Kdo by mě chtěl přidat v Overwatchi, které furt hraju, tak můj Battle tag je Zax#21395
Původně jsem myslel že pojedu Softcore, ale nakonce jsem se rozhodl pro Hardcore protože Plugy pár věcí usnadňují a nejsem žádnej amatér

Jak to vlastně pojedu:
7 Hardcore postav u kterých si budu libovolně měnit výbavu skilly a staty podle situace. Nechce se mi jet 50 různých buildů takže prostě například jen jeden barbarian, u kterého budu měnit výbavu/staty/skilly dle nálady a potřeby pro určitý build.Od začátku to chci jet na co nejvíce players a mezi postavami budu skákat dle libosti a podle toho co jsem zrovna našel a bude pro ně efektivní pro další postup. Například momentálně je Barbarian na lvl 23, ale nechci jít Duriela bez dobré zbraně, takže přehodím na další postavu. Třeba paladina, protože jsem našel unikátní Small shield s kterým by měl být duriel hračka. A nebo se bude hodit amazonce, možností je více. Hlavní je pro mě bezpečnost postav, opravdu nemám v plánu umírat.
Co je cílem:
Cíl je tří-fázový podle toho jak mě hra bude v budoucnu bavit. Základní cíl je složit grál, tudíž najít všechny unikátní a setové předměty a všechny runy. Po tomto úspěchu nastane fáze druhá a třetí, nevím která je těžší. Tyto fáze jsou najít všechny ethereal verze unikátních věcí a složit všechna runová slova včetně těch realmových. Tyto dvě fáze jsou v plánu pouze pokud mě hra ještě po normálním grálu vůbec bude bavit.
Moje postavy:
Sorceress Adria - lvl 28, ACT II Hotový
Barbarian Zax - lvl 23, ACT I Hotový
Paladin Zod - lvl 12
Amazon Chloe - lvl 6
Assassin Vex - lvl 1
Druid Alex - lvl 1
Necromancer Death - lvl 1
Nalezené předměty:
Unique Items:
The Gnasher - Deathspade - Bladebone - Skull Splitter - Rakescar - Axe of Fechmar - Goreshovel - The Chieftain - Brainhew - Humongous
Coldkill - Butcher's Pupil - Islestrike - Pompeii's Wrath - Guardian Naga - Warlord's Trust - Spellsteel - Stormrider - Boneslayer Blade - The Minotaur
Razor's Edge - Rune Master - Cranebeak - Death Cleaver - Ethereal Edge - Hellslayer - Messerschmidt's Reaver - Executioner's Justice
Rixot's Keen - Blood Crescent - Skewer of Krintiz - Gleamscythe - Griswold's Edge - Hellplague - Culwen's Point - Shadowfang - Soulflay - Kinemil's Awl - Blacktongue - Ripsaw - The Patriarch
Bloodletter - Coldsteel Eye - Hexfire - Blade Of Ali Baba - Ginther's Rift - Headstriker - Plague Bearer - The Atlantean - Crainte Vomir - Bing Sz Wang - The Vile Husk - Cloudcrack - Todesfaelle Flamme - Swordguard
Djinn Slayer - Bloodmoon - Lightsabre - Azurewrath - Frostwind - Flamebellow - Doombringer - The Grandfather
Felloak - Stoutnail - Crushflange - Bloodrise - The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Ironstone - Bonesnap - Steeldriver
Dark Clan Crusher - Fleshrender - Sureshrill Frost - Moonfall - Baezil's Vortex - Earthshaker - Bloodtree Stump - The Gavel Of Pain
Nord's Tenderizer - Demon Limb - Baranar's Star - Horizon's Tornado - Stormlash - Stone Crusher - Schaefer's Hammer - Windhammer - Earth Shifter - The Cranium Basher
Pluckeye - Witherstring - Raven Claw - Rogue's Bow - Stormstrike - Wizendraw - Hellclap - Blastbark
Skystrike - Riphook - Kuko Shakaku - Endlesshail - Witchwild String - Cliffkiller - Magewrath - Goldstrike Arch
Eaglehorn - Widowmaker - Windforce
Leadcrow - Ichorsting - Hellcast - Doomslinger
Langer Briser - Pus Spitter - Buriza-Do Kyanon - Demon Machine
