Patch 2.0.3
The area of effect for the Fire Trenches in the Halls of Agony now better match their animations
There is now a short delay before Fire Trench damage is dealt
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where Erosion was causing Electrified to proc too frequently
Act Bosses now always drop a rare quality item
The Skeleton King no longer drops a Legendary item after using the "Reset Quests" button for level 60 characters
This bonus has been moved to Diablo for level 60 characters
Active Skills
Bug Fix: Hydras should now properly dissipate when the owner dies or leaves the game
Increased the internal cooldown attack rate to roughly match the player's attack speed to a maximum of approximately 2 attacks per second
Magic Weapon
Skill Rune - Deflection
Added an internal cooldown to the proc rate to be roughly once per attack
Level 1-60 crafted Legendary and Set pieces now require 2 Fiery Brimstones to craft
All low level crafted Legendary and Set pieces now require at least 1 Demonic Essence to craft
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where Legendary crafting recipes were rolling Rare level stats
In addition, a pass was made to ensure all Legendary crafted items are rolling with 6 total affixes
New Affix added: +Max Spirit for Monks
This affix rolls on Fist Weapons, Spirit Stones, and Combat Staves
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where 2-Handed Legendary weapons were rolling damage appropriate to 1-handed Legendary weapons
The area of effect for the Fire Trenches in the Halls of Agony now better match their animations
There is now a short delay before Fire Trench damage is dealt
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where Erosion was causing Electrified to proc too frequently
Act Bosses now always drop a rare quality item
The Skeleton King no longer drops a Legendary item after using the "Reset Quests" button for level 60 characters
This bonus has been moved to Diablo for level 60 characters
Active Skills
Bug Fix: Hydras should now properly dissipate when the owner dies or leaves the game
Increased the internal cooldown attack rate to roughly match the player's attack speed to a maximum of approximately 2 attacks per second
Magic Weapon
Skill Rune - Deflection
Added an internal cooldown to the proc rate to be roughly once per attack
Level 1-60 crafted Legendary and Set pieces now require 2 Fiery Brimstones to craft
All low level crafted Legendary and Set pieces now require at least 1 Demonic Essence to craft
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where Legendary crafting recipes were rolling Rare level stats
In addition, a pass was made to ensure all Legendary crafted items are rolling with 6 total affixes
New Affix added: +Max Spirit for Monks
This affix rolls on Fist Weapons, Spirit Stones, and Combat Staves
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where 2-Handed Legendary weapons were rolling damage appropriate to 1-handed Legendary weapons

Re: Patch 2.0.3
Patch 2.0.3 Hotfixes
The "Swing That Bloody Hammer!" achievement no longer requires crafting an item with Life Steal to complete. *
The "Gorging the Forge" achievement no longer requires crafting an item with Magic Find to complete.*
Projectiles reflected by Sokahr the Keywarden should no longer crit.*
Players should no longer be incorrectly informed that they have earned a bonus chest after failing a Cursed Chest wave event.*
Players matchmaking for Any Quest (or All Acts) games when no existing games are available should no longer receive an error.*
Skills that deal Physical damage should no longer benefit from items that increase elemental skill damage.*
Fixed an issue where players would occasionally be unable to complete the Skeleton King fight, which would block progression.*
The Grand Vizier:
This weapon will now appropriately drop with Intelligence for Wizards and Dexterity for Monks.*
Now properly has an internal cooldown on its Legendary affix proc.*
Homing Pads:
No longer makes players immune to crowd control effects while channeling Town Portal*
Damage prevented by Talisman of Aranoch, The Star of Azkaranth, Mara's Kaleidoscope, or Xephirian Amulet no longer splits to party members via the Unity Ring.*
Mirror Image
Hydras summoned by Mirror Images should now deal the appropriate amount of damage.*
Should now properly allow Wizards to pass over walls created by monsters with the Waller affix.*
The "Swing That Bloody Hammer!" achievement no longer requires crafting an item with Life Steal to complete. *
The "Gorging the Forge" achievement no longer requires crafting an item with Magic Find to complete.*
Projectiles reflected by Sokahr the Keywarden should no longer crit.*
Players should no longer be incorrectly informed that they have earned a bonus chest after failing a Cursed Chest wave event.*
Players matchmaking for Any Quest (or All Acts) games when no existing games are available should no longer receive an error.*
Skills that deal Physical damage should no longer benefit from items that increase elemental skill damage.*
Fixed an issue where players would occasionally be unable to complete the Skeleton King fight, which would block progression.*
The Grand Vizier:
This weapon will now appropriately drop with Intelligence for Wizards and Dexterity for Monks.*
Now properly has an internal cooldown on its Legendary affix proc.*
Homing Pads:
No longer makes players immune to crowd control effects while channeling Town Portal*
Damage prevented by Talisman of Aranoch, The Star of Azkaranth, Mara's Kaleidoscope, or Xephirian Amulet no longer splits to party members via the Unity Ring.*
Mirror Image
Hydras summoned by Mirror Images should now deal the appropriate amount of damage.*
Should now properly allow Wizards to pass over walls created by monsters with the Waller affix.*

