know it is done when the command prompt reappears.
Blby je ze mi to nejde ... napisisu za system32> C:\pathping.txt a napise mi to neco jako ze neni txt. neni nazev kterej se sa spustit nebo neco takoveho. ... Chtej po me moc, tak pockam na datadisk a tam uz to snad bude ok
Click Start.
Click in the Search for Programs and Files text field.
Type CMD. Right-click on the first result, cmd.exe, and select Run as Administrator.
Type pathping > C:\pathping.txt and press Enter. Fill in the appropriate server address.
A file will be created on your C:\ drive called "pathping.txt" that contains the pathping information. Please be patient while waiting for the pathping command to complete; it will take several minutes to finish unless an error occurs. You will know it is done when the command prompt reappears.
Blby je ze mi to nejde ... napisisu za system32> C:\pathping.txt a napise mi to neco jako ze neni txt. neni nazev kterej se sa spustit nebo neco takoveho. ... Chtej po me moc, tak pockam na datadisk a tam uz to snad bude ok
M6 76GR 13:10
Re: The game connection has been lost
Tak jsem to vyzkousel a soubor kterej se mi vytvoril na C: je jen prazdnej soubor a zadny info, bida
M6 76GR 13:10