Hellrack - Gut Siphon
Dimoak's Hew - Steelgoad - Soul Harvest - The Battlebranch - Woestave - The Grim Reaper
The Meat Scraper - Blackleach Blade - Athena's Wrath - Pierre Tombale Couant - Husoldal Evo - Grim's Burning Dead
Bonehew - The Reaper's Toll - Tomb Reaver - Stormspire
The Dragon Chang - Razortine - Bloodthief - Lance of Yaggai - The Tannr Gorerod
The Impaler - Kelpie Snare - Soulfeast Tine - Hone Sundan - Spire of Honor
Arioc's Needle - Viperfork - Steel Pillar
Gull - The Diggler - The Jade Tan Do - Spectral Shard
Spineripper - Heart Carver - Blackbog's Sharp - Stormspike
Wizardspike - Fleshripper - Ghostflame
Knell Striker - Rusthandle - Stormeye
Zakarum's Hand - The Fetid Sprinkler - Hand of Blessed Light
Heaven's Light - The Redeemer - Astreon's Iron Ward
Bane Ash - Serpent Lord - Spire of Lazarus - The Salamander - The Iron Jang Bong
Razorswitch - Ribcracker - Chromatic Ire - Warpspear - Skull Collector
Ondal's Wisdom - Mang Song's Lesson
Torch of Iro - Maelstrom - Gravenspine - Ume's Lament
Suicide Branch - Carin Shard - Arm of King Leoric - Blackhand Key
Boneshade - Death's Web
Throwing Weapons:
Deathbit - The Scalper
Warshrike - Gimmershred - Lacerator
Demon's Arch - Wraith Flight - Gargoyle's Bite
Greyform - Blinkbat's Form - The Centurion - Twitchthroe - Darkglow - Hawkmail - Venom Ward - Sparking Mail - Iceblink - Heavenly Garb - Boneflesh - Rockfleece - Rattlecage - Goldskin - Silks of the Victor
The Spirit Shroud - Skin of the Vipermagi - Skin of the Flayed One - Iron Pelt - Crow Caw - Spirit Forge - Duriel's Shell - Shaftstop - Skullder's Ire - Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Toothrow - Guardian Angel - Atma's Wail - Black Hades - Corpsemourn
Ormus' Robes - The Gladiator's Bane - Arkaine's Valor - Leviathan - Steel Carapace - Templar's Might - Tyrael's Might
Pelta Lunata - Umbral Disk - Stormguild - Steelclash - Swordback Hold - Bverrit Keep - Wall of the Eyeless - The Ward
Visceratuant - Moser's Blessed Circle - Stormchaser - Tiamat's Rebuke - Lance Guard - Gerke's Sanctuary - Lidless Wall - Radament's Sphere
Blackoak Shield - Stormshield - Spike Thorn - Medusa's Gaze - Head Hunter's Glory - Spirit Ward
Biggin's Bonnet - Tarnhelm - Coif of Glory - Duskdeep - Howltusk - The Face of Horror - Undead Crown - Wormskull
Peasant Crown - Rockstopper - Stealskull - Darksight Helm - Valkyrie Wing - Blackhorn's Face - Crown of Thieves - Vampire Gaze
Harlequin Crest - Steel Shade - Veil of Steel - Nightwing's Veil - Andariel's Visage - Crown of Ages - Giant Skull
Lenymo - Snakecord - Nightsmoke - Goldwrap - Bladebuckle
String of Ears - Razortail - Gloom's Trap - Snowclash - Thundergod's Vigor
Arachnid Mesh - Nosferatu's Coil - Verdungo's Hearty Cord
Hotspur - Gorefoot - Treads of Cthon - Goblin Toe - Tearhaunch
Infernostride - Waterwalk - Silkweave - War Traveler - Gore Rider
Sandstorm Trek - Marrowwalk - Shadow Dancer
The Hand of Broc - Bloodfist - Chance Guards - Magefist - Frostburn
Venom Grip - Gravepalm - Ghoulhide - Lava Gout - Hellmouth
Dracul's Grasp - Soul Drainer - Steelrend
Amazon: Stoneraven - Lycander's Flank - Titan's Revenge - Thunderstroke - Lycander's Aim - Blood Raven's Charge
Assassin: Shadow Killer - Bartuc's Cut-Throat - Jade Talon - Firelizard's Talons
Barbarian: Arreat's Face - Wolfhowl - Demonhorn's Edge - Halaberd's Reign
Sorceress: The Oculus - Eschuta's Temper - Death's Fathom