Re: Patch 2.0.3
Nejvíc mě potěšilo, že drop legendárky bude místo SK u Diabla :-)
A pak oprava dmg u 2Hek ? ... jupí.
A pak oprava dmg u 2Hek ? ... jupí.

Re: Patch 2.0.3
zadne jupi, soudruzi se sekli a buffli jednoručky, dvouručky zustaly beze změn 

- The Butcher
- Příspěvky:1231
- Currenly, I'm playing:Diablo 2: Resurrected
- BattleTag:Firius#2998
Re: Patch 2.0.3
V patch notes je 2 handed legendary weapons a ten týpek na US battle netu zmiňuje pouze 2H normální. Ale pokud 1H legendary crafty jsou s dps 1300 a výš, tak je něco špatně anebo jdu ihned craftit 

- Quill Rat
- Příspěvky:47
- Currenly, I'm playing:Diablo 2: Resurrected
- BattleTag:Opickacze#2645
Re: Patch 2.0.3
Chci se zeptat... nepustí mě to do hry píše to že musím stahnout nový patch mam 2.02 ale jak mě to vyhodí nic nezačne automaticky stahovat jen tamm je zase play když zmáčknu najede hra a zase mě to vyhodí,že potřebuji patch nevíte co s tím?
Re: Patch 2.0.3
Hra je momentálně v režimu maintenance (údržby) takže dočkej času
taky to tak mám ...

- Still-Alive
- Doom Knight
- Příspěvky:548
- Currenly, I'm playing:Diablo 2: Resurrected
- BattleTag:StillAlive#2220
- Bydliště:Praha/Vsetín - klasická náplava :)
Re: Patch 2.0.3
Přepni na US servery, stáhni pach a čekej až pustí EU servery 

- Quill Rat
- Příspěvky:47
- Currenly, I'm playing:Diablo 2: Resurrected
- BattleTag:Opickacze#2645
Re: Patch 2.0.3
dqěkuji...já mylsel,že to je jen u mě
tak to si zase zahraju až po práci

- Talis
- Burning Soul
- Příspěvky:669
- Currenly, I'm playing:Diablo 2: Resurrected
- BattleTag:Talis#2996
- Bydliště:Brno
- Kontaktovat uživatele:
Re: Patch 2.0.3
Sakra zrovna včera sem zabil Diabla po restartu 
Opravu 2Hek by to fakt chtělo, tet když mi padne je to jasnej brim.

Opravu 2Hek by to fakt chtělo, tet když mi padne je to jasnej brim.
Re: Patch 2.0.3
jasné....log to US realm...instal patch.....relog na EU a čakať 

- Talis
- Burning Soul
- Příspěvky:669
- Currenly, I'm playing:Diablo 2: Resurrected
- BattleTag:Talis#2996
- Bydliště:Brno
- Kontaktovat uživatele:
Re: Patch 2.0.3
Se stáhne sám, jak to pustej ne ?
- Gorebelly
- Příspěvky:301
- Currenly, I'm playing:Diablo 2: Resurrected
Re: Patch 2.0.3
Naposledy upravil(a) EmhyrVarEmreis dne 11.12.2016, 12:42 hod., celkem upraveno 1 x.
Re: Patch 2.0.3
s US to ide lebo som sa logol do hry na svojej US postave
- Talis
- Burning Soul
- Příspěvky:669
- Currenly, I'm playing:Diablo 2: Resurrected
- BattleTag:Talis#2996
- Bydliště:Brno
- Kontaktovat uživatele:
Re: Patch 2.0.3
Podle mě v ROS ani MF nebude