Druid: Jalal's Mane - Cerebus' Bite - Ravenlore - Spirit Keeper
Necromancer: Homunculus - Darkforce Spawn - Boneflame
Paladin: Alma Negra - Herald Of Zakarum - Dragonscale
Nagelring - Manald Heal - Stone of Jordan - Dwarf Star - Raven Frost - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Carrion Wind - Nature's Peace - Wisp Projector
Nokozan Relic - The Eye of Etlich - The Mahim-Oak Curio - Saracen's Chance - The Cat's Eye - Crescent Moon - Atma's Scarab - The Rising Sun - Highlord's Wrath - Mara's Kaleidoscope - Seraph's Hymn - Metalgrid
Kira's Guardian - Griffon's Eye
Rainbow Facet (Bl) - Rainbow Facet (FN) - Rainbow Facet (N) - Rainbow Facet (V) - Rainbow Facet (M) - Rainbow Facet (B) - Rainbow Facet (CL) - Rainbow Facet (PN)
Gheed's Fortune - Annihilus - Hellfire Torch
Set Items:
Angelic Mantle - Angelic Sickle - Angelic Halo - Angelic Wings
Arcanna's Head - Arcanna's Flesh - Arcanna's Deathwand - Arcanna's Sign
Arctic Furs - Arctic Binding - Arctic Mitts - Arctic Horn
Berserker's Headgear - Berserker's Hauberk - Berserker's Hatchet
Cathan's Visage - Cathan's Mesh - Cathan's Rule - Cathan's Sigil - Cathan's Seal
Civerb's Cudgel - Civerb's Icon - Civerb's Ward
Cleglaw's Tooth - Cleglaw's Pincers - Cleglaw's Claw
Death's Touch - Death's Hand - Death's Guard
Hsarus' Iron Fist - Hsarus' Iron Stay - Hsarus' Iron Heel
Infernal Cranium - Infernal Sign - Infernal Torch
Iratha's Coil - Iratha's Collar - Iratha's Cord - Iratha's Cuff
Isenhart's Lightbrand - Isenhart's Horns - Isenhart's Case - Isenhart's Parry
Milabrega's Diadem - Milabrega's Robe - Milabrega's Orb - Milabrega's Rod
Sigon's Visor - Sigon's Shelter - Sigon's Sabot - Sigon's Guard - Sigon's Wrap - Sigon's Gage
Tancred's Skull - Tancred's Spine - Tancred's Hobnails - Tancred's Crowbill - Tancred's Weird
Vidala's Barb - Vidala's Ambush - Vidala's Fetlock - Vidala's Snare
Aldur's Stony Gaze - Aldur's Advance - Aldur's Deception - Aldur's Rhythm
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
Cow King's Horns - Cow King's Hide - Cow King's Hooves
Griswold's Heart - Griswold's Valor - Griswold's Redemption - Griswold's Honor
Haemosu's Adamant - Dangoon's Teaching - Taebaek's Glory - Ondal's Almighty
Hwanin's Splendor - Hwanin's Justice - Hwanin's Refuge - Hwanin's Blessing
Immortal King's Will - Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Immortal King's Soul Cage - Immortal King's Detail - Immortal King's Forge - Immortal King's Pillar
M'avina's True Sight - M'avina's Caster - M'avina's Embrace - M'avina's Icy Clutch - M'avina's Tenet
Naj's Circlet - Naj's Light Plate - Naj's Puzzler
Natalya's Totem - Natalya's Mark - Natalya's Shadow - Natalya's Soul
Guillaume's Face - Whitstan's Guard - Magnus' Skin - Wilhelm's Pride
Sazabi's Mental Sheath - Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Tal Rasha's Guardianship - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Sander's Paragon - Sander's Superstition - Sander's Taboo - Sander's Riprap
Telling of Beads - Laying of Hands - Dark Adherent - Rite of Passage - Credendum
Trang-Oul's Guise - Trang-Oul's Scales - Trang-Oul's Wing - Trang-Oul's Girth - Trang-Oul's Claws
El - Eld - Tir - Nef - Eth - Ith - Tal - Ral - Ort - Thul - Amn - Sol
Shael - Dol - Hel - Io - Lum - Ko - Fal - Lem - Pul - Um
Mal - Ist - Gul - Vex - Ohm - Lo - Sur - Ber - Jah - Cham - Zod